Student Learning & Experience Committee

Operations Manual Provision


1.1Purpose of the Operations Manual

1.2Supporting University Policy Documents


2.1University Departments Involved in Partner Collaborative Provision

2.2Working with Schools of the University

2.2.1Subject Liaison

2.2.2School Student Learning & Experience Sub-Committees

2.3Committee Structure


3.1The University undertakes to:

3.2The Partner undertakes to:


4.1Quality Assurance at Institutional Level

4.1.1Confirmation of Institutional Approval (Institutional Review)

4.1.2Quality Assurance Processes and Threshold Quality Standards

4.1.3 Placements/Work-related Learning

4.1.4Collaborative Provision Continuous Monitoring and Enhancement Report: Institutional Level

4.1.5External Inspection Bodies

4.2Quality Assurance and Planning at Course Level

4.2.1Process for Approval of a New Course

4.2.2Changes to Existing Courses between Scheduled Periodic Reviews

4.2.3Multiple Intake Requests

4.2.4Periodic Review and Re-Approval of Courses

4.2.5Approval of an Additional or Change to a Location delivery for an existing relationship

4.2.6Partner Annual Quality Enhancement Visits

4.2.7Module Reports

4.2.8Course Reports

4.2.9Course Handbook

4.2.10Module Guide

4.2.11Teaching Staff

4.2.12Staff Development

4.2.13Copyright and Intellectual Property



5.1 Responsibilities for Marketing and the use of the University’s Name and Logo



6.2Entry Requirements

6.3Process of Approval, Formal Recognition and Monitoring of Third Party Courses for Direct Admission or Admission with Advanced Standing to Teesside University

6.4Application Procedure

6.5Enrolment and Registration


7.1Withdrawal or Suspension from the Course

7.2Assessment Boards

7.3Academic Misconduct

7.4Extenuating Circumstances

7.5Academic Appeals

7.6Student Complaints

7.7 Office of the Independent Adjudicator

7.8Official Confirmation of Results




8.1Roles in the School at Teesside University

8.1.1Associate Dean

8.1.2Link Tutor

8.1.3The Course Leader

8.1.4The Module Leader

8.1.5Administrative Support

8.2Roles at the Partner Institution


8.2.2Academic Director

8.2.3Course Leader

8.2.4Module Leader



9.1Setting, Moderating and Marking Assessments


9.1.2General Principles

9.1.3Setting of Assessments

9.1.4The Role of the Teesside University Module Leader in the Assessment of Modules

9.1.5Localised Assessments

9.1.6External Examiners External Examiner Reports

9.1.7Conduct of Assessments

9.1.8Conduct of Written Examinations

9.2Issue of Results to Students

9.2.1Certificates and Transcripts for Awards Delivered by a Collaborative Partner


10.1Module/Course Feedback

10.2Partner Staff/Student Liaison Meeting

10.3Course Continuous Monitoring & Enhancement


11.1Partner Staff Meeting

11.2Student Meeting

11.3Annual Quality Enhancement Visit Meeting

11.4Annual Quality Enhancement Visit Report

11.5Partner Annual Collaborative Provision Overview Report


12.1Overall Responsibility

12.2General Principles


Operations Manual Employe Provision


Ops Man E&I Annex 1 / Items to be included in Partnership/School Addendum


Ops Man E&I Annex 2 / Electronic Resources
Ops Man E&I Annex 3 / Teesside University and Partner Institution Indicative Staff Responsibilities
Ops Man E&I Annex 4 / Course Annual Cycle
Ops Man E&I Annex 5 / Guidelines for the Production of Marketing and Publicity Material
Ops Man E&I Annex 6 / CourseManagement and Monitoring


Operations Manual Employe Provision

AR (QS) / Academic Registry (Quality & Standards)
CCP / Contract for Collaborative Provision
CME / Continuous Monitoring Enhancement
DAE / Department for Academic Enterprise
DBS / Disclosure and Barring Service
FCD / Finance & Commercial Development
HBI / Head of Business Innovation
LTS / Learning and Teaching Strategy
OIA / Office of the Independent Adjudicator
OSCAR / Office of Student Complaints, Appeals & Regulations
PSRB / Professional, Statutory & Regulatory Body
QAA / Quality Assurance Agency
QEV / Quality Enhancement Visit
SAPS / Standard Administrative Procedures
SLEC / Student Learning & Experience Committee
SLS / Student & Library Services
SRM / Student Recruitment and Marketing
SSLESC / School Student Learning & Experience Sub-Committee
TQS / Threshold Quality Standard


Operations Manual Employe Provision


1.1Purpose of the Operations Manual

This Operations Manual is designed to assist Teesside University and the Partner's staff to implement the necessary activities that reflect University academic regulations, admissions procedures, quality assurance and enhancement procedures, and contractual Partnership arrangements, in a way which achieves comparable outcomes for students.

The University recognises different types of Collaborative Partnership activity as defined within Section E of the Quality Handbook,and all provision is subject to the regulatory and quality assurance requirements of Teesside University.

For each Partnership, there is normally an Addendum (see Annex 1, School & Collaborative Partner Addendum to the Operations Manual)which provides a specification for minimum contentand details any variations from this generic handbook and any processes specific to this Partnership.

In addition, the Quality Handbook must also be read in conjunction with the Quality Assurance Agency's (QAA) UK Quality Code for Higher Education, Part B: Assuring and Enhancing Academic Quality; Chapter B10: Managing Higher Education Provision with Others - UK Quality Codefor Higher Education.

1.2Supporting University Policy Documents

The University has a number of supporting documents that underpin this Manual:

  • The Contract for Collaborative Provision between the University and the Partner

This details the contractual arrangements between the University and the Partner, the Financial Memorandum and the Schedule of Approved Courses, and locations of delivery and agreed minimum target numbers. There is a requirement within the Contract for Collaborative Provision (CCP) to fulfil the obligations set out in this Operations Manual. The formal CCP contract is co-ordinated, managed and updated by School(s) in conjunction with the Legal and Governance Department.

  • Teesside University Student Handbook

The Student Handbookoutlines the services and facilities available to University students and the relevant University regulations which impact upon the student learning experience.

  • Teesside University Quality Handbook

The Quality Handbook sets out the necessary quality assurance and regulatory procedures to ensure effective planning, assessment and quality assurance and enhancement of courses. The Quality Handbook also contains relevant information connected with collaborative provision to support the above procedures, including necessary annexes and links to guidance and forms.

  • Learning and Teaching Strategy

The University’s Learning and Teaching Strategy (LTS) provides a framework for learning, teaching and assessment which will enable students to develop as lifelong learners able effectively to plan, manage and evaluate their own learning and development.

  • Teesside University Threshold Quality Standards

The University has established a set of Threshold Quality Standards (TQS)[1] which apply to all University courses. These are presented as a guide to good practice, identifying outcomes to be achieved in key activities and examples of how this can be done. These are being reviewed during 2017/18.

  • Academic Registry SharePoint Site

Partners are advised to make use of the Academic Registry SharePointSite which signpostsrelevant sections of the Quality Handbook, University regulations, and a range of useful reference material, such as guidance on course design and assessment. It also containsrelevant University staff contact details, provides information about staff development opportunities and up-to-date student data linked directly to the Finance and Commercial Development Department (FCD). It is maintained by Academic Registry (Quality & Standards) (AR (QS)) on behalf of the University and its Partners.

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Operations Manual Employer Provision


The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise & Business Engagement) is the initial point of contact between the Employer Partner and the University for all matters relating to the future development of the strategic Partnership between the Employer Partner and the University.

Following the establishment of a business case for large and complex new EmployerPartnerships, a Memorandum of Understanding is created and requires input from Legal and Governance Department, the Director of Finance and the relevant School.

AR (QS) in conjunction with theHead of Business Innovation (HBI) will manage the Partnership Collaborative Provision arrangements in the University, whilstSchools have operational responsibility for the delivery of the courses fromtheir School.

2.1University Departments Involved in Partner Collaborative Provision

  • Academic Registry

AR (QS) oversee the systems and processes associated with course development, Approval, Periodic Review, quality assurance and enhancement. Specifically, it is responsible for co-ordinating the Approval/Periodic Review of all Partner courses and working with relevant Schools on the course amendment process.

Short Awards (i.e., size of award etc.) are managed under the fast-track process for Approval and Periodic Review. Schools have devolved responsibility forthe approval process via a School Student Learning & Experience Sub-Committee (SSLESC) led event with additional representation from Academic Registry.

  • Finance and Commercial Development (FCD)

FCD has overall responsibility for the registration of all students and management of the University’s student record system. FCD should be contacted for advice on matters regarding registration and enrolment. Student Records Administration oversees the day-to-day administration of the records and issuing of certificates and transcripts.

2.2Working with Schools of the University

2.2.1Subject Liaison

Each School is responsible for making key appointments in respect of course management to ensure the effective operation within a particular academic discipline area. Each School will nominate a Link Tutorfor each course or cognate group of courses with an EmployerPartner. Each EmployerPartner is responsible for nominating an academic Course Leader who will liaise on subject matters with the designated School Link Tutor.

A directory of key University and Partner contacts will be maintained on the AR (QS) SharePoint site. It is a responsibility of the Partner and the School to report any changes to AR (QS) so the contacts list can be kept up-to-date.

2.2.2School Student Learning & Experience Sub-Committees

Within each School there is a School Student Learning & Experience Sub-Committees (SSLESC). This is chaired by an Associate Dean responsible for teaching and learning and reports to the University’s Academic Board, via the University’s Student Learning & Experience Committee (SLEC). SSLESC and its Chair have a number of key responsibilities with respect to Partnerships including:

  • Participation/Critical Read of documentation connected with Approval/Periodic Review events.
  • Oversight of modifications to courses between scheduled reviews.
  • Approval of all Partner staff CVs submitted as the course delivery team.
  • Support proposals for new titles.
  • Consideration of the Quality Enhancement Visit (QEV) reports prepared by the Link Tutor.
  • Consideration of External Examiner nominations.
  • Review of External Examiner reports.
  • Receipt of Partner Continuous Monitoring and Enhancement Reports (CME), via the Link Tutor, which are incorporated into the School Continuous Monitoring and Enhancement Report.

2.3Committee Structure

The University’s policy and strategy in relation to academic matters is the responsibility of the University’s Academic Board, which has a number of key Committees.

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3.1The University undertakes to:

  • Carry out processes connected with Partnership Approval and Periodic Review.
  • Carry out Approval and Periodic Review processes on behalf of courses to be delivered at the Partner Institution.
  • Oversight of Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body (PSRB) consideration, where relevant.
  • Hold all definitive approved course documentation in line with Teesside University’s Records Management Policy.
  • Offer effective course management through the appointment of a Link Tutor to liaise with the Partner on operational matters related to the delivery and assessment of the courses.
  • Provide senior level School support via the Associate Dean (Enterprise & Business Engagement) or nominee(see Section 8.1.1).
  • Make at least one Quality EnhancementVisit per year and provide a report of the outcomes to the Partner, SSLESC, HBIandAR (QS).
  • Appoint External Examiners and cover all associated costs in line with University payments to External Examiners.
  • Ensure that copies of all External Examiner reports are received by the Partner and that comments received from the Partner are incorporated into the formal response.
  • Oversee the approval of all admissions decisions and registration of applicants as students of the University.
  • Review and approve course handbook(s) annually, alongside anyagreed Addendum.
  • Provide appropriate administrative support to maintain records of student data.
  • Make arrangements for and Chair all Module, Progression & Award Boards (including all associated administration).
  • Ensure attendance, or virtual attendance, of nominated staff at Module, Progression & Award Boards.
  • Issue transcripts and certificates.
  • Liaise regarding local graduation ceremonies.
  • Provide an agreed range of staff development opportunities (see Section 12for further details).
  • Provide clear and up-to-date information, guidance and manage oversightrelating to academic regulations and quality procedures to ensure academic standards.
  • Make existing library and learning resources available online to HE students undertaking Teesside University awards at the Partner Institution, subject to licence restrictions.
  • Register the Partner's tutors as University Associates so that they will have access to electronic resources within the current licence restrictions (seeAnnex 2, Electronic Resources).
  • Feedback to the Partner Institution and students the outcomes of any evaluation from Continuous Monitoring and Enhancement.
  • Provide standard reports related to applications, enrolment, retention, progression and achievement.
  • Oversee the accuracy of published information where this makes reference to the University or awards of the University.
  • Undertake appropriate Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks, if appropriate.

3.2The Partner undertakes to:

  • Provide an appropriate HE management and administrative infrastructure and a senior point of contact for oversight of all Partner HE provision.
  • Engage in annual processes of academic planning and target setting.
  • Market courses effectively (in liaison with the University’s Student Recruitment and Marketing (SRM) Department and make every endeavour to recruit to target.
  • Recruit and admit students to courses in line with agreed entry requirements, targets and/or minimum numbers and University procedures.
  • Supply the University with accurate and timely information on enrolled and withdrawn students.
  • Identify a development team for any new course proposal and allocate sufficient resources to support the development.
  • Appoint a Course Leader to liaise with the University on matters of course management including recruitment, staffing, delivery, assessment, review and evaluation and student retention, progression and achievement.
  • Inform Teesside University, Academic Registrar, in advance of any planned change of ownership of the Partner in accordance with the CCP.
  • Provide an appropriately qualified and experienced team of staff to deliver the course as set out in the course approval documentation.
  • Consult the University promptly on all staffing changes by sending staff CV’s for approval to the relevant University School.
  • Support staff in their professional development, including acquiring knowledge of the University’s quality and regulatory requirements, and pursuing scholarly activity.
  • In conjunction with the relevant School(s), produce and reviewcopies Course Handbooks and Module Guidesannually to ensure they remain appropriate and contextualised, and contain current information from both the Collaborative Partner and Teesside University perspectives.
  • Prepare Continuous Monitoring and Enhancement reports at course and Institutional level, and module reports as appropriate which will include findings of the External Examiner reports in accordance with specified deadlines.
  • Ensure attendance of staff at agreed meetings for the purpose of conducting rigorous and standardised assessment and moderation practices (meetings may be conducted virtually).
  • Provide suitable teaching accommodation, appropriate library and ICT resources and associated study spaces and specialist equipment and laboratories for the delivery of Teesside University courses.
  • Facilitate access of University staff and External Examiners to staff teams and students as required.
  • Share External Examiner reports with staff and students at course boards and virtually.
  • Provide first line advice, guidance and counselling services to students.
  • Ensure students understand the academic regulations and appeals procedures within which the courses covered by this agreement are operated.
  • Operate disciplinary and complaints (not academic related) procedures.
  • Copy the University’s Office of Student Complaints, Appeals and Regulations (OSCAR) into any complaint outcome letter sent to a student by the Partner.
  • Provide named contacts for data and finance matters.

An indicative staff responsibilities list is provided for reference in Annex 3, and a Course Annual Cycle overview is available for reference in Annex 4.

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4.1Quality Assurance at Institutional Level

4.1.1Confirmation of Institutional Approval (Institutional Review)

The University has established a process for periodic confirmation of Partner Institutional Approval, known as Institutional Review. The intention of this process is to review whether decisions made at the original Institutional Approval of previous Partnership confirmation remain relevant and reflective of the developments in the Partnership during the intervening period. Institutional Approval is normally for six years but significant changes can prompt an earlier Institutional Review. These changes might include a significant change in the Partnership scale or significant new resources/facilities or an adverse quality judgement such as that identified in the CCP.

A 3 year mid-point check is completed on the Due Diligence arrangements for the Partnership. Further details can be found in Section E:Institutional Approval and Review of a Collaborative Partner and Approval, Monitoring and Periodic Reviewof Collaborative Provision Courses of the Quality Handbook.

4.1.2Quality Assurance Processes and Threshold Quality Standards

The University operates a process of TQS[2] which are presented as guides to good practice, identifying outcomes to be achieved in key activities and examples of how this can be done. The Partner will have demonstrated how their existing quality assurance procedures meet and maintain these TQS[3] through scrutiny in the Institutional Partnership Approval/Re-approval Confirmation stage.

4.1.3 Placements/Work-related Learning

The expectation and subsequent indicators of Chapter B10 of the QAA UK Quality Code apply to placements or work-related learning opportunities where these are credit bearing and the Partner is making the arrangements with a third party to support such learning opportunities. The University will consider the Partner’s overall policy and practices for the management of quality and standards in work place settings as part of the process for Institutional Approval (and subsequently kept under annual review). In addition, at course level where the course incorporates placement or work based learning, the arrangements that the Partner has in place to manage arrangements with third parties to secure the quality of student experience, will be subject to scrutiny as part of the course approval process and quality enhancement visits.