The Handmade Fair 2016

Site Induction Notes

This document is a summary of the site safety induction session it includes Emergency Proceduresand Site Safety Rulesfor all Fair personnel.

You are required to read this leaflet and sign the acceptance form which confirms you have understood and will abide by its contents. This is not optional.

Hampton Court Green and Hampton Court Palace

The Handmade Fair takes place on the Hampton Court Green, a site owned and managed by Hampton Court Palace.There is public access to the Hampton Court Green. Although the event site will be fenced in and secure you will need to drive through the green and so speed should be kept to below 5mph onsite. Drivers should be aware of the public at all times.

Do not under any circumstances enter Restricted Areas of Hampton CourtPalace without express permission of the site office.There is strictly no access to vehicles onto the private road North of the site (through the gate marked with the “Hampton Court House” sign).

All contractors and exhibitors should make every effort to avoid driving on the grass at all times within the show site. Nothing must be attached to or stored under the trees. We have installed temporary roads and an unloading pad and these solutions should be used. If you need to drive on the grass please speak to the site office in advance to seek permission and agree access. There is no parking within the show site. Vehicles must be removed once unloaded and parked in the designated car park adjacent to site. Only essential production vehicles will be allowed to remain on the show site.

Emergency Procedures

What to do in an Emergency (Don’t Panic!)

There could be up to 5,000 people on site during the fair. Some of them are likely to get into serious trouble in any number of ways.

YOU may be the person who helps them – so you need to know what to do. If in any doubt, call your Supervisor or Event Control to tell them what has happened and what help is needed:

  • Event Control is on Channel 1 on all fair radios (General Fair Enquiries and Updates)
  • The Operations Manager Nico Pianetcan be reached on 07825 182545, The Exhibitors and Caterers Operations liaison, Debs Brereton can be reached on 07779108626.

Once communicated, put the Event Control phone number in your mobile under 1Event Control (the ‘1’ will make it appear at the top of your phone book list).

You should always have a notebook and pencil (they work better in the rain) to make notes of significant events, phone or vehicle numbers, descriptions of lost children and any number of other things which may be useful to you or to the fair management.

Site Safety

Be Safe (Go Home Alive and Well after the Fair)

Whether you are a Handmade Fairemployee, a volunteer, a contractor, a bona-fide self-employed sub contractor, artist, performer, trader, exhibitors or any other type of worker, the fact that you are working on this site means that you need to know the information in this leaflet. By being on site you are agreeing to abide by the Handmade Fair‘Site Rules’ (see separate doc).

You are one of hundreds of workers on site and you all have a legal duty to take care of your own safety and not to do anything that may harm others. It sounds like an onerous responsibility, but you should take heart from the knowledge that the fair has been planned to reduce the risks of harm or injury to an acceptable level. You should not be asked to do anything you are not capable of. If you are asked to do something you believe to be unsafe or beyond your personal ability you have a duty to say ‘No.’ If in doubt contact your supervisor or escalate to Event Control and seek advice.


Only do work you know you are capable of, are equipped to do and always use the correct tool for the job.

Know where the first aid, fire exits and fire points are.

Do not take short cuts – do it properly or not at all.

If in doubt, ask – call your supervisor or escalate to Event Control / Site Officeor the Event Safety Officer.

Personal Protective Equipment

During the build and break periods all fair personnel will wear a High Visibility jacket. Other Personal Protective Equipment (e.g. stout shoes, gloves etc.) identified in your work method must also be used. Please note that it is the sole responsibility on contractors to provide ALL of their staff with suitable and sufficient PPE to complete their tasks safely.


The speed limit is ’walking pace’. Only drive street legal vehicles on site if you have a permit, licence and are sober. Use your headlights to add visibility. Do not use hazard lights. Use your indicators to signal which way you want to turn. If working near traffic or directing vehicles wear a high visibility waistcoat. Be alert to pedestrians and animals in the vicinity.

All vehicles onsite during the build / break require a ‘production’ vehicle pass. No vehicle is permitted to move around site during the show open period without an ‘essential’ vehicle pass.

Site Working Times / Production Vehicle Access Times / Show Open Times
Thursday 8th - Wed14th Sept
Thurs 15thSept / 08:00-20:00
08:00-22:00 / 08:00-20:00
Show Open:
Fri 16th Sept
Sat 17th Sept
Sun 18th Sept / 08:00-20:00
08:00-22:00 / 08:00-08:45 - 18:45-19:15*
08:00-08:45 - 18:45-19:15*
08:00-08:45 - 18:45-21:30 / 09.30-18:00
Mon 19th to Thursday 22nd / 08:00-20:00 / 08:00-20:00

*All non-essential vehicles off site by 8.45am on Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning and 19:15 in the evening!


Plant operators must have a valid current ‘ticket’ and carry it with them. All operators must register first with the Site Office, complete the Operators Form and present their ticket. No passengers are to be carried on forklifts or other plant unless a man-cage or seat is provided. Anyone working from a boom type ‘cherry picker’ must wear a work positioning harness on a short lanyard clipped low in the basket to prevent climbing on the basket rails, over reaching or accidentally falling out in some other way.

Work at Height

‘Work at height’ does not have to be very high (e.g. the back of a truck or standing on a box - both count as working at height). If you are working in any place where you could fall, make sure you are doing it properly. If in doubt, ask.

No free-climbing of any structure or installation is allowed. Ladders may only be used as access to higher levels and for very light work of short duration. If in doubt, ask.

Overhead Power Lines

STOP AND LOOK UP! Lightingruns, power, Internet, and PA system cables are sometimes flown from festoon scaffold poles and run overhead. If you are driving a tall vehicle or working at height always LOOK UP before you move.

Slips and Trips

Do not leave equipment, materials or other stuff lying around, tidy up as you work and when you finish. If you see a trip or slip hazard clear it up or call Event Control.

Manual Handling

Only lift and carry stuff if there is no alternative such as a forklift, barrow or trolley. Always ask for help if the load is too heavy, big or awkward for you - and always if it is over 25kg. Check the route is clear and you have somewhere to put the load down. Wear gloves and safety boots as appropriate (e.g. moving barriers). Keep your back straight and bend from the knees when lifting.


Do not touch, move, repair or interfere with any electrical equipment on site unless you are an electrician. If you see domestic (13 amp) fittings used out of doors call Event Control. If in doubt, ask.


Find out where your nearest fire point is. Report accumulated litter or rubbish. Report smells of gas or petrol. Do not smoke on duty and while driving plant or operating machinery. Keep fire exits clear.

If you spot a fire:

  • Raise the alarm locally and call Event Control
  • Clear the area
  • Tackle a small fire ONLY if you are competent to do so – otherwise just get out.


Exposure to loud noise can permanently damage your hearing. Always wear earprotection if working close to a source emitting noise.

Extreme Weather

Hot, cold, wet or windy, you should be properly dressed for the weather and have sun bloc, a hat, drinking water etc. depending on the conditions, and don’t forget it can change quickly. If in doubt, ask. Bringappropriate clothing with you.

Bomb Threat

Be alert to suspicious packages. Report any and all to Event Control

Think to yourself:


Is the Item:

Hidden – Deliberately hidden, not just left behind?

Obviously – Suspicious?

Typical – For what should be or is likely to be at the Fair?

If you think you are dealing with an obvious Explosive Device or other confirmed (as above) item;

Inform Event Control Immediately and THEY will inform the PoliceDO NOT TOUCH THE OBJECT

Accident and Incidents

If you have, or see, an accident or a ‘near miss’ you must report it. Reporting near misses means they can be prevented from turning into accidents next time.

Drink, Drugs and Smoking

The fair has an anti-drugs ethos and policy. Fair staff must not drink, smoke or be under the influence of drugs when on duty. Anyone found working under the influence of either (including prescription drugs if that have a negative effect on behaviour) will face disciplinary action including ejection from the site and police involvement.

Underground Services

Plansindicating the underground service routes on the Hampton Court Green are available in the site office. Always notify the Site Office, Operations manager or Safety Officer if your works involve digging, pegging or drilling. Ensure you are aware of underground service locations. If you are required to work near a service, ensure that you Cat Scan the area you are working before you begin.


You will be issued with a contractor wristband during the build period. Please collect your wristbands from the security office or site office and ensure you’re wearing them at all times.

The information in this document must be distributed to all personnel working onsite. A representative of every contractor must read and sign this document and must ensure that the information is supplied to the entire team accurately.