© 2012 Alston Publishing House Pte Ltd ScienceSMART Teacher’s Guide Grade 3 Scheme-of-Work
Chapter 1: Living Things and Their Life Processes
(Theme: Biology)
Total teaching time: 18periods (9 hours)
Section inTextbook / Teaching Time / Specific Instructional Objectives / Cambridge Primary Learning Objectives / Skills / Vocabulary / Resources
Content / Scientific Enquiry / Process Skills / 21st Century Skills
What Are the Life Processes in Humans and Other Animals? / 7 periods (3.5 hours) / Pupils should:
-know that humans and animals undergo life processes
-know that life processes include movement, respiration, sensitivity, nutrition, excretion, reproduction and growth
-be able to describe the various life processes in humans and animals / Know life processes common to humans and animals include
nutrition (water and food), movement, growth and reproduction (3Bh1) / Collect evidence in a variety of contexts to answer questions or test ideas. (Ep1)
Make generalisations and begin to identify simple patterns in results. (Eo1) / Analysing
Observing / Apply technology effectively
Be self-directed learners
Communicate clearly
Interact effectively with others
Make judgements and decisions
Reason effectively
Think creatively / Energy
Life process
Sensitivity / Textbook pages 3—10
Workbook Activities 1—3
URLs 1.1—1.7
Consolidation Worksheet 1
What Are the Life Processes in Plants? / 7 periods
(3.5 hours) / Pupils should:
-know that plants undergo life processes
-know that life processes in plant include movement, respiration,
-sensitivity, nutrition, excretion, reproduction and growth / (Topic not covered in Cambridge Primary syllabus.) / Collect evidence in a variety of contexts to answer questions or test ideas. (Ep1) / Analysing
Observing / Be self-directed learners
Make judgements and decisions
Reason effectively
Think creatively
Use systems thinking / Chlorophyll
Flowering plant
Non-flowering plant
Stomata / Textbook pages 11—16
Workbook Activities 4—6
Workbook Worksheet 1
URLs 1.8—1.12
Consolidation Worksheet 2
How Can We Tell Living Things From Non-living Things? / 4 periods
(2 hours) / Pupils should:
-understand and explain that the difference between living things and non-living things lies in the life processes that living things undergo which non-living things cannot, giving real life examples / Describe differences between living and non-living things using knowledge of life processes
(3Bh3) / Collect evidence in a variety of contexts to answer questions or test ideas. (Ep1) / Analysing
Comparing / Environmental literacy
Make judgements and decisions
Reason effectively
Think creatively / Textbook pages 17—21
Workbook Activities 7—8
Workbook Worksheet 2
URL 1.13
Consolidation Worksheet 3
Fun and Games
Exam Practice
Chapter 2: Sorting Living Things
(Theme: Biology)
Total teaching time: 20 periods (10 hours)
Section inTextbook / Teaching Time / Specific Instructional Objectives / Cambridge Primary Learning Objectives / Skills / Vocabulary / Resources
Content / Scientific Enquiry / Process Skills / 21st Century Skills
What Is Classifying? / 1 period (0.5 hour) / Pupils should:
-know that living things can be sorted into different groups according to their features
-know that there are four main groups of living things which are animals, plants, fungi and bacteria / Sort living things into groups, using simple features and describe rationale for groups (3Bh6) / Collect evidence in a variety of contexts to answer questions or test ideas. (Ep1) / Observing
Classifying / Think creatively
Reason effectively / Classify / Textbook pages 27—28
URLs 2.1—2.2
Consolidated Worksheet 1
How Can We Classify Animals? / 9 periods (4.5 hours) / Pupils should:
-know that six main groups of animals include mammals, birds, fish, insects, reptiles and amphibians
-know animals can also be classified into vertebrates and invertebrates
-know what common characteristics animals in each group have
-be able to classify animals according to their characteristics / Know that some animals have bony skeletons inside their bodies (4Bh1) / Collect evidence in a variety of contexts to answer questions or test ideas. (Ep1)
With help, think about collecting evidence and planning fair tests. (Ep3)
Observe and compare objects, living things and events. (Eo1)
Make generalisations and begin to identify simple patterns in results. (Eo5) / Observing
Inferring / Reason effectively
Make judgements and decisions / Abdomen
Common characteristic
Vertebrate / Textbook pages 29—39
Workbook Activities 1—3
Workbook Worksheets 1, 4
URLs 2.3—2.7
Consolidated Worksheet 2
How Can We Classify Plants? / 4 periods (2 hours) / Pupils should:
-know plants can be classified into flowering plants and non-flowering plants
-be able to classify plants in other ways / (Topic not covered in Cambridge Primary syllabus.) / Collect evidence in a variety of contexts to answer questions or test ideas. (Ep1)
With help, think about collecting evidence and planning fair tests. (Ep3)
Observe and compare objects, living things and events. (Eo1)
Make generalisations and begin to identify simple patterns in results. (Eo5) / Observing
Inferring / Reason effectively
Make judgements and decisions / Textbook pages 39—41
Workbook Activities 4—6
URL 2.8
Consolidated Worksheet 3
What Are Fungi? / 3 periods (1.5 hours) / Pupils should:
-know characteristics of fungi / (Topic not covered in Cambridge Primary syllabus.) / Collect evidence in a variety of contexts to answer questions or test ideas. (Ep1)
Make generalisations and begin to identify simple patterns in results. (Eo5) / Observing
Classifying / Manage projects / Bracket fungi
Yeast / Textbook pages 42—44
Workbook Worksheet 2
URL 2.9
Consolidated Worksheet 4
What Are Bacteria? / 3 periods (1.5 hours) / Pupils should:
-know characteristics of bacteria / (Topic not covered in Cambridge Primary syllabus.) / Collect evidence in a variety of contexts to answer questions or test ideas. (Ep1)
Make generalisations and begin to identify simple patterns in results. (Ep1) / Observing
Classifying / Health literacy / Bacteria / Textbook pages 45—47
Workbook Activities 7—8
Workbook Worksheet 3
Consolidated Worksheet 5
Fun and Games
Exam Practice
Chapter 3: Fit For Life
(Theme: Biology)
Total teaching time: 16 periods (8 hours)
Section inTextbook / Teaching Time / Specific Instructional Objectives / Cambridge Primary Learning Objectives / Skills / Vocabulary / Resources
Content / Scientific Enquiry / Process Skills / 21st Century Skills
What Are the Different Food Groups? / 6 periods (3 hours) / Pupils should:
-know that food can be sorted into different groups
-know that five main food groups include grains, meat, eggs and beans, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products
-- explore the nutrients contained in the foods and their functions / (Topic not covered in Cambridge Primary syllabus.) / Collect evidence in a variety of contexts to answer questions or test ideas. (Ep1) / Observing
Predicting / Be self-directed learners
Reason effectively
Communicate clearly / Calcium
Dairy product
Vitamin / Textbook pages 53 –57
Workbook Activity 1
Workbook Worksheet 1
URLs 3.1 – 3.4
Consolidation Worksheet 1
Why Is a Balanced Diet and Regular Exercise Important? / 7 periods (3.5 hours) / Pupils should:
-understand the essence of balanced diet and regular exercise and the ways to maintain them
-- be able to describe the importance of balanced diet and regular exercise / Explore and research exercise and the adequate, varied diet needed to keep healthy (3Bh3) / Collect evidence in a variety of contexts to answer questions or test ideas. (Ep1)
Observe and compare objects, living things and events. (Eo1)
Make generalisations and begin to identify simple patterns in results. (Eo5) / Analysing
Evaluating / Health literacy
Be self-directed learners
Collaborate with others
Manage projects
Interact effectively with others / Diet
Pulse rate / Textbook pages 58 – 64
Workbook Activities 2 – 5
Workbook Worksheet 2
URLs 3.5 –3.10
Consolidation Worksheet 2
How Can Some Foods Be Harmful to Our Health? / 3 periods (1.5 hours) / Pupils should:
-know consequences of over eating certain kinds of food / Know that some foods can be damaging to health e.g. very sweet and fatty foods (3Bh4) / Collect evidence in a variety of contexts to answer questions or test ideas. (Ep1)
Observe and compare objects, living things and events. (Eo1)
Make generalisations and begin to identify simple patterns in results. (Eo5) / Measuring
Analysing / Health literacy / Heart disease Overweight / Textbook pages 64–65
Workbook Activity 6
Workbook Worksheet 3
URLs 3.11 – 3.14
Consolidation Worksheet 3
Fun and Games
Exam Practice
Chapter 4: Introducing… Roots, Leaves, Stems and Flowers!
(Theme: Biology)
Total teaching time: 18 periods (9 hours)
Section inTextbook / Teaching Time / Specific Instructional Objectives / Cambridge Primary Learning Objectives / Skills / Vocabulary / Resources
Content / Scientific Enquiry / Process Skills / 21st Century Skills
What Are the Parts of a Plant? / 2 periods (1 hour) / Pupils should:
-know a plant is made up of different parts
-know that parts of plant include roots, stem, leaves, flowers, seeds and fruits / Know that plants have roots, leaves, stems and flowers (3Bp1) / Collect evidence in a variety of contexts to answer questions or test ideas. (Ep1) / Comparing
Classifying / Think creatively
Reason effectively / Bud
Stem / Textbook pages 71—72
Workbook Activities 1—2
URLs 4.1—4.3
What Are the Functions of Different Parts of a Plant? / 9 periods (4.5 hours) / Pupils should:
-understand the functions of roots, stem, leaves and flowers / Know that water is taken in through the roots and transported through the stem (3Bp3)
Know that plants need healthy roots, leaves and stems to grow well (3Bp4) / Collect evidence in a variety of contexts to answer questions or test ideas. (Ep1)
Suggest ideas, make predictions and communicate these. (Ep2) / Comparing
Predicting / Use systems thinking
Reason effectively
Environmental literacy / Anchor
Transport / Textbook pages 73—81
Workbook Activities 3—4
Workbook Worksheets 1—2
URLs 4.3—4.10
Consolidation Worksheet 1
What Do Plants Need to Grow Well? / 3 periods (1.5 hours) / Pupils should:
-know plants need light, water, carbon dioxide and nutrients to grow well
-be able to investigate how these factors affect plant’s growth / Explain observations that plants need water and light to grow (3Bp2)
Know that plants need energy from light for growth (5Bp1) / Suggest ideas, make predictions and communicate these. (Ep2)
With help, think about collecting evidence and planning fair tests. (Ep3)
Observe and compare objects, living things and events. (Eo1)
Measure using simple equipment and record observations in a variety of ways. (Eo2)
Draw conclusions from results and begin to use scientific knowledge to suggest explanations. (Eo4)
Make generalisations and begin to identify simple patterns in results. (Eo5) / Predicting
Communicating / Reason effectively
Manage projects / Energy
Photosynthesis / Textbook pages 82—84
Workbook Activity 5
Workbook Worksheet 3
URLs 4.11—4.12
How Does Temperature Affect Plant Growth? / 4 periods (2 hours) / Pupils should:
-know that plants need warmth to survive / Know that plant growth is affected by temperature (3Bp5) / Suggest ideas, make predictions and communicate these. (Ep2)
With help, think about collecting evidence and planning fair tests. (Ep3)
Observe and compare objects, living things and events. (Eo1)
Measure using simple equipment and record observations in a variety of ways. (Eo2)
Present results, in drawings, bar charts and tables. (Eo3)
Draw conclusions from results and begin to use scientific knowledge to suggest explanations. (Eo4)
Make generalisations and begin to identify simple patterns in results. (Eo5) / Measuring
Hypothesising / Use systems thinking
Reason effectively
Communicate clearly / Warmth / Textbook pages 85—87
URLs 4.13—4.16
Workbook Worksheet 4
Consolidation Worksheet 2
Fun and Games
Exam Practice
Chapter 5: Materials All Around Us
(Theme: Chemistry)
Total teaching time: 15 periods (7.5 hours)
Section inTextbook / Teaching Time / Specific Instructional Objectives / Cambridge Primary Learning Objectives / Skills / Vocabulary / Resources
Content / Scientific Enquiry / Process Skills / 21st Century Skills
What Types of Materials Are Out There? / 5 periods (2.5 hours) / Pupils should:
-be able to list some common materials around them
-know what objects are made by these materials / (Topic not covered in Cambridge Primary syllabus.) / Collect evidence in a variety of contexts to answer questions or test ideas. (Ep1) / Communicating
Analysing / Apply technology effectively
Be self-directed learners
Use systems thinking
Think creatively
Make judgments and decisions
Environmental literacy / Man-made
Manufacture Material
Natural material
Synthetic / Textbook pages 93—101
Workbook Activity 1
Workbook Worksheet 1
Consolidation Worksheet 1
URLs 5.1—5.10
What Properties Do Materials Have? / 7 periods (3.5 hours) / Pupils should:
-understand some properties of materials
-be able to tell properties of different materials / Know that every material has specific properties (e.g. hard, soft, shiny) (3Cp1)
Sort materials according to properties (3Cp2)
Explore how some materials are magnetic, but many are not (3Cp3) / Collect evidence in a variety of contexts to answer questions or test ideas. (Ep1)
Suggest ideas, make predictions and communicate these. (Ep2)
With help, think about collecting evidence and planning fair tests. (Ep3)
Make generalisations and begin to identify simple patterns in results. (Eo5) / Comparing
Organising / Use systems thinking
Reason effectively
Be self-directed learners
Communicate clearly
Interact effectively with others
Solve problems
Manage projects / Absorbent
Opaque Property
Waterproof / Textbook pages 102—109
Workbook Activities 2—6
Workbook Worksheets 2
Consolidated Worksheet 2
URLs 5.11—5.13
Consolidation Worksheet 2
How Do We Choose Materials to Make Objects? / 3 periods (1.5 hours) / Pupils should:
-know how to choose suitable materials to make objects / Discuss why materials are chosen for specific purposes on the basis of their properties (3Cp4) / With help, think about collecting evidence and planning fair tests. (Ep3)
Draw conclusions from results and begin to use scientific knowledge to suggest explanations. (Eo4)
Make generalisations and begin to identify simple patterns in results. (Eo5) / Observing
Communicating / Reason effectively
Communicate clearly
Think creatively
Collaborate with others
Be self-directed learners
Manage projects / Purpose / Textbook pages 110—113
Workbook Activity 7
Workbook Worksheet 3
URL 5.14
Consolidation Worksheet 3
Fun and Games
Exam Practice
Chapter 6: Pushes and Pulls
(Theme: Physics)
Total teaching time: 13 periods (6.5 hours)
Section inTextbook / Teaching Time / Specific Instructional Objectives / Cambridge Primary Learning Objectives / Skills / Vocabulary / Resources
Content / Scientific Enquiry / Process Skills / 21st Century Skills
What Are Pushes and Pulls? / 3 periods (1.5 hours) / Pupils should:
-know the difference between pushes and pulls
-understand the effects of pushes and pulls on objects / Know that pushes and pulls are examples of forces (3Pf1) / Collect evidence in a variety of contexts to answer questions or test ideas. (Ep1)
Observe and compare objects, living things and events. (Eo1) / Observing
Analysing / Communicate clearly
Make judgments and decisions
Think creatively
Interact effectively with others
Collaborate with others
Be self-directed learners / Textbook pages 119—120
Workbook Activities 1—2
Workbook Worksheet 1
URL 6.1 – 6.2
Consolidation Worksheet 1
What Is a Force? / 4 periods (2 hours) / Pupils should:
-understand how the size and direction of force affect the effects of forces / Know how forces can change the shape of objects (3Pf1) / Observe and compare objects, living things and events. (Eo1)
Measure using simple equipment and record observations in a variety of ways. (Eo2)
Draw conclusions from results and begin to use scientific knowledge to suggest explanations. (Eo4) / Observing
Inferring / Use systems thinking
Be self-directed learners
Reason effectively
Think creatively
Apply technology effectively / Direction Forcemeter
Newton / Textbook pages 121—124
Workbook Activities 3—5
Workbook Worksheet 2
URL 6.3
Consolidation Worksheet 2
What Are the Effects of Forces? / 6 periods (3 hours) / Pupils should:
-be able to describe what a force can do / Explore how forces can make objects start or stop moving (3Pf2)
Explore how forces can change the shape of objects (3Pf3)
Explore how forces, including friction, can make objects move faster or slower or change direction (3Pf4) / Observe and compare objects, living things and events. (Eo1)
Draw conclusions from results and begin to use scientific knowledge to suggest explanations. (Eo4)
Make generalisations and begin to identify simple patterns in results. (Eo5) / Communicating
Inferring / Think creatively
Interact effectively with others
Communicate clearly
Manage projects
Be self-directed learners
Work creatively with others / Speed Stationary / Textbook pages 124—125
Workbook Activity 6
Workbook Worksheet 3
URL 6.4
Consolidation Worksheet 3
Fun and Games
Exam Practice