Volunteer Ranger Service
The Dublin Mountains Partnership (DMP) has been established to improve the recreation potential of the public lands in the Dublin Mountains, while balancing recreation with the other key objectives of the various land owning organisations (commercial forestry, conservation, water collection). The DMP members are Coillte, the National Parks & Wildlife Service, Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, South Dublin County Council, Dublin City Council and Dublin Mountains Initiative (who represent the recreation users).
The Dublin Mountains Partnership vision is:
“The Dublin Mountains is a well resourced and well managed area of significant scenic and high nature conservation value that provides a:
· High quality recreation and amenity experience
· Breathing space for residents and well informed responsible visitors
· Sustainable economy for those who own and manage the land”
There were a number of reasons leading to the formation of this initiative including: recognition of a valuable resource close to the capital city; increasing urbanisation and increasing demands for access to the countryside; increasing demands for recreation facilities such as trails, signage, car parking, etc.; new recreation demands on the forest including mountain biking, horse-riding, scrambler biking; the need to manage anti-social behaviour; increasing usage leading to environmental damage to sensitive sites and soils; protection of cultural and natural heritage; and issues surrounding commercial forest operations in the Dublin Mountains.
The objectives of the Volunteer Ranger Service is to have a team of volunteers who are interested in supporting the work of the DMP and helping in the management of outdoor recreation.
The Volunteer Ranger Service aims to:
· Assist the public in appreciating the Dublin Mountains through education and communication
· Increase community involvement in, and awareness of, the management of the forest and mountain lands
· Develop volunteers’ personal understanding, knowledge and sense of belonging to the Dublin Mountains
· Promotion of the Leave No Trace principles
· Assist in practical conservation tasks
Personal Attributes
Volunteer Rangers should ideally live in or close to the Dublin Mountains. Whilst they come from all walks of life, volunteers have one thing in common – a love of the Dublin Mountains and the enthusiasm to help in its management. We are seeking self-motivated, outgoing people who are able to communicate to a wide and varied audience. You should have a reasonable level of fitness and enjoy meeting and working with people, providing assistance in a polite and constructive manner. While no formal qualifications are required candidates must have a love of outdoor recreation and an interest in natural history. Any previous experience of volunteering would be advantageous. Candidates must be over 18 years old, there is no maximum age limit.
We ask you to commit a minimum of 2 days a month to Volunteer Ranger duties (weekends or weekdays). Demand for these positions is high and consequently we are looking for commitment to volunteering with the Service in the long term. You will need your own transport to get to and from meeting points.
If candidates are selected, they will receive training over a 6 month period, with an induction weekend in November 2011. At the end of November, they will begin their duties which will involve all aspects of the job including patrolling the forest during busy days, helping the DMP recreation manager, helping with conservation tasks. After 6 months a review will be carried out and if both parties wish to proceed, Volunteer Rangers will be issued with uniform.
The Volunteer Ranger duties listed below are important in delivering the vision and action plan of the DMP and will be both beneficial to the management of the DMP and enjoyable for you.
· providing help and assistance to the visiting public in a friendly and courteous way, promoting a positive image of the Dublin Mountains and its management
· patrols on foot or by bike
· promoting responsible use through the Leave No Trace programme
· leading ramble and guided walks
· helping with events
· helping with practical conservation and trail maintenance work, for example cutting back vegetation, clearing drains and water bars, checking waymarkers, etc.
· litter picking
· providing information to visitors in car parks, conducting visitor surveys in car park areas.
Volunteer rangers can do so much to support the acquisition of skills and confidence to enable people to enjoy the benefits, health and quality of life that come with outdoor recreation and activity. The role will be of interest to people who are attracted to working in the outdoors and who enjoy dealing with the public and being of service in a recreation type environment. It is hoped that being a part of the Volunteer Ranger Service will develop volunteers’ personal understanding, knowledge and sense of belonging in the Dublin Mountains.
Application forms will be sent out and should be completed and returned 30th September 2011 to:
Karen Woods
Recreation Manager
Dublin Mountains Partnership
c/o Coillte, Dublin Road, Newtownmountkennedy, Co. Wicklow.
Volunteer Ranger Service
Application Form
Full Name: (Mr/Mrs/Miss[(]) _________________________________________________
Date of Birth: _______________________________ Age: _______________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
Email: ______________________________ Phone (home): _______________________
Phone (work): ________________________ Mobile: _______________________
Employment: Current occupation: __________________________________________
Present or last employer’s name & address: ___________________________
Do you have any disability? Yes / No*
Nature of disability ____________________________________________________________
Are you able to provide your own transport? ____________________________________
Please give details of any voluntary work you have undertaken:
Give brief details of your interests, hobbies, sporting and leisure activities:
Where did you find out about the Volunteer Ranger Service?
When are you available for duties? During the week / Weekends / Anytime [(]
Please give further details if necessary _________________________________________
We ask for a minimum commitment of two days per month. If you consider your typical month, how many days do you anticipate being available for VR duties? _________(in average month)
Are you available to attend an interview on Thurs 20th October, Fri 21st October or Sat 22nd October 2011? Yes / No*
Please give the name, address and telephone number of one person who can give you a reference as to your suitability for this position (not a member of your family).
Full Name: (Mr/Mrs/Miss*): _________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
Tel No: ______________________________
Why would you like to become a Volunteer Ranger?
What skills do you feel you can offer the Volunteer Ranger Service?
Please include communication skills, knowledge of Dublin Mountains (including its natural environment), practical skills, qualifications and experience relevant to this position.
Signed _________________________________ Date ________________
Please return completed forms by 30th September 2011 to:
Karen Woods, Recreation Manager, Dublin Mountains Partnership
c/o Coillte, Dublin Road, Newtownmountkenndy, Co. Wicklow or
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