“The Most Interesting Microbe in the World”

Microbes do amazing things! Fungi, viruses, bacteria, protozoa, algae, archea…they transform our world, keep us healthy, cause disease, affect the weather, clean up our messes, and so much more. The goal of this project is to allow you the opportunity to explore and write about a microorganism that you find to have fascinating characteristics. Here is the assignment:

  • Identify a microbe which you feel is worthy of the title “Most Interesting Microbe in the World” and write a maximum two page (single spaced) paper explaining the amazing traits.
  • You must base your essay onthe science found in a minimum of three primary research paper references. Make sure to in-text cite these papers as you summarize the research findings that make you feel this microbe is so fascinating. (If you are concerned about how to find primary research papers or which papers/literature are “primary research” articles, just ask.) Attach these minimum three research articles to the paper you have written when you turn it in.
  • Include a reference citation list at the end of the essay. Use any in-text citation and reference list format you feel comfortable with but please model it after a typical science journal citation format. (If you want a good reference, visit the Journal of Applied and Environmental Microbiology as a model)
  • Include the descriptions and scientific findings that make this microbe so interesting, but also explain why you personally find it interesting. In other words, insert some personal opinions related to the science you are summarizing from the primary research papers.
  • Web sites and other general information sources are also fine to include/summarize but be sure to cite these sources of information as well and make sure you do not copy! COPYING IS PLAGIARIZING!...and will result in an automatic score of zero on this assignment.
  • Remember, you are trying to convince your reader that this is the “most interesting microbe in the world”! Be scientifically accurate but also creative in your writing.
  • This project is worth 30 points and will be based on the clarity of writing, quality of writing, accuracy of the science reviewed/summarized, convincing the reader (Dr. Baker) that this microbe is truly interesting, and following these rules. Make sure this essay is edited, without typos, grammatically correct, and includes both good science and your personal defense of its fascinating characteristics.
  • DUE DATE: Dec. 1st, 2014