March 7

Rosenberg, Texas

Official Match Bulletin

HOSTED BY: Buckhorn Shooting Club (BSC)

SANCTIONED BY: National Rifle Association

CONTACT: Neil Shipley – – 979 865 5515 H – 979 270 1152(or 1142) C

LOCATION: Ft Bend County Fairgrounds off Hwy 36S in the County Extension Education Bldg., 1400 Band Rd. Take Hwy 36 S from US 59. The Fairground’s is about a mile down on the right. Range building is located on the left side of the big arena while facing the arena. Turn right onto Arena (sign will probably be missing) off of 36 past blinking yellow lights & then turn left at the stop sign. Go to parking lot & turn right & you will be facing the range building about 75 yards straight ahead.

ELIGIBILITY: 15 (as of 2015) & below. See CLASSIFICATIONS schedule below.

ENTRY LIMIT: There has to be at least 5individual shooters in this event to constitute Sectional/National

recognition & for shooters to be eligible for the NRA medallion awards.

ENTRY FEES: Individual - $15

Team (5 members only) - $10

ALL CHECKS MUST BE MADE OUT TO “Neil Shipley-Match Director”

REGISTRATION: Will be at the match, so come about an hour or so early to handle paperwork & setting up


ENTRY: Send anemailto the aboveCONTACTwith the shooter’s name & birth year.

TEAM ENTRY: Team members (5 only) must be designated at or beforeREGISTRATION. Team match is a

paper match (scores used from Individual matches).

CLASSIFICATIONS: Individuals – (subtract birth year from 2015 to determine age group below)

BB1: 13-15

BB2: 10-12

BB3: 9 & under

Teams – 5 members only & must be declared before or atREGISTRATION.

Mixed Teams - Teams that are not comprised wholly of members within the same age

category will enter in the age category of the oldest member.

FIRING STARTS: 9 AM. Each position will be completed by all shooters before going to the next


AWARDS: Awards are furnished by the NRA & will be given out after all the matches are completed.

MATCH RULES: Current NRA BB Gun Rules, current NRA Sectional BB Gun Rules, & the current Official

Match Bulletin will apply.

COURSE OF FIRE: 4x10 (prone, standing, sitting, & kneeling, in that order). One minute per record shot will be used in all positions.

COACHING: NRA Rule 6.7 Adult Firing Line Personnel - One adult team coach or other person so

designated shall be assigned toeach firing point to coach, assist in cocking rifles and to see that

safety measures are carried out. Shooters maycock their own BB gun if they so desire.

BB GUN: NRA Rule 3.1

TARGETS: Orion Scoring System

CHALLENGES: Handled by the Orion Scoring System

SIGHTS: NRA Rule 3.7.

TIES: NRA Rule 15