Yaniris Cintron

Tech and Asses

Final Exam


Category: Fitness

Health Profile

  1. Health Profile;
  2. I would rate this site 5 out of 5, very easy to use and good directions on how to proceed. It is pretty useful for the average person and can give a baseline for individuals increasing awareness of their health status.
  3. I would suggest making use of the extra space on the page underneath the primary questions. On the right side of the page there is bunched up advertisement as well as the log in information that someone might not see if they don’t scroll down. A table could fix the issue to insert the information and use up some of the empty space.
  4. I would add more personal information so that you as an individual wouldn’t be categorized in a broad way. Perhaps, what you job is to see if some physical activity comes from that and barriers so that you know what is standing in your way of being heathier.
  5. The information was accurate when I used the correct formula to calculate my bmi compared to what they came up with. The questions seem to fit the ACSM guidelines on needing an average of 30mins cardio 3x a week. The selections of food questions were pretty accurate.
  6. I could use this site to attract potential prospects in personal training to give them a tool as a baseline of where they are now, its simple and straight to the point. It also mentions things you can do to be better which can also be giving to employees.
  7. The calculator was used very well in completing bmi and the survey questions were very helpful in identifying my health status, the questions were nice and simple.

Fitness Level

  1. Fitness Level;
  2. I would rate this 4 out of 5, it wasn’t a complete 5 because the questions seemed very vague.
  3. I would add more relevant photos to brighten up the site and make It attractive.
  4. In order to improve the site, I would add information about what they are doing now daily so that they can have more in depth answers they just moderate.
  5. The information seemed to be accurate, a pretty good scale of choices per question.
  6. I could use this site when working with clients who are starting out their fitness routines and need to know what type of fitness level they are in.
  7. There was a use of surveys question conveyed pretty well with the product being your fitness level. I think better questions could have been asked but since it was mainly about fitness id say it is a good place to start.

One Rep

  1. One Rep;
  2. 5 out 5 because it was easy to use and showed you where you could be for your 1RM.
  3. I would improve this site by adding pictures and more colors for attraction, it’s kind of boring. Although, the tables were used very well and the external links were very informative.
  4. I would suggest adding how to get to the answer of calculating how to use a X amount of reps to determine the 1RM and percent of it.
  5. The information was accurate by using the 3 rep max calculator and knowledge I have received from Dr. Biren about power lifting. They had a good use of illustrations to determine what the weight is for % of RM.
  6. I could use this site to keep trust in cliental by bringing a print out of what % they need to work out if there goals are to increase 1RM.
  7. The calculator was used to predict 1RM and was very simple. It was useful and pretty accurate.

Target Heart Rate

  1. Target Heart Rate;
  2. I would rate this a 5 out of 5 for clarity and usefulness, easy to scroll and search for information.
  3. I would suggest using 100% of page so that all the information isn’t squeezed to the left side of the page. I would also incorporate different text and bold, since there is a lot of information given.
  4. I would include scenarios of different individuals and show how the target heart rate is different in certain populations.
  5. The information was accurate since the Karvonen Formula is a standard formula used in a lot of exercise curriculums and associations. Very good information on training zones that are very accurate on what physiological process your are using when exercising at a given heart rate.
  6. I could use the site to document and include in my exercise program on what my limit of training is for clients and the safety measures taken just by using the formula and informing them of this site and its knowledge on different areas of fitness that use this formula.
  7. There were no calculators although there was a link used to show the formula and its constructs. It would require simple math.

Fitness Assessment

  1. Fitness Assessment;
  2. 4 out 5, there was a lot going on and could be confusing as to where to look for something and what link to use.
  3. I would add different link colors to differentiate more and make it stand out, I would also reduce the links used and try to combine some under a topic, and then have sub groups so that we wont click on a bunch of links to get to it.
  4. I would show examples of why testing is beneficial for example if they had knowledge of muscle strength, vs endurance, vs power testing. I would also add the Percentile of what low-average-expert looks like on those fitness tests.
  5. The information seemed accurate, there was a lot going on, but there were standard ones like skinfolds and 1Rms that are popular and accurately described.
  6. I would use this site to improve some methods of personal training testing, I can have my clients research information as to why we perform some of the test if thy are not 100% clear on what it is used for and why it is being done, this will help with compliance.
  7. There were no use of calculators of survey, but tons of assessments for different fitness activities. The information provided was used very well when informing of different assessments that can be used.