Nombre _____________________________

Clase ________

Espa?ol II: Final Exam Review Sheet s

I. Los Adjetivos Posesivos . Write the following statements in Spanish. Pay attention to the long form and short form adjectives.

1. my dolls ___________________________________

2. the boyfriend of mine ___________________________________

3. the toy of ours ___________________________________

4. his nephew ___________________________________

5. your puppet ___________________________________

6. the twins of hers ___________________________________

7. the stepmother of ours ___________________________________

8. their stuffed animals ___________________________________

9. our friendship ___________________________________

10. the laughter of yours ___________________________________

II. Los Verbos Reflexivos . Write the following sentences in the imperfect tense using a reflexive pronoun.

1. They used to have fun. ___________________________________

2. We used to smile. ___________________________________

3. He used to behave badly. ___________________________________

4. I used to get angry. ___________________________________

5. You used to get bored. ___________________________________

6. She used to hide. ___________________________________

7. They used to realize. ___________________________________

8. We used to worry. ___________________________________

9. They used to sit down. ___________________________________

10. You used to fall down. ___________________________________

III. El Pretérito . Complete the following sentences using the preterite tense.

salir acampar perder jugar abordar

escribir conocer disfrutar comer pasar

1. Yo ____________________ el avión.

2. Los agentes de viajes ____________________ por seguridad.

3. El avión ____________________ del aeropuerto.

4. Tú ____________________ en las monta?as.

5. El viajero ____________________ su nombre en su boleto.

6. ?Mi familia y yo ____________________ nuestros pasaportes!

7. El piloto ____________________ una hamburguesa después del vuelo.

8. Nosotros ____________________ al ajedrez.

9. El auxiliar de vuelo ____________________ con los amigos.

10. Yo ____________________ a un hombre en la aduana.

IV. El Imperfecto.

A. Select the appropriate verb from the list and conjugate in the imperfect.

traer saltar ir trepar dar construir jugar dibujar ser contar

1. Yo _________________________ a los árboles.

2. Los gemelos _________________________ con las mu?ecas.

3. El chico _________________________ chistes.

4. El bebé _________________________ con bloques.

5. Tú _________________________ tímido.

6. Nosotros _________________________ unas marionetas a la fiesta.

7. Mi madrastra me _________________________ un mu?eco de peluche para mi cumplea?os.

8. Las hermanastras _________________________ la cuerda.

9. Mi sobrino y yo _________________________ muchas pinturas.

10. Los novios _________________________ al cine.

B. Write the following sentences in the imperfect.

1. I used to play (deportes)… __________________________________________

2. We used to run… __________________________________________

3. He used to see… __________________________________________

4. They used to write… __________________________________________

5. You used to sleep… __________________________________________

6. I used to go… __________________________________________

7. She used to study... __________________________________________

8. They all used to read... __________________________________________

9. We used to be (cararcterística)... __________________________________________

10. You used to dance... __________________________________________

V. Pretérito vs. Imperfecto . Conjugate the verbs in the preterite or the imperfect tense.

1. Yo _________________________ (tener) 5 a?os cuando empecé a pasear en bicicleta.

2. El otro día Juan _________________________ (salir) con su novia al cine.

3. La clase _________________________ (terminar) el trabajo a las dos de la tarde.

4. El ni?o _________________________ (ser) muy alto y grueso.

5. Los chicos _________________________ (estar) aburridos después de tomar apuntes.

6. Mis amigos y yo _________________________ (ir) a la playa todos los veranos.

7. _________________________ (Ser) la una y media de la noche cuando regresamos.

8. Una vez tú _________________________ (leer) el libro Don Quijote.

9. La profesora _________________________ (hablar) mientras los estudiantes escuchaban.

10. Los chicos _________________________ (practicar) el tenis ayer.

VI . Presente Progresivo . Write the following sentences in the present progressive.

1. I am serving. ___________________________________________

2. He is running. ___________________________________________

3. We are hearing. ___________________________________________

4. You are sleeping. ___________________________________________

5. They are studying. ___________________________________________

VII. Pasado Progresivo . Write the following sentences in the past progressive.

1. He was requesting. ___________________________________________

2. You all were giving. ___________________________________________

3. I was believing. ___________________________________________

4. We were leaving. ___________________________________________

5. They were going. ___________________________________________

VIII. Verbs like Gustar . Write the following sentences using the verbs like Gustar.

1. I am fascinated by the actor. __________________________________

2. He is missing the bill. __________________________________

3. Vegetables aren’t important to us. __________________________________

4. Soap operas bother you. __________________________________

5. They love cherries. __________________________________

V IIII . Direct Object Pronouns (DOPs) . Write the following sentences using a DOP.

1. I eat them (los tacos). _________________________________

2. We are going to serve it (la carne de res). _________________________________

3. You are watching it (el estreno). _________________________________

4. They meet her (la comediante). _________________________________

5. He is going to wash them (las cerezas). _________________________________

X . Indirect Object Pronouns (IOPs) . Write the following sentences using an IOP.

1. We make the bread for you. __________________________________

2. He is leaving the tip for her. __________________________________

3. I am going to pay the bill for them. __________________________________

4. You prepare the sandwich for me. __________________________________

5. They are going to bring the silverware for us. _____________________________

IX. Double Object Pronouns . Write the following sentences using a DOP and an IOP.

1. She gives them (las servilletas) to her. __________________________________

2. We serve it (la pasta) to them. __________________________________

3. You make it (el pan) for us. __________________________________

4. I leave it (la propina) for you. __________________________________

5. They bring them (los tacos) to me. __________________________________

IIX . Mandatos . Write the correct command form for each verb.

+tú -tú Ud. Uds.

1. poner _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

2. ser _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

3. tocar _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

4. llegar _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

5. servir _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

6. pensar _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

7. cruzar _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

8. conocer _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

9. traer _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

10. estirarse _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

11. lavarse _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

12. ba?arse _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________