2010 Pastoral Assessment Form: SPRC

Due December 1, 2010

CHURCH ______PASTOR ______

SPRC Chair:______Phone ______


NOTE: If your church has more than one appointed pastor, please use a separate form for each pastor.

Transformational Leaders are persons of spiritual depth, character, and integrity who demonstrate leadership through the life-changing experiences and ministries they shape, and bear fruit by leading communities which are intentional about making, equipping, and sending disciples of Jesus Christ.

  1. What intentional steps or efforts has your pastor taken in the past year to grow in character, increase skills, and deepen effectiveness as a transformational clergy leader?
  1. What results have you seen from these efforts in his/her ministry that let you know your pastor is growing in character, increasing in skills, and deepening his/her effectiveness as a leader for your congregation?
  1. What is your mission statement? How has the pastor led the congregation in fulfilling this statement?
  1. Please list other gifts and graces you identify in the pastor.
  1. Are there areas of needed growth? Please list.
  1. What suggestions have you made and how have you counseled the pastor in these areas of needed improvement?

2010 Pastoral Assessment Form: Pastor

Due December 1, 2010

Pastor______Church ______

Transformational Leaders are persons of spiritual depth, character, and integrity who demonstrate leadership through the life-changing experiences and ministries they shape, and bear fruit by leading communities that are intentional about making, equipping, and sending disciples of Jesus Christ.

  1. What intentional steps or efforts have you taken in the past year to grow in character, increase skills, and deepen effectiveness as a transformational leader?
  1. What results have you seen from these efforts in your ministry that let you know that you are growing in character, increasing in skills, and deepening your effectiveness as a leader for your congregation?
  1. How have you led the congregation in fulfilling its mission statement?
  1. In what ways do you practice Wesley's means of grace? (prayer, fasting, Scripture, acts of mercy, the Lord's supper, spiritual conferencing)
  1. What were/are the dates of at least four weeks' vacation in this current appointment year?
  1. What days do you take for personal/family time?
  1. How many hours per week do you work?
  1. List significant involvement beyond the local church (community, District, Conference, General Church)