Kean University Outstanding Clinical Intern Awards
Instructions and Checklist for Eligibility
1. / General- Minimum GPA Requirement: Undergraduate Students: 3.5; Post-Bac & Graduate Students: 3.75
- Must be received by December 1 (fall candidates) or April 1 (spring candidates).
- Must contain one complete application and two (2)copies.
- Application must be typedand collated in the order listed below (See #7).
2. / Nomination Form
- Must be typed. (Complete online)
- Semester and Year can ONLY be for the current academic year (fall and spring).
- Must be SIGNED and dated at the bottom.
3. / Resume
- Must by typed and have intern’s name at the top.
4. / Two Letters of Recommendation
- Must be typed, dated, and SIGNED.
- One letter of recommendation submitted on Kean University official stationery must be from the intern’s clinical supervisor/clinical instructor
- One letter of recommendation from the intern’s cooperating teacher on district/school letterhead
- Letters should: 1) describe the intern as a learner and 2) cite two to three specific examples in areas such as
5. / Intern Personal Essay
- Must be doubled spaced and typed using organization and grammar; correct punctuation and spelling.
- In 250-300 words, please respond to the following: Explain a challenging situation you encountered during your student teaching experience and the steps you took to resolve it. What did you learn from that experience?
- Rubric for scoring the statement is found on the next page of Handbook III.
6. / In recognition of successful completion of the clinical internship, one or more outstanding interns may be selected from the following programs. Student may be an UG, Post-Bac or GR.
-Bilingual -Music
-Early Childhood -Physical Education & Health
-Elementary K-5 -Secondary Ed. (English, ESL, Mathematics, Sciences,
-Elementary/Middle K-5/5-8 Social Studies, Spanish, Theatre)
-Fine Arts -Teacher of Students w/Disabilities
7. / The following items are to be included in a completed application packet:
- A typed, completed and signedNomination Form (2 pages) including
- Intern’s typed biographical information to be included in program of awards ceremony
- A typed copy of the intern’s resume
- Typed, signed and dated recommendations(2) from:
- the intern’s clinical supervisor or clinical instructor on Kean letterhead;
- the intern’s cooperating teacher on district/school letterhead
- Intern’s personal essay, typed.
8. / Outstanding clinical interns are chosen by an independent committee of educators including school district faculty and administrators, university faculty, and previous winners.
9. / Please be certain that the items in the completed application are paper-clipped together in the order indicated in #7 above and received no later than December 1(Fall candidates) or April 1(Spring candidates) by the:
215 Hennings Hall
Union, NJ 07083
O:\KEANDOCS\Nominations for Outstanding Prof. Intern\Kean University Distinguished Professional Intern Awards Checklist 2.doc 08/05/15