2017-2018 Jane Long Intermediate School
Family Involvement Plan
Submitted by JLIS Parent Involvement committee

The primary goal of the Jane Long Intermediate School Family Involvement Plan is to promote education as a family affair. Parents and family members truly are each child’s first and most important teachers.

  • Encourage and educate families to become a part of their child’s success bycreating a climate at Jane Long Intermediate School where families can be awilling part in the education of their children.
  • Involve families by going to them in their neighborhoods and work place,as well as welcoming them into the schools.
  • Help by giving information to families and community members oftenthrough TV, radio, newsletter, social media, notes, flyers, and phone calls on how parents and family members can be involved in a child’s education andsuccess.
  • Work with parents and family members as partners in each child’s success.

These Goals Will Be Accomplished By:

1. Communications from school to home will be written in the language andliteracy level of the home.

2. JLIS staff, parents, family and community members believe that the basic

parts of a strong family involvement program are:
• Making and putting into action a family involvement policy.
• Putting the policy to work at the campus level.
• A commitment from teachers to talk or write parents/or family members often about the child’s progress in a positive way.
• A commitment from parents to talk or connect often with teachers and find ways to be involved in their child’s education.
• A community that supports the school district and strives to be informed andto keep others informed.

3.To promote strong connections between home and school, JLIS will:

• Promote family involvement early in the year through home visits, phone calls,notes home, parent/teacher conferences, emails, Tuesday Folders, Lobo Camp, and family events.

• Send home frequent progress reports.

• Respond quickly to parents’ questions and concerns.

  • Communicate in an ongoing manner expectations and policies regarding state assessment, graduation requirements, attendance policies and classroom and district curriculum practices.

4. Family Involvement activities and events will be offered at a variety oftimes

5. Annually, meetings involving families, faculty and staff will be held to discuss and review the campus family involvement plan, programs, budget, and changes.

6. Jane Long Intermediate School will provide training to faculty and staff to enhance and promote family involvement. This training will be offered during regular campus staff development days.

7. Jane Long Intermediate School family involvement will be evaluated each year on the campus level.

8. Strategies for on-going involvement of families in developing a family involvement plan are:

  • Develop a place in the CPIC for family involvement.
  • Hold a parent involvement meeting before the start of school, invite guests on family involvement day, have breakout sessions.
  • Work hard to share with parents what is taught, available programs and resources, school rules, and consequences.
  • Explain special education and other special programs in a better way.
  • Make parents feel welcome at any time.
  • Understand an informed parent is an understanding parent.
  • Include Parent feedback and contribution of the plan, when submitting the plan to the district.

9. The student-parent-teacher compact describes how parents, family members, faculty, staff, and students will share responsibility and share success for the academic achievement of each child .

The school-parent-teacher compact is evaluated annually. The compact is then reviewed as needed to reflect input from families, faculty, and staff. The compact is distributed in the following ways:

  • Ice Cream Social
  • Open House
  • Meet the teacher
  • Tuesday Folders.
  • Parent/teacher conferences.
  • As parents come to school for various reasons.