2012-2013Course Syllabus/Parent Notification Letter
Deer Creek High School
Course Title: English EssentialsCredit: 1 Instructor: Mrs. Qualls
Room Number:129Extension: Planning time: 5th
School Email:
Twitter: Jamie Qualls @MyQTips
Web Address:
Please access for updated class information.
Curriculum Standards:This class will follow the Oklahoma Common Core State Standards for grade 10 Language Arts. More information can be obtained by going to the following link: .
Course Content:(subject to change based on time)
- Daily Oral Language/Sentence Writing Strategy
- Vocabulary, dictation
- Modes of Writing—Narrative, Descriptive, Reflective, Expository, Persuasive
- 6 Traits of Writing—Idea, Voice, Organization, Conventions, Word Choice, Fluency
- Research
- Literary/Historical Allusions/References
- Short stories & non-fiction literature selections
- Independent reading, oral reading
- Listening/Life Skills
- Oral language skills, public speaking
Class activities will include writing based on literature readings, analyzing literature individually and in groups, weekly journaling, reading for comprehension and pleasure, note-taking, public speaking, developing skills in working in groups, grammar instruction and self-reflection for the purpose of strengthening academic skills.
Academic Vocabulary:Language arts academic vocabulary can be found at .
Assessment practices:All student work is not always graded. Some work is designed for instruction and practice. Grades are given on course work that is used to demonstrate student knowledge and competency. (We don’t give baseball players credit for homeruns hit in practice – they have to hit it out during the game!)
Formative/summative tests required:All students will take required benchmarks and EOI’s for their grade level. All students will take a semester final worth 10% of their final grade each semester. Tests and quizzes will be given throughout a semester in order to evaluate student achievement.
Grading scale: Students earn credit by:
Daily work 30% in class assignments, practice, rough drafts, etc.
Homework 5%work not completed in class, signed syllabus, etc.
Formative assessments 25%quizzes, minor projects, benchmarks
Summative assessments30%major projects, unit tests, completed essays
Final Exam10%board mandated
Progress reports and/or monitoring:Progress reports will be sent home multiple times during the semester. Additionally, parents have the ability to monitor their child’s progress for every class by using PowerSchool, ourstudent accounting program.
If you have access to email, please email me with that address to assure accuracy to .
I will send out periodic emails regarding class assignments, special projects and upcoming school events.
1 spiral notebook (these must be left in the classroom)
1 package of index cards, lined (to be left in the classroom)
1 flash drive (can be the same one used for other classes)
Misc: 2 glue sticksor1 pair of scissors, a package of markersor colored pencils, tissue or hand sanitizer.
Make-up Work: Absences or school activities will result in one day to make up work for each day missed. When a student is absent, the student is responsible for getting make-up work in an appropriate way and at an appropriate time. Instructions on where missed work is located will be given in class.
Extra Credit: Extra credit work is rarely given but there will be at least one opportunity per semester. This usually takes the form of creating something based upon a literary work that we have used in class. In past years this has included students making the ham costume from “To Kill a Mockingbird”, a tombstone for “The Crucible” or the room described in “The Yellow Wallpaper”. Stay tuned for this year’sextra credit!
Extra credit can be awarded for outstanding behavior, a student going out of their way to help someone else or other things determined by the teacher!
Participation: Being alert and attentive, participating appropriately in class discussion and group work, completing assignments, coming to class with the required materials, and being respectful will result in both academic and personal success. Know that you will always be rewarded for doing the right thing!
Academic Dishonesty:Cheating hurts the student. While it might seem to be the quickest way to achieve a certain grade or to complete a project it ALWAYS has a negative impact. The “A” received has no real value because the student KNOWS it wasn’t their work and that the credit does not belong to them. If a student is caught being dishonest they will receive a zero and the consequences will follow the student handbook guidelines.
Expectations:My expectation is for every student to achieve to the best of their ability. I expect students to come prepared and ready to learn. I am excited about the year ahead and I am looking forward to getting to know my students and their parents. The rules in my classroom adhere to the Student Handbook. Please pay close attention to the segments that deal with cell phones, electronic devices and the dress code. You may have bottled water in the classroom but no other food or drinks. Our classroom is carpeted and spills will attract unwanted little critters!
I Expect:
You to be in class on time with your materials and ready to work.
You to show respect and courtesy to your classmates and to me.
Nothing less than your best effort.
An English class should be a place where a student feels comfortable and safe to share ideas and opinions. Inside the classroom students will be encouraged to express themselves through their writings, their contributions to classroom discussions and through their participation in the educational experience!
Parents/students: Please read all information on the syllabus and sign and return this sheet tomorrow. This is your first grade of the semester and is worth 50 points!!!!!!
I have read the attached syllabus and I understand all the procedures and rules regarding English Essentials.
Student Signature Student Name (printed)
Parent Signature Parent Name (printed)
Home Number Parent/Guardian Work Number/Cell Number
Student E-mail Address (printed) Parent/ Guardian Email address (printed)
Additional Information: I want to make every effort to learn more about your son/daughter in hopes of making their experience in English Essentials and high school successful. Please take a moment and share your thoughts. Your insight is priceless and deeply appreciated. Thank you.
- What does your child enjoy reading?
- What is the Number One thing I can do to help your child be successful?
- What is the Number One thing I should know about your child and their school experiences?
Qualls 2012-2013