Final Report

Alongside the Monthly Activity Summary for March, each ‘Champion’ led project is required to complete the following FinalReport covering Big Energy Saving Network activity. This report will cover information relating to your overall project delivered across October 2014 – 20thMarch 2015.

This report is split into three sections:

  • the first relates to monthly activity in March 2015.
  • the second summarises the overall delivery of your project during the BESN lifecycle (October 2014 – March 2015). Please complete this section using information from your completed feedback forms which you will have collected from attendees at your BESN events/training sessions.
  • The final section asks for your feedback and views which is very important to us.

For clarification, this report should record information relating to an individual Champion and their BESN project.

You will need to submit this report to DECC electronically via SurveyMonkey by the 20th March. It is important that you also keep a completed copy of the information submitted for your own record.

Organisation name
‘Champion’name / BESN ref number
Monthly Activity Summary for March 2015
Total no. of Consumer sessions held in March / Total no. of Consumers engaged in March / Total no. of Consumer feedback forms completed in March
Total no. of Frontline Worker sessions held in March / Total no. of Frontline Workers engaged in March / Total no. of Frontline Worker feedback forms completed in March
Summary of activities in March
Please provide a concise summary of activities carried out during reporting period. This might typically includean overview of your outreach work and how you have publicised BESN activities.
Final Report
Please complete the following Final Report which covers your BESN activity over the programme lifecycle (October 2014 – 20thMarch 2015)
  1. Overall Project Delivery
Please confirm your project’s total numbers for the following:
Total no. of Consumer sessions held / Total no. of Consumers engaged / Total no. of Consumer feedback forms completed
Total no. of Frontline Worker sessions held / Total no. of Frontline Workers engaged / Totalno. of Frontline Worker feedback forms completed
If you need to amend any of the figures provided in previous monthly reports, please provide details and a brief explanation for the anomaly.
  1. Consumer Feedback

2a. Age range of consumers
Based on your completed Consumer Feedback Forms, how many were in the following age ranges?

16-25 26-40 41-50 51-65 65+ 1 cause any confusion.ion here (rather than modify the boxes above) so that it doesn' cettached excel file in my email), but I t
2b. How did they pay for their energy bills?
Based on your completed Consumer Feedback Forms, how many paid for their energy bills using the following payment methods?

Fixed Direct Debit Variable Direct Debit Cash/Cheque
Standing order Credit/Debit Card Prepayment meter
2c. Did they have a disability?
Based on your completed Consumer Feedback Forms, how many consumers recorded having a disability?

  1. Frontline Worker Feedback

3a. Organisation type
Based on your completed Frontline Worker Feedback Forms, how many were from the following organisations?

Local Government Charity Housing Association

Health & Social Care Private Sector Social Enterprise Other
If other please specify......
3b. Level of knowledge
Based on your completed Frontline Worker Feedback Forms, how many indicated their level of knowledge of the subject matter before your BESN training as:

Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good
After your BESN training, how many recorded their knowledge as:

Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good
3c. Volume of consumers reached
Based on your completed Feedback Forms, what is the total number of vulnerable people that frontline workers engage with per week?

  1. Summary of Consumer Action

4a. Based on your completed Event Evaluation Forms, how many consumers received 1-1 switching advice?

4b. How many consumers switched on the day?

4c. Based on your completed Event Evaluation Forms, how many consumers received 1-1 ECO advice?

4d. How many consumers were referredfor ECO on the day?

4e. How many consumers were referred for a further 1-1 follow up session?

4f. How many consumers received 1-1 advice on switching and/or ECO and decided to take no action?

Feedback on your BESN project
We are very interested in your views and appreciate you taking the time to provide your feedback.
  1. Barriers to delivery and actions to overcome these challenges

What were the biggest barriers/uncertainties you faced during delivery of your BESN project? What actions were most effective in overcoming these barriers?
  1. We want to hear from you! Do you have any suggestions or comments on how the BESN programme could be developed or improved in the future, should further funding be confirmed? This is your opportunity to help shape future DECC projects so please do provide us with your feedback.

Do you have comments on the BESN model/approach? How could the training or training materials be improved? What can DECC do to further support projects during the delivery phase? What was the reception for BESN like amongst consumers/frontline workers?
  1. Overall comments – we are really keen to hear your views and feedback

You might like to comment on any unexpected outcomes/lessons learned; benefits of being involved in the BESN; significant achievements of your project; positive feedback from your organisation, consumers or frontline workers etc.
  1. BESN Case Studies

Please confirm that you have submitted 2 case studies to

If you have not submitted your case studies, please explain why:

Thank you for completing and submitting your Final Report and for your overall participation in the 2014/15 BESN programme.