NAYDO Young Professionals Program
Application for 2013 Conference
Location: The Fairmont Hotel Vancouver
April 10-13, 2013
Deadline: December 4, 2012
Name: ______NAYDO Member:___Yes ___No
Will you be 31 years of age or younger on April, 13, 2013? ___Yes ____No
If YES, proceed with application. If NO, you do not meet age criteria for participation and should not apply.
Part I: Personal Information
Current YMCA Position Title: ______
Length of Time (specify years or months) in this Position: ______
Length of Time (specify years or months) Involved in the YMCA (mark as many as apply)
_____Child/Youth or Teen Program Participant
_____Current of past YMCA Volunteer
_____Part Time Staff
_____Full Time Staff
Length of Time (specify years) involved in financial development OR communications OUTSIDE of the YMCA
_____Years Description of work:______
YMCA Association Name ______
Branch Name (if applicable) ______
Address: ______
City: ______Province/State: _____Postal/Zip Code: ______
Phone: ______Cell______Fax______
Email: ______
Have you ever attended a NAYDO Conference before? No____ Yes_____ If YES, list year(s) or cities below:
Part II: Personal Goals
Please indicate the areas in which you would like to increase your knowledge and/or improve your skill level as 1, 2, and 3 in priority order.
____Calculating the community benefit of our YMCA, making the case and articulating the mission
____Developing an effective annual campaign including recruitment and training of campaigners.
____Positioning our YMCA to be a preferred partner for charitable investment by members and community leaders/donors.
____Building a donor-centered development program focused on relationship building to ensure major gifts for your YMCA
____Developing an effective system for gift-acknowledgement, recognition and stewardship of donations consistent with donor’s wishes state and federal law
____Learning the steps to developing, launching and running a successful capital campaign
____Understanding how to create and grow a planned giving program
____Other (please describe)______
Part III: Personal Impact
In a paragraph below, describe what impact you believe you could have on creating or supporting a culture of philanthropy at your YMCA through your participation in the NAYDO Conference and in particular the Young Professionals Program.
Part IV: Understanding of Process and Expectations
To complete the application process for the NAYDO Young Professionals Program read and sign below confirming that you understand the following conditions:
- I have submitted to the NAYDO Office a copy of the conference registration form or I have registered online for the 2013 NAYDO Conference. I am aware that there is no additional fee for my participation in the Young Professionals Program but it does require my YMCA to pay the registration fee, travel and lodging costs that all attendees pay. If needed I can apply for financial assistance following the same process used by all conference attendees described at Deadline to apply for conference assistance is December 4, 2012.
- I understand I will be notified by email in late December 2012 of the status of my application and will need to confirm acceptance by email.
- As a participant in the Class of 2013 I am authorizing use of my comments in NAYDO promotional pieces including eblasts, web site, brochure, the Developments newsletter and other applicable communications.
- I understand that space is limited in the Young Professionals Program and even if I meet all criteria and submit this application by the December 4ty deadline it is possible I may not be selected.
Applicant’s Signature: ______Date:______
Supervisor’s Signature: ______Date:______
Supervisor’s Name______Phone: ______
Supervisor’s Job Title______
Supervisor’s Email:______
Supervisor Comments (Required)
Mail, fax or scan and email this form by December 4, 2012 to:
Jan Brogdon, Young Professional Program Chair
c/o NAYDO Office/Mary Zoller
21 Chateau Trianon
Kenner, LA 70065
Phone: 504-464-7845
Fax: 504-464-6718