SECTOR: / NFI/ES / REGION: / Eastern States
DATE & VERSION: / 17September, Version 01
FOCAL POINTS: / Regional sector focal point: / Bjorn Strandberg, UNJLC
e-mail: tel. +249 912 329 355
Overall sector focal point: / Prudence Chaiban, UNJLC
e-mail: tel. +249 912 172159
Annmarie O’donoghue, UNJLC
e-mail: tel. +249 912 153 006
COMMENTS: / [Any relevant comments/remarks related to the sector plan and planning process - Optional]
Organisations participating in preparation of the sector plans
Organisation Name / Focal Point / Contact details
UNJLC / Bjorn Strandberg /
PA / Musa Ibrahim /
Oxfam – RSS / Awatib Ayadh /
RCO – RSS / Bahaeldin Taha /
RCO – KS / Hyder Hamadnaka /
GOAL / Ernest Khalilov /
GOAL / Joanne Geary /
GOAL / Emam Ahmed /
UNICEF / Ali AlGasim /

Section 1: Sector Plan Matrices

SECTOR OBJECTIVE 1 Objective Code {Insert Code}
Sector Objective: / To provide appropriate and timely Non-Food Items to vulnerable populations, thereby mitigating health threats, improving living conditions and contributing to their protection
Sector Indicator: / Number of households receiving Non-Food Items
Sector Mid-Year Target: / 12,500 households in receipt of NFIs / Sector End-Year Target: / 25,000 households in receipt of NFIs
Sector Priorities: / To improve targeting of vulnerable groups.
To improve needs assessment methodology, and monitoring and evaluation of activities
To build capacity of local partners, therefore improving their ability to carry out assessments, distributions and monitoring.
To improve emergency preparedness and response.
Sector Planned Programmes and Projects / Implementing Organizations
NFI Warehousing / GOAL
NFI Procurement / UNICEF
NFI Distribution / GOAL, IRC, Oxfam, SOS Sahel-UK and SRCS
Coordination of NFI activities / UNJLC
NFI Transport to Warehouse / CARE
Regional Strategic Priorities: / Please list those directly addressed by this objective. / Support the implementation of the ESPA.
Assistance Category: / Is the objective Humanitarian/Early Recovery, or Recovery and Development? / Humanitarian/ Early Recovery
SECTOR OBJECTIVE 2 Objective Code {Insert Code}
Sector Objective: / To coordinate information sharing, particularly in logistics, among all the stakeholders in the Non-Food Items and Emergency Shelter sector
Sector Indicator: / Number of coordination meetings held with partners on Non-Food Items
Sector Mid-Year Target: / 5 Coordination meetings / Sector End-Year Target: / 8 Coordination meetings
Sector Priorities: / To develop common guidelines for assistance.
To strengthen information sharing mechanisms.
To identify gaps in coverage.
To improve coordination with the local government.
To improve flood preparedness (2 of the above-mentioned meetings will be held in April and May to prepare for floods)
Sector Planned Programmes and Projects / Implementing Organizations
Organizing and coordinating bimonthly NFI/ES Coordination meetings / UNJLC
Regional Strategic Priorities: / Please list those directly addressed by this objective. / Support the implementation of the ESPA.
Assistance Category: / Is the objective Humanitarian/Early Recovery, or Recovery and Development? / Humanitarian/ Early Recovery

Section 2: Sector Regional Narrative

The Eastern States continue to be characterised by long term poverty and underdevelopment. Meanwhile, access problems to some areas are still being experienced by UN agencies particularly in Red Sea and KassalaStates. General security has, however, improved following the signing of the Eastern States Peace Agreement (ESPA) in 2006. The ESPA is expected to continue to improve reconstruction and development, especially in the war affected areas, as well as promote power and wealth sharing in the region. Nevertheless, there are concerns over the Government’s capacity to provide a peace dividend to the war-affected communities. Another setback for recovery and development in the Eastern States is the common occurrence of natural disasters, particularly floods and droughts, and the subsequent outbreak of diseases.

In 2008, the UN and partners strategic priorities are to support the implementation of ESPA, advocate for UN access to all areas, build capacity, and promote economic development.The NFIs/ES sector (Non-Food Items and Emergency Shelter) will thus continue to provide vulnerable IDPs with non-food items, thereby mitigating health threats and contributing to their protection. The sector will also carry on strengthening information collection and sharing, among stakeholders, to promote coordination and planning of activities in the region.

A common supply and logistics system, known as the Common Pipeline(a partnership between UNJLC, UNICEF and CARE) has been operational since the beginning of 2007 and continues toundertake procurement, shipment, transportation, warehousing, and delivery of NFIs, for onward distribution by NGOs. In addition, some NGOs will compliment the Common Pipeline NFI-basket with items that support their own project priorities. In 2008, the sector will also advocate for more donations for the East following funding constraints in the past years.The sector will maintain emergency stocks for communities affected by the annual floods, and for other vulnerable populations.

The sector has planned to assist a total of 25,000 households with NFIs in the Eastern States in 2008. However, this figurewill continue to be revised, given the fluid political situation, and as assessments are conducted in more areas.