2015 Lake Braddock Bruins

Basketball Camp

Home to Back-to-Back Patriot District Champions

6 Sessions:

Week 1: June 22-26 (Boys – rising 3rd through 9th grade)

Week 2: June 29- Jul 2 (4 days only) (Boys – rising 7th through 12th grade)

Week 3: July 6-10 (Boys – rising 3rd through 9th grade)

Week 4: July 13-17 (Girls – rising 3rd through 9th grade)

Week 5: July 20-24 (Boys – rising 3rd through 9th grade)

Week 6: July 27-31 (Boys – rising 7th through 12th grade)

Time: 8:00 am – 2:00 pm

Location: Lake Braddock’s Gymnasium

Cost: $175 per week --- ($140 for Week 2)

Lunch: Concessions open daily for those wishing to purchase lunch

For more information please feel free to contact Coach Brian Metress at

Cut off and send application below to:

Lake Braddock Boys Basketball Camp c/o Athletic Office/Basketball Camp

9200 Burke Lake Road, Burke, VA 22015

Checks should be made out to: Lake Braddock Booster Club

Camper’s Name:______Age:____ Grade (rising)______

Current School Name: ______

Home Address:______

Home Phone #:______Email address:______

Emergency Contact: (name & phone #)______

Insurance Information:______

Week #: (Check as many as applicable)

Week #1____ ($175) Week #2____ ($140) Week #3____ ($175)

Week #4____ ($175) Week #5____ ($175) Week #6____ ($175)

Amount Enclosed: ______