Marketing Principles

[MKTG300; Dr. Carter]

*** LEARNING ACTIVITY #1 (15 points) ***

(Complete as a Group of 5 max or Individually)



This is the first Learning Activity using the “Test-Drive Marketing” workbook. We have already explored in class the workbook exercises table and links that correspond to External Marketing Environment Factors (Trends). We have also looked at the exercises table for Marketing Ethics and Social Responsibility. Both of those Marketing Principles concepts are addressed in class lecture slides and the MKTG5 textbook as chapter 4 (External Marketing Environment), as well as chapter 3 (Marketing Ethics and Social Responsibility). Now, you have an opportunity to apply those concepts in a course Learning Activity.


A)“MACRO” External Marketing Environment Factors (5 POINTS)

  1. Access the workbook table of links for External Marketing Environment (“macro”) trends (p.6 … top half). Then, describe THREE (3) different trends that are currently occurring. Be sure to notate the website and source.

(Length: 2 – 5 sentences or bullet-points for each pattern/trend of an External Marketing Environment Factor)

  1. Describe the “Macro-Trends” accessed for #1 above achieves Marketing Ethics and Social Responsibility using the tables on page 10 of the workbook. Remember, the explanation of table categories is provided in chapter 1 of the workbook.

(Length: 2 – 5 sentences or bullet-points for each Marketing Ethics & Social Responsibility response)

B)SWOT ANALYSIS – Applying “Macro-Trends” to “Micro-Tendencies” (5 POINTS)

  1. Select an industry and company within that industry using these links:


  1. Think about the types of “Strengths” and “Weaknesses” that the chosen company might have given the industry within which they compete (see explanation of “strengths” and “weaknesses” in the workbook ch.2)
  1. Use the results of your response to “A” #1 above (“Macro-Trends”) as well as your identification of “Strengths” and “Weaknesses” in “B” #2 above to complete the SWOT Analysis table shown on the TOP half of the workbook page 27.

C)“MICRO” Marketing Planning (5 POINTS)

Complete the Marketing Planning Outline shown on the BOTTOM half of the workbook page 27, using the same company selected in “B” #1 above.

* NOTE: Tables in workbook are presented to help frame your thinking about concept categories and entries.

Your assignment DOES NOT have to be completed using tables.


  • Document:Microsoft Word
  • SpacingDouble-spaced
  • Font:Times 12”
  • Margins:1” all sides (normal)
  • Headings:Use marketing concept headings from Learning Activity questions above
  • Content:Text/words and may also include diagrams and tables (may copy workbook or MKTG slide diagrams)
  • Group Input:Use a table on the last page to indicate the percentage (%) contributed by each group member