2008 Out of State College Application Essays

Common Application

Short answer – Please briefly elaborate on one of your activities (extracurricular, personal activities or work experience). Attach your response on a separate sheet (150 words or fewer).

Personal Statement – This personal statement helps us become acquainted with you in ways different from courses, grades, test scores, and other objective data. It will demonstrate your ability to organize thoughts and express yourself. We are looking for an essay that will help us know you better as a person and as a student. Please write and essay (250-500 words) on a topic of your choice or one of the options listed below.

1. Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you.

2. Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you.

3. Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence.

4. Describe a character in fiction, an historical figure, or a creative work (as in art, music, science, etc.) that has had an influence on you, and explain that influence.

5. A range of academic interests, personal perspectives, and life experiences add much to the educational mix. Given your personal background, describe an experience that illustrates what you would bring to the diversity in a college community, or an encounter that demonstrated the importance of diversity to you.

6. Topic of your choice.

American University

Uses the Common Application essay questions.

Arizona State University

No essays or personal statements required or requested.

Auburn University

This additional information is required for all freshman applicants and will assist the Office of Admissions and Records in your admission evaluation. While the primary factors in any admission decision are academic (high school coursework, grade point average and standardized test scores), the Office of Admissions and Records will consider other factors that contribute to your success.

1. Describe academic awards and honors you have received as well as academic organizations and activities in which you have participated, including leadership positions held.

2. Describe non-academic awards and honors you have received as well as non-academic organizations and activities in which you have participated, including leadership positions held. Activities may include but not be limited to athletics, band, community service and/or work experience.

3. In the space provided, please explain why you believe that your unique cultural, educational and/or life experiences will enhance the educational experience of the freshman class at Auburn.

4. Optional – In the space provided, describe any unique circumstances that should be taken into consideration in review of your application (i.e. overcoming personal adversity, first in your family to attend college, financial challenges, etc.).

Boston College

Uses the Common Application essay questions.

Boston University

Uses the Common Application essay questions.

Brigham Young University

Must establish online account before access to application.

Brown University

Personal Statement - This is one of the most important forms in your application. It is your chance to give the Admission Committee the most clear and honest representation of who you are. It is worth the time invested to write complete and thoughtful responses to the questions on this form. This is especially valid for questions pertaining to activities, awards, achievements, and interests.

Your personal essay is your opportunity to tell us about anything you think we should know. Personal essays vary greatly from application to application in terms of form and content. The personal statement is your opportunity to introduce us to who you are, and to show us the personal traits you consider to be the most vital. We only ask that however you choose to represent yourself, your statement is sincere and original. One final suggestion - don't wait until the last day to complete the question.

Bucknell University

Uses the Common Application essay questions plus supplemental essays.

This section is your opportunity to tell Bucknell why you are a good candidate for admission. Below are two questions. One is required and the other is optional. Please keep in mind that Bucknell considers your answers to both questions very important because they will help you distinguish yourself from other candidates.

Required Essay – At Bucknell, learning occurs almost everywhere – classrooms, laboratories, residence halls, athletic fields and the local community; and it takes on many formats – coursework, research, artistic endeavors, spiritual exploration, student-run groups, volunteer projects, and more. Together these learning opportunities are known as the residential learning experience. Please list three or four ways in which you would participate in Bucknell’s residential learning experience. For each item in your list, describe what you might gain from the experience and what you might contribute to the experience. (maximum of four sentences per item)

Optional Essay – Picture yourself as a student at Bucknell. Imagine classes that address important and relevant topics. Imagine living with people having many different backgrounds and ideas. Imagine interacting not just with people on campus – the students, faculty and staff you would see everyday – but also with people from all over the country and all over the world.

Right now, everyone in the Bucknell community is using their imagination just like you. We are focusing on four goals that will help shape the Bucknell education for current and future students. They are:

· Strengthening the Academic Core – Thinking innovatively and achieving success in academic areas important and relevant to the 21st century

· Deepening the Residential Learning Experience – Growing as a person, thinking independently, acting in a socially responsible fashion, and contributing to the greater community

· Enhancing Diversity – Making a commitment to diversity in all its forms and in all aspects of campus life; promoting a civil, supportive, and nurturing environment founded on mutual respect and open exchange

· Building Bridges – Interacting with local, regional and global communities; bringing the world to Bucknell and Bucknell to the world

You described in the Required Essay some of the ways you would contribute to the residential learning experience at Bucknell. Choose one of the other three goals (Strengthening the Academic Core, Enhancing Diversity, or Building Bridges). If you join the Bucknell community, how will you contribute to that goal? How will you measure you success? Feel free to be wildly creative in your answer. (250 words or less)

Carnegie-Mellon University

Uses the Common Application essay questions plus supplemental essay.

Please submit a one-page essay that explains why you have chosen your major, department or program. This essay should include the reasons why you’ve chosen the major, any goals or relevant work plans and any other information you would like us to know. If you are applying to more than one college or program, please mention each college or program you are applying to. Because our admission committees review applicants by colleges and programs, your essay can impact our final decision. Please do not exceed one page for this essay.

Catholic University of America

Uses the Common Application essay questions.

Clemson University

Optional - Write a brief essay (one or two paragraphs) on a separate sheet of paper and attach it to your completed application. Focus your remarks on any points you believe to be important in the evaluation of your application, including your academic background, other achievements, educational objectives or career goals. If you are an international student, briefly describe your educational goals in the United States and your reasons for choosing Clemson University.

Coastal Carolina University

How can Coastal Carolina University’s educational offerings help you achieve your future goals? Use an additional sheet of paper if necessary. Write your name and address on all attachments.

College of Charleston

Our required freshman essay will allow you to express yourself outside of grades, courses, and test scores. Please choose one of the topics below, or a topic of your choice, and write a 300-500 word essay to help us get to know you better as a person and as a student. If you are applying to the Honors College you may use your Honors essay as your Admissions essay, but you must submit a copy with each application. Please type this essay and attach it to your application. Be sure to include your name and social security number. Also, keep in mind that grammar, spelling, and structure are important to us.

1. Tell us how and why your unique characteristics will enhance the College of Charleston community.

2. Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, or risk you have taken, and describe the impact on you.

3. Tell us how the College of Charleston will help you attain your academic, professional and personal goals.

4. Tell us how you will significantly contribute to the efforts to enhance diversity at the College of Charleston.

Columbia University

Write an essay which conveys to the reader a sense of who you are. Possible topics may include, but are not limited to, experiences which have shaped your life, the circumstances of your upbringing, you most meaningful, intellectual achievement, the way you see the world – the people in it, events great and small, everyday life – or any personal theme which appeals to your imagination. Please remember that we are concerned not only with the substance of your prose but with the writing style as well. We prefer that you limit yourself to approximately 250-500 words.

Colorado State University

See Common Application for possible supplemental essay questions

Freshman (First Year) Applicants – Be sure to include an explanation of any deficiencies in required course work units or discrepancies between your academic record and your ACT/SAT results.

Cornell University

Uses Common Application essay questions plus supplemental essay.

On a separate sheet of paper, please respond to the essay question below (maximum of 500 words) that corresponds to the undergraduate

college(s) to which you are applying. Be sure to include your full legal name exactly as it appears on passports or other official documents

and date of birth, and attach the page to the back of this form. If you are utilizing the primary/alternate admission option, you must complete

an essay for both colleges; please complete the essays that correspond to your primary and alternate choice.

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences: The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) develops leaders committed to the

improvement of life. Describe how your interests and related experiences have influenced your selection of major and how CALS will

prepare you to be a leader in your chosen field.

College of Architecture, Art, and Planning: How does the major you would like to study in the College of Architecture, Art, and Planning

match your intellectual, academic, and career interests? Discuss any activities you have engaged in that are relevant to your chosen


College of Arts and Sciences: Describe your intellectual interests, their evolution, and what makes them exciting to you. Tell us how

you will utilize the academic programs in the College of Arts and Sciences to further explore your interests, intended major, or field of


College of Engineering: Engineers turn ideas (technical, scientific, mathematical) into reality. Tell us about an engineering idea you have

or your interest in engineering. Explain how Cornell Engineering can help you further explore this idea or interest.

School of Hotel Administration: What work and non-work experiences, academic interests, and career goals influenced your decision to

study hospitality management? How will these contribute to your success at the School of Hotel Administration?

College of Human Ecology: What do you value about the Human Ecology perspective and mission as you consider your goals and

dreams? Reflect on our majors as you respond.

School of Industrial and Labor Relations: Describe your intellectual interests, their evolution, and what makes them exciting to you.

In your essay please address how the ILR curriculum will help you fulfill these interests and your long-term goals.

Dartmouth University

Uses Common Application essay questions.

Davidson College

Uses Common Application essay question plus supplemental short responses.

Short Responses – Please respond to each of the following on a separate sheet of paper.

A. The Davidson community abides by an honor code that governs academic as well as personal life. Please refer to the Honor Code literature included with the application. As a prospective member of our community, discuss the benefits and drawbacks of the Davidson Honor Code and your role in it.

B. What are the qualities and characteristics of Davidson that appeal to you, and what contributions do you anticipate making as a Davidson student?

C. List the books you have read in the past year for school or leisure. Place an asterisk by those books required for classes you have taken.

Dickinson College

Uses the Common Application essay questions plus supplemental essays.

Self-reflection is an important part of the Dickinson application review process. In addition to curriculum, grades, activities, and testing, the Admissions Committee looks for purpose and potential. We’ll have questions during our review that only you can answer. Responses to the following are critical to our understanding of your candidacy. Please consider carefully these questions and provide answers on an addition page.

A. From what you’ve learned about Dickinson College, why have you chosen to apply? Specifically, how do Dickinson’s character, programs, and campus environment match your own character and aspirations?

B. What would the people in your life describe as most exciting or distinctive about you and how you interact with others?

C. We’re interested in learning about your talents and experiences. Please comment briefly on your involvement in any of the following: academic research; community volunteerism; leadership situations, including lessons learned; the creative arts; and global engagement.

Drexel University

Uses the Common Application essay questions.

Duke University

Uses the Common Application essay questions plus supplemental essays.

Required for Engineering applicants - Please limit your response to one to three paragraphs and submit a separate sheet. If you are applying to the Pratt School of Engineering, please discuss why you want to study engineering and why you would like to study at Duke.

Optional – Yes, they truly are optional. If you choose to answer them, please submit your response(s) on a separate sheet. If you choose not to answer them, your chances for admission will not be affected.

A. For Arts & Sciences Applicants Only – If you are applying to Trinity College of Arts & Sciences, please discuss why you consider Duke a good match for you. Is there something in particular at Duke that attracts you? Please limit your response to one to two paragraphs.