Northeast District FFA Constitution

Article I) The name of this organization shall be the Northeast District of the Iowa FFA Association of the National FFA Organization.

Article II)State Association

a)This organization accepts in full, the provisions of the state constitutions and by-laws of the Iowa FFA Association.

b)Anything in conflict with the State Association- the State Association will prevail.

Article III)Officers

a)The Officers of the Northeast District FFA shall be president (serving as the State FFA Vice-President), 4 Vice Presidents (one from each Sub District), Secretary, Reporter, and Advisor. These officers shall serve as the Executive Committee, and the District Advisor shall serve as the Executive Treasurer.

b)A nominating committee shall study and review the qualifications of eligible candidates who have filled out a completed application for district officer. The committee will report to the delegates during the annual district convention, and nominate candidate for the ballot, which will be presented to the delegate body. Official delegates may make other nominations during the business session.

c)District offices will be elected at the annual District Convention by a majority of the active chapters present.

d)Candidates eligible for District Office shall be the following:

a)Active FFA member.

b)Have received their Chapter FFA Degree.

c)Sophomore or junior in high school.


a)A standard application shall be developed by the Iowa FFA Officer Team.

b)The application shall be distributed to eligible candidates, completed by each candidate, and submitted prior to the interview process.

c)District shall set due date for the application.

d)Each candidate shall submit their Supervised Agricultural Experience Records at the time of the interview process for verification of their SAE by the Nomination Committee Advisor.

e)The application shall be a scored component of the process evaluated by multiple individuals before the interview process following scoring rubric.

f)Applications shall be used as a reference for the Nomination Committee members during the selection process.

f)Nominating Committee Members

a)Each district’s Nomination Committee shall be 7 members including the Chair and will consist of the following:

b)Current District FFA President shall serve as Chair.

c)One active high school FFA member from each of the sub-districts.

d)One current Iowa FFA Officer not native of the district.

e)The remaining committee member shall be selected from the following list choosing no more than one per area:

a)Past District FFA Officer

b)Retiring District FFA Officer

c)Past Iowa FFA Officer

d)FFA member from district that has graduated from high school

e)One FFA Advisor shall serve as the Nomination Committee Advisor being an ex-offico, non-voting committee member that not included in the 7 committee members.


a)An exam testing knowledge related to district office shall be developed by the Iowa FFA Officer Team.

b)Each candidate shall complete the exam.

c)The exam shall be a scored component of the candidate scoring rubric completed by the Nomination Committee.


a)Round One - One ten minute individual candidate interview consisting of 5 questions from the following categories:




d)Additional categories can be selected by the Iowa FFA Officer Team

b)Round Two - Group activity where candidates are placed in groups for an interview with the Nomination Committee.


a)The following Candidate Scoring Rubric shall be used to assist the Nomination Committee in the selection of candidates:






  1. Individual40(8 points per question)
  1. Group30



a)Nominations shall be called for from the delegate floor for any offices. Eligible candidates who completed the interview process shall only be considered for floor nominations.

b)Nominations shall be closed and the delegates shall proceed with the voting process following a non-sliding ballot voting procedure.

c)Balloted candidates shall present a maximum of two-minute speech to the delegate body.

d)Following the candidate speeches, each candidate shall answer two questions generated by the Nomination Committee. Each balloted candidate will answer the same questions. A maximum of a one-minute response shall be given to each candidate to answer each question. Balloted candidates shall rotate in the order of responding to the questions.

e)The executive committee shall determine the replacement of officers.

f)Any officer not fulfilling their duties as see fit by the executive committee, the executive committee reserves the right to evaluate the impeachment of the officer according to these guidelines:

i)Officer has not fulfilled their duties as seen fit by the executive committee.

ii)Attempts have been made to reconcile the arrangement by at least the District Advisor and District President, consulting several times with the officer in question.

iii)A committee consisting of three past district officers and two past district advisors will be consulted with the decision, with officer in question allowed to be present in their own defense.

iv)Conviction of any illegal activity, such as drug or alcohol use, serves as grounds for impeachment.

v)Impeachment will only pass by a unanimous vote of the remaining officers, including the district advisor.

Article IV) Northeast District Convention

a)A district convention shall be held annually. The time and place shall be decided by the district advisor and should be at least thirty days prior to the State FFA Leadership Conference.

b)Each chapter is entitled to send two members of active membership to the conference to serve as official delegates

c)The district will conduct its session according to Robert’s Rules of Order and Official FFA Manual.

d)All items of business to be conducted at the convention must be submitted to the district advisor by the date set. These items will be mailed out to all chapters at least two weeks prior to convention.

Article V) Finances

a)Dues will be an amount set annually by the executive committee and/or delegate body at the district convention, paid by every chapter in the Northeast District.

b)All chapters in the Northeast District must pay their dues by January 1st or be ineligible for all activities until the dues and a $5.00 late fee is paid.

c)The district financial year will be from April 1 to March 31. The District Treasurer will provide a completed financial summary for this period of time, at the close of the fiscal year, to be presented at the district convention.

d)Any district officer who provides his or her own transportation to a district sponsored event is eligible to be reimbursed mileage at a rate set by the executive committee and/or delegate body at district convention.

e)The registration fees for District Greenhand Camp, District Leadership Camp for Chapter Officers, and for District Contests will be set annually by the executive committee and/or the delegate body at district convention. Fees must be paid on or before the date of the event. No chapter will be allowed to charge their fee.

Article VI)Applications and Dates

a)All proficiency applications, officer books, and officer applications must meet state requirements.

b)District Officer applications, proficiency award applications, and items of business for the District Convention are due on a date set by the executive committee and/or delegate body at district convention.

Article VII) Revisions

a)All revisions must be submitted in the same fashion as other items of business to be presented at the District Convention.

b)Revisions of the Northeast District Constitution must be approved by a majority vote of the delegates present at the District Convention.