2007 Summer Field Studio in China
Community Planning and Urban Design
Quanzhou, Fujian Province
University of Washington
Department of Urban Design and Planning
c/o Professor Dan Abramson
Box 355740, 410 Gould Hall, Seattle, WA 98195
Phone (206)543-2089 Fax:(206)685-9597
Name: / UW Student # (if applicable):
Phone: / E-mail:
Student Status:
_I am currently enrolled in a degree program at the University of Washington
_If accepted, I will enroll for this studio as a non-matriculated student at UW
Degree Program: / Class Standing (Year):
_I intend to obtain Urban Design Certificate studio credit for this course
_I intend to obtain UrbDP 508 studio credit for this course
Previous degree(s) and major(s), the school(s) you attended for them, and dates:
Foreign Language Proficiency (indicate which language and number of quarters/semesters of study, or whether you speak with native fluency):
Travel experience outside of USA (indicate countries):
Please list the names of two references who know you and your work well; their connection to you (e.g. course instructor, or project supervisor); and their contact information:*
To complete this application:
1. Attach a copy of your unofficial transcript
2. Attach a 2-page single-spaced essay that concisely describes: (a) how this program will benefit you and serve your academic objectives; (b) how you would contribute to the collaborative efforts of this program, including how you would draw on any relevant work or research experience or skills you possess; and (c) a challenging problem-solving experience that you recently faced and how you used limited knowledge/resources to address it.
3. Attach one example of your best written/analytical work, and/or up to five examples of your best graphic work, plus a separate page listing the examples and explaining them briefly. These examples should show the range of your spatial and graphic representational and analytical skills, both freehand and digital, and may include maps (with associated data analysis, if applicable); sketches, renderings, cartoons, and other freehand drawing; hardline drawing; 3-D digital modeling; photo-editing; etc.* Materials may not be returned; good quality 8½" x 11" photocopies or electronic images are acceptable.
*If applicable, make sure you include at least one reference for your graphic work. If you have done graphic work but for any reason cannot include it with this application, please explain.