Ministrial Decree of Ministry of Research, Science, and Higher EducationNo. 76/KPT/I/2016 Dated March 2nd,2016
Applied Master Study Program for Renewable Energy Engineering State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya is a multi-diciplinary applied master program that prepares professionals, academia, and research center to respon to the current issues of renewable energy like biomass, solar energy, wind energy and other renewable energy sources.
This study program is aimed for preparing professionals and academia to have professional, managerial and making decision competences in management planning of renewable energy in industry, research center, companies, and local, regional and national government.
The learning outcomes are based on level 8 of the Indonesian Qualifications Framework. The graduates are qualified for manager level. It is achieved by giving them theorical, practical and industrial subjects for gaining comprehensive multidisciplinary competences.
The graduates of this program are professionals having the competences in making decision of renewable energy planning, developing and managing renewable energy potentials with the following characterictics:
- Logic, critical, systematic and creative thinking for macro and micro sustainable implementation ofrenewable energy engineering prototype production, design or technology innovation at city, provincial and national level.
- Competence in conducting academic validation or analysis in renewable energy engineering for increasing renewable energy utilization by technological and business analyses.
- High professional performance in making decision for planning and developing industrial energy need for supporting performance and competitiveness.
The Curriculum of Applied Master Program of Renewable Energy Engineering was designed in comprehensive manner with 40 credits of flexible and adaptive syllabi to the current and future development of renewable energy problems. The distribution of the credit is as follows:
Semester / Code / Subjects / CreditI / MT161101 / Biomass Energy Technology / 2
MT161102 / Solar Energy Technology / 2
MT161103 / Wind Energy Technology / 2
MT161104 / Modeling and Simulation / 2
MT161105 / Sustainable Energy / 2
MT162101 / Research Methodology / 2
II / MT163201 / Biomass Energy Conversion Laboratory / 2
MT163202 / Solar Energy Conversion Laboratory / 2
MT163203 / Wind Energy Conversion Laboratory / 2
MT161206 / Energy and Environmental Engineering / 2
MT161207 / Advanced Thermodynamic / 2
MT162203 / Thesis Proposal Seminar / 1
III / MT161308 / Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer / 2
MT162302 / Energy Management and Economic / 2
MT162304 / Progress Thesis / 1
MT1633XX / Elective Course 1 / 2
MT1633XX / Elective Course 2 / 2
IV / MT162405 / Publication / 2
MT163404 / Thesis / 6
Total Credit / 40
Code / Subjects / CreditMT163305 / Renewable Energy Power Plants / 2
MT163306 / Biochemical and Thermochemical Conversion / 2
MT163307 / Fuel Cell Energy / 2
Code / Subjects / CreditMT163308 / Energy Efficiency / 2
MT163309 / Mechatronics / 2
MT163310 / Capita Selecta / 2
The teaching staff in Applied Master Program of Renewable Energy Engineering comprise permanent lecturers in State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya andactive professionals in renewable energy industry and research center assigned by Applied Master Program.
Name / Field of ExpertiseProf. Dr. Werner Rammensee / Renewable Energy
Dr.Ing. Ahmad Taqwa, M.T. / Electric Energy/Solar Energy Conversion
Dr. RD. Kusumanto, S.T., M.M. / Energy Management
Dr. Ir. Leila Kalsum, M.T. / Bio Energy
Dr. Ir. Rusdianasari, M.Si. / Energy and Environment
Dr. Martha Aznury, M.Si. / Biomass
Dr. Abu Hasan, M.Si. / Numerical Analysis /Material Science
Dr. Ir. Muhammad Yerizam, M.T. / Mass and Energy Conversion
Dr. Syahirman Yusi, M.Si. / Socio-economics of Energy
Dr. Eng. Tresna Dewi, S.T., M.Eng. / Semiconductor and Photovoltaic
Dr. Ir. Aida Syarif, M.T. / Bio Energy
Dr. Ir. A. Husaini, M.T. / Biomass