2016 HOSA State Leadership Conference
Registration/General Information
It’s time for Oklahoma HOSA State Leadership Conference!
Please check the Oklahoma HOSA website frequently for updated information. There is VERY IMPORTANT information posted on the website.
SLC Registration opens Monday, February 8, and will remain open until Friday, February 19.
Students must be affiliated members with National HOSA before registering for State Leadership Conference. Students must be registered for State Leadership Conference before they can take an online test.
Before you begin your registration process, you will need to have the following information with you:
- Registration Instructions
- Your Chapter Charter Number and Password
- Students/Advisors/ Chaperones/Guests Polo Shirt sizes
- Which events your students will be entering
- Know how many trading pins each participant wants (optional)
Conference Registration for Students/Advisors/Chaperones/Guests/Alumni --$40.00 each (includes Conference Polo Shirt)
Trading Pins--$2.00 each (optional)
Registration Fee & Pin payment payable to “OK HOSA” and mailed to:
Ms. Debbie Hamble
Oklahoma HOSA-CareerTech
1500 W. 7th Ave.
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074
Teams (e.g. EMT, CPR/FA, and Teamwork Events) can only be made up of students affiliated within the same chapter and in the same classification (middle school, secondary or postsecondary).
Please make sure to designate team numbers (1, 2, etc.) when registering your teams. If you have questions on how to do this, please call Debbie Bennett
at 405-743-6843.
Official Dress for State Leadership Conference
The Official Dress for Opening Session, Awards Session and competition is the Conference Polo Shirt and solid color slacks/skirt. Conference attendees may wear their Conference Polo and denim to the Opening Session if they pay $1.00 (to be submitted by Advisor at On-Site Conference Registration and proceeds go to the HOSA National Service Project). For competition, participants MUST wear either the Conference Polo and solid color slack/skirt or appropriate dress (for example, scrubs) for the career for which they are being trained.
Definition of Number of Event Entries Per Chapter
Students can enter ONE event from Health Science Event, Health Professions Event, Emergency Preparedness Events, Leadership Events, OR Teamwork Events and as many events as they wish from the Recognition Events. Chapters are allowed 2 competitors or teams per event for every 20 chapter members. The Anatomy in Clay event is considered a Recognition Event.
IEP Student Events
HOSA provides four events---Interviewing Skills, Speaking Skills, Personal Care, and Life Support Skills---that are specifically designed for middle school and secondary students who have an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) in place. The student MUST bring a COPY of their completed Eligibility Form (found in event guidelines) with them to their competition.
Middle School Events
Oklahoma HOSA will be offering the following events for our middle school members:
Medical Terminology, Public Health, Extemp Health Poster, Healthy Lifestyles, Prepared Speaking, Speaking Skills, Health Career Display, Health Education, Barbara James Service Award, National Service Project, HOSA Happenings, and HOSA Chapter Reflections.
Anatomy in Clay
Registration is on the conference online registration. The Anatomy in Clay Competition is an Oklahoma Competition only. This event DOES NOT count as the ONE competitive event as defined above therefore winners will not be eligible to go on to National Leadership Conference. There is not as Anatomy in Clay Competition at the National level.
On-Line Testing (Round One)
Testing will begin on Monday, February 22, and conclude on Friday, March 4. Students must be registered for State Leadership Conference BEFORE they can take an on-line test.
Logon information will be sent to your school’s testing proctor. Please make arrangements now with your testing proctor regarding student testing.
On-line testing dates WILL NOT be extended for any reason so please make sure your students test within the 2 week time frame.
Round One Results
Results will be posted on the Oklahoma HOSA website on Thursday, March 10. The top 10 (in alphabetical order) Health Science Event winners will be posted. In all other events with an on-line test, the top competitors will be posted but in NO PARTICULAR order. These top competitors will advance to Round Two at SLC.
If there are 8 students registered for parli pro but only 6 take the Round One test-----do we only average the 6 scores to add to the final score OR do we add in two “0”s for the 2 students who will participate in Round Two but did not take the Round One test?
Average the 6 scores and do not add in the zeros. The team then becomes the six people and six people compete in Round Two
Deadline March 4, 2016—mailed to Debbie Bennett
**Scholarship Applications-HOSA Board Inc. Scholarship, Rebecca Anderson Memorial Scholarship, OK CareerTech Foundation Scholarship
**Outstanding HOSA Advisor
Debbie Bennett
Oklahoma HOSA
1500 W. 7th Ave.
Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074-4364
Submit at SLC On-Site Registration Check In
Medical Liability Release Form (one for EVERY conference attendee)
Code of Conduct (one for EVERY conference attendee)
HOSA Happenings
Job Seeking Skills resume and cover letter
Interviewing Skills resume and cover letter
Medical Photography Portfolio
Research Persuasive Speaking paper
i:\hlth\debbie\hosa-spring leadership conference\2016\registration\registration information.doc