2016 Executive Committee Meeting

Date: MondayAugust22, 2016

Place: Panera Bread at 2820 Central Ave SE in Nob Hill

The SWAT Executive Committee Meeting was Called to Order by President, Julie Fillinger at 6:07PM.

Present were SWAT EC Officers Julie Fillinger, Margaret Coombs, Linda Kipp, Donna Crary-Johnson, Karen Green and SWAT members, Beth Piper-Jansen and Lisa Frankland.

The Minutes of the July25, 2016 SWAT EC Meeting were approved as amended.

Report of President: Julie reviewed the SWAT Trial Workers Schedule for 2017. It was noted that a USDAA Trial Chairman was needed for the June 2017 Test and a Trial Secretary would be needed for the November 2017 Test. There are two AKC Trials, June and Sept 2017, needing Trial Chairman and Secretaries. Professional Secretary Contracts are being accepted and reviewed. Julie will keep the master copy of the SWAT Trial Workers Schedule.

Julie noted that the further out SWAT can name Trial Chairs, the more time the Chair will have to find Trial Committee members.

Report of Corresponding Secretary: Donna reported receiving two Professional Secretary Contracts: Cindy Blanton and Lisa Frankland. Julie asks that each EC Officer read the Contracts and be prepared to discuss them at the next EC meeting.

Coleen sent correspondence on equipment purchases.

Carl Necker sent a request for a Platelet Disorder Support Association (PDSA) fundraiser at the September AKC Trial. The EC referred back to the decision made for fundraiser requests over the past year and half. The Fundraiser Policy reads…

“While the cause is very worthwhile, the EC states that allowing one and denying another would show favoritism, as well as encourage multiple requests in the future. SWAT’s policy is not to act as a fundraiser arm for others. However, Jennifer may put a sign and container on top of her crate to collect donations. It was recommended that Jennifer post the fundraiser on the NMDogAgility site.”

Report of Treasurer: Linda reported the following financials:

Working Balance$27,963.28

Truck/Trailer Balance 25,691.93

Balance in Ckbk$53,655.21

Trial Profit/Loss for 2016 at present:



MayNADAC$ 577.11loss

JuneUSDAA$ 120.40profit


Report of Vice-President: Margaret will send a reminder of the upcoming Sept AKC Trial to the SWAT membership. She also reported that in her discussion with Ellen, SWAT does not have equipment for auction at the Sept AKC Trial; therefore the Equipment Auction is cancelled.

Committee Reports

AKC September 9-11, 2016 Trial: Donna reported that she had contacted Susan McGowen for the Lobos at theAKCSeptember 9-11, 2016. As school just started, Susan said she will get back to her after talking with the students, but thought it would be okay.

Lisa Frankland, Trial Secretary, reported that this Trial is half full and only two days left to enter. Margaret will publicize.

It was agreed that the Volunteer workers will receive a raffle ticket for each class worked. If there is a food vendor, the worker may use the tickets to purchase food or may put the tickets into a raffle for a $25 SWAT Voucher.

Annie hasn’t advised if a food vendor will be on-site. If there is no food vendor, Margaret offered to help Annie with lunches for the Lobos.

A question concerning the dollar amount of Vouchers allowed to be used at a single Trial. Linda noted that the instructions on the Vouchers explain that Vouchers may be used up to $100 per dog for Trial entries. If anyone still has the older Vouchers, Linda noted that there are no written usage restrictions on them.

Donna mentioned that the Weimaraner Club of Albuquerque needs to set up an educational table at the September AKC Trial in order to meet AKC requirements. Margaret suggested that could happen where she had planned to have the equipment auction.

AKC January 20-22, 2017 Trial: Julie Fillinger is the Trial Chair. She reported that this Trial is mostly staffed and will request Cindy to start working on the Premium. Julie or Donna will email Susan McGowen to schedule the Lobos for this Trial. Donna will arrange for the Dairy Barn, however no EXPO contract has been signed as of yet.

USDAA November 4-6, 2016 Test: Linda expressed concern of limited entries and big losses for the Friday Starters/Advanced Test due to exhibitors who work and, conflicts with other USDAA Tests being offered. Discussion followed. Margaret moved that “SWAT cancel the USDAA Friday Test if cancellation fees for EXPO rental are reasonable”. Donna, Seconded. Passed.

USDAA February 11-12, 2017 Test: Linda reported that Linda Smith is the Chair, Mica Tyler is the Secretary and Heather Chase is the judge.

Nominating Committee: Margaret reported that the slate is complete. She thanked the Nominating Committee members for their contributions to this effort. The Nominating Committee proposed Slate of Officers for 2017-2019 are as follows:

  • President, Margaret Coombs
  • Vice President, Vicki Wilson
  • Treasurer, Brenda Sauve
  • Recording Secretary, Beth Piper-Jansen
  • Corresponding Secretary, Amy Tanler

This proposed Slate will be announced through email and at the SWAT General Membership Meeting on Saturday, September 10th after the AKC Trial at the BCSP. During the General Membership Meeting additional nominations will be taken from the floor (dirt) by SWAT President, Julie Fillinger.

Unfinished Business

SWAT Annual General Membership Meeting: The meeting will be December 5,2016, 6:30PM at Rio Bravo Animal Hospital. A veterinarian staff member will present the program. Possible topics could be canine injuries, putting together a canine First Aid Kit, weirdest vet story, etc.

Venue Coordinators 2017: These members have volunteered to coordinate each agility organizations’ trials or tests for 2017.

AKC -- Linda Kipp

USDAA –Linda Johns

NADAC – Karen Green

Equipment: The chairs have been purchased. Ellen is purchasing a new Course Measuring Wheel from Home Depot. EC urged that the inaccurate wheel be tossed so that it doesn’t surface at any more trials!

NADAC May 6-7, 2017: Karen moved that “the SWAT NADAC Trial be held at Inez Elementary School, May 6 and 7, 2017”. Donna Seconded. Passed.

The EC members discussed the vouchers for Committee jobs. Margaret moved that “the NADAC Voucher Schedule/Committee positions stay the same as currently written”.Karen Seconded. Passed.

Karen reported that this Trial will use the BETA format where the same course is run two times in the same direction. Karen received checks for SWAT’s NADAC Renewal ($25) and for the Trial Application ($140).

New Business

Equipment Truck: Julie has sent an email to Coleen, Ellen and Richard concerning their thoughts on the equipment truck. She received an email from Coleen stating that Coleen would ask Ellen and Richard what requirements they have for an Equipment Truck. No replies as of yet.

SWAT has one Timer Control/Key Pad that has consistently caused problems during Trials. Coleen priced new ones and repair of the existing one. Margaret moved that “SWAT purchase a new Timer Control/Key Pad”. Linda Seconded. Passed. The SWAT Equipment Managerswill be permitted to purchase whatever Timer equipmentwill meet SWAT’s needs.

Ellen, Richard and Coleen have agreed to stay in their present SWAT positions for 2017.

Agenda for September General Membership Meeting: Karen reported that there is nothing left over from the last General Membership Meeting. Those present had suggestions for topics along with items required by the By Laws. Some of the ideas: Equipment (purchased and still needed). Venue Coordinators. What SWAT is and does. How judges are selected? What is involved in arranging a Trial? Open discussion. Some required items from the By Laws include the presentation of the proposed Slate of Officers, accepting nominations from the dirt and Committee Reports. It was suggested to also promote the Dec 5th Membership Meeting.

Next Meeting: General MembershipSept 10th after AKC Trial on Saturday

EC MeetingSept 10th following the General Membership Mtg

EC MeetingOctober 20, 2016, 6PM Panera on Central

Meeting adjourned at 7:30PM

Respectfully submitted,

Karen L Green

SWAT Recording Secretary