FFA Officer Application Check-Off Sheet
______1.Completed Application (typed) -- and all appropriate signatures present.
______2.Give Teacher Recommendation Form to one of your current teachers (not from our ag teacher). Have them return it to Mrs. Petrosky’s mail box.
______3.Turn in the Completed Application to Mrs. Petrosky by Friday, April 24th, 2015.
______4.Update your AET record-book. It will be available to the committee reviewing applications.
Officers will be elected at the April 28th FFA Meeting.
Conrad FFA
Please rate this student in each of the following areas. Please be completely honest in your evaluation. This will not be seen by the student or parent. Please complete and turn in to Mrs. Petrosky box by April 24, 2013.
Student's Name: ______Teacher's Name: ______
Category OutstandingGood Fair Poor
Responsibility & Follow-through
Respect for Authority
On Time to Class
Gets Along With Others
Comments: Please justify the above ratings (especially outstanding and poor ratings).
Place this recommendation in Mrs. Petrosky's mail box.
DO NOT GIVE IT BACK TO THE STUDENT. These are confidential.
Thank you for your time!
Conrad FFA
Officer Application Form
Name______Age______Year in Ag Ed______
Degree held at present: (Chapter Degree, Greenhand Degree)
Leadership Activities in FFA:
What CDE's have you been involved in?
Leadership and Participation in School and Other Activities:
Supervised Agricultural Experience Program:
What have you done to improve the FFA?
What do you feel you can do to improve the FFA?
Why are you running for an office of the Conrad FFA Chapter?
Number of meetings attended since last May 1st:
Are you willing to spend extra time in planning and conducting chapter meetings and activities?
What are your top 2 goals in FFA?
What office would you like to hold? If you specify an office, please explain why you think you are suited for that office. If there is an office you would not feel comfortable in, use this space to also explain.
What FFA competitive events have you been in?
What previous offices have you held in FFA or another group?
Approval of Parent or Guardian
______has our complete approval and our encouragement in his quest for a chapter office and we fully realize the additional time and work required of an office of the FFA if he is to fulfill his responsibilities properly.
______Parent's or guardian's signature