St. Stephen’s School Parent Teacher Association

PTA Meeting

February 28, 2012

In Attendance:

Andrea Lovasi WoodHarrioH

Amanda SmithCristiana Burns

Lisa FougereAngela ComeauTyler Rutledge

Heather SmithJody SampsonMaria Arsenault


1. Welcome

Meeting called to orderat 6:35PMby president, Andrea Lovasi-Wood.

2. Review and Additions to Agenda

Addition – Lisa will be taking a break next year from the treasurer’s role so we will be looking for a new treasurer to assume that position.

3. Review and Approval of February 7, 2012 minutes

Move to next meeting as we did not have quorum.

4. UpdatefromAdministration –Tyler Rutledge

  • Maritime Marionettes visited the school and their performance was well received.
  • There was over 60% participation on walk to school day. Would like to see this level of participation continue as the WOW program is established (walk or wheel).
  • SSES, in conjunction with the travel planning committee will work with NSCC to move smokers away from crosswalks.
  • The evening at the skating oval was well attended.
  • 23 children have registered for primary.
  • Keri Harrison is leaving a bit early to begin her maternity leave. Tyler will approach the staff to see if another teacher (s) will take on the PTA teacher rep. position.

5.Teacher Representative – Keri Harrison

Keri not present.

6. SAC

No update

7. Treasurer – Amanda Smith

$6951.62has been raised to date. $ 176.76was raised from the candy grams. It was recommended that we look for an alternative to the candy grams for next year (less labour intensive and less costly). The valentine raffle raised $415.89. The class that sold the most raffle tickets was Grade one - Kontak and that class won a movie and popcorn event.

8. Review of February Events

Skate at oval was a success. Jody was able to get a deal on the hot chocolate from the vendor on site. There were 93 tickets turned in for hot chocolate. There were about 30-40 families present along with 4 teachers.

9. March 02 – Movie Night

This movie should be a big hit with the kids and should be well attended. Six pizzas have been ordered along with 72 cartons of chocolate milk. Tyler will for obtain volunteer from the leadership students. Nachos, popcorn and coffee will also be served.

10. March 07 - Pancake Breakfast

Pancakes and fruit will be prepared the day before the event. On March 6th, prep shifts will be from 2:30-5:00 and then again at 6:30PM. On March 7th, volunteers should arrive at 8:00AM.

11. March 17 – St. Paddy’s Day dance – Jenny’s Pub

Everything is all sorted out with Jenny’s Pub for the St. Patrick’s Day event. Presale tickets order forms will be sent home soon and ticket orders will be filled and returned home with students before the March break. Budget for decorations $20.

12. SSES hosts Bingo at the Halifax Forum & Peeler coupons

On March 23rd SSES will host bingo night at the forum. The PTA will receive $10.00 for each ticket redeemed. A notice will be sent home next week.

A letter was sent to the Scotia bank in Fairview looking for volunteers for our Spring Fair. For each volunteer we will receive $1000 from the Scotia bank.

We will be looking for a person to run the Cranberry Bog café at the Spring fair.

Amanda will choose the books in Mrs. Wallace’s memory. These books will be placed in the library.

Book fair went well. Didn’t sell as much but percentage is higher.

Meeting adjourned at7:30PM

Adjournment to next meeting on Tuesday April 10th@6:30