January – June, 2013
Introduction & Presentation Guidelines
For years, Health Care Association of Michigan (HCAM) and Michigan Center for Assisted Living (MCAL) have offered a remarkable lineup of education and networking opportunities specifically targeting the needs and concerns of facility staff at all levels. The 2013 line-up of education events promises to uphold this long-standing tradition. As the profession’s most trusted partner for quality education, we would be honored to have you submit a presentation proposal for an upcoming event.
Please note that EVERY presentation proposal must include a complete Learner Objectives Form, a complete Bio Data Form for EACH prospective presenter, a complete Conflict of Interest Disclosure for EACH prospective presenter and a complete Bibliography Form. Incomplete presentation proposals cannot be considered, so please be sure to review these instructions thoroughly. All forms are locked Microsoft Word documents; you will be able to insert text by selecting that field or by using your “tab” key to select or enter in requested information. Each required document must NOT exceed one, single-sided page.
Our education and networking opportunities attract a variety of long-term care and assisted living professionals. Attendees are experienced and knowledgeable. They require and expect education that provides the most current information and the highest quality of expertise. See the cover of this packet for a historical perspective of our attendance numbers and audience demographics.
All prospective presenters are encouraged to craft a proposal that demonstrates a dynamic and innovative plan to disseminate information. Education should be interesting, exciting, effective, unique and memorable. Use of case studies, one-page handout materials and audio/visual equipment is encouraged. All sessions are to be 60 minutes.
1. The deadline for submitting presentation proposals is Monday, October 15th, 2012. All proposals must be submitted as a Microsoft Word attachment via e-mail to . Please indicate in the subject line: 2013 Winter Call [Your Last Name]. Hard copies and/or handwritten copies will not be accepted.
2. Incomplete proposals or proposals that do not meet the expectations of the 2013 Presentation Proposal Guidelines will be disqualified.
3. A separate proposal must be submitted for each proposed presentation. Submissions will not be returned.
4. Promoting a company, service or product during a presentation is expressly prohibited.
1. Anyone may submit a presentation proposal; however, preference will be granted to members and associate partners. Please note that all accepted presenters are expected to meet ALL deadlines.
2. Following are the core criteria that will be used to review all proposals:
Ø Timeliness of subject matter
Ø Topic has practical applications
Ø Topic is relevant to the target audience
Ø Clear, focused and well-organized proposal
Ø Presenter’s qualifications
Ø Presentation strategies
Ø Presentation’s overall quality
3. HCAM and MCAL reserve the right to request modifications to a presentation proposal before final selections are made and have the right to make adjustments to any presentation selected.
4. You will NOT receive a confirmation of your submission. Due to the high volume of proposals we receive, please do not contact HCAM or MCAL regarding the status of your proposal(s). Thank you for your understanding.
5. Selected presenters may be asked for assistance during the application process for continuing education credit.
6. Final selections will be made during the October 30, 2012 Quality & Education Committee Meeting. All applicants for Winter Call will be notified no later than Friday, November 16, 2012.
Table of Contents:
Page 1 2013 Tentative Education Calendar
Page 2 2013 Call for Presentation Guidelines
Page 3 2013 Presenter Policy
Page 4 2013 Presentation Documentation Form Guidelines
Page 5 2013 Presentation Documentation Form
Page 6 2013 Presenter Bio Data Form
Page 7-8 2013 Presenter Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form
Page 9 2013 Presentation Bibliography Form
January – June, 2013
2013 HCAM & MCAL Presenter Policy
To create a fair and consistent experience for individuals selected to present at HCAM/MCAL education programs and other Association events.
HCAM Staff Person Responsible:
Director of Education
· HCAM/MCAL members and associate partners are given first consideration (by way of a completed presentation proposal) for all breakout sessions at Association-sponsored education programs. Keynote addresses and general sessions are usually reserved for a state, regional or nationally-recognized, professional/credentialed speaker.
· Presenting at an HCAM/MCAL education program affords a speaker the opportunity to share his/her ideas, knowledge and experience with both newcomers and veterans of the long-term care profession. It also facilitates increased visibility, recognition and credibility in the eyes of peers, and promotes important industry-wide quality initiatives and best practices. Furthermore, presenters at HCAM/MCAL events are perceived as thought leaders or “go-to” people – and will likely be contacted by participants for additional information, speaking opportunities and/or consultation. Access to participants and constructive feedback helps presenters hone their skills (both as a presenter and as a long-term care practitioner/vendor) and grow their professional networks. Participants often reach out to presenters with follow-up questions or to seek further clarification. These contacts should be viewed as a valuable resource and a significant benefit of speaking at an HCAM/MCAL education program.
· Published presenters are welcome and encouraged to sell their educational materials (e.g., books, DVDs) during designated times of the education program
for which they’re confirmed to speak. Such arrangements should be made with the Association a minimum of eight weeks in advance of the event.
· In gratitude for their services, all presenters are extended a nontransferable, complimentary registration to the event for which they’re confirmed
to speak. Presenters are asked to communicate their attendance plans with the Association a minimum of four weeks in advance of the event.
· Local presenters, including HCAM/MCAL members and associate partners, are not afforded presenter fees, reimbursement for miscellaneous expenses, compensation for travel and/or complimentary overnight accommodations. In extenuating circumstances, when the Association’s request to speak poses an undue hardship to the presenter, special arrangements may be considered.
· All presenters are recognized by name and company in the registration and on-site program booklets
· In the event a presenter becomes unable to speak, that individual is responsible for working in close collaboration with HCAM/MCAL to secure another individual who is available and qualified to deliver the selected presentation with his/her PowerPoint slides and handout materials.
· A standard room set includes a microphone (if necessary; based on room/audience size), a podium, an audio/visual cart, electrical, a screen, a projector and a head table at the front of the room for presenter materials. HCAM/MCAL may not provide laptops. Presenters should be prepared to supply a laptop with their PowerPoint presentation preloaded. (Also, HCAM/MCAL is not compatible with Apple products. Presenters who choose to work from a MacBook should bring with them the appropriate converter to connect their laptop to a standard Dell LCD projector.)
2013 CALL FOR EDUCATION PRESENTATIONS 1 of 2: January – June, 2013
Documentation Form Guidelines
TITLE OF INDIVIDUAL SESSION/MODULE: Name of your presentation – Example: Curve Appeal: Diversify & Make Stakeholders Happy
Educational ObjectivesBy the end of this presentation the participant will be able to: / Content/Topic Outline / Time Frame / Teaching/Learning Strategies / Presenter/Content Specialist
Please list 3 objectives (required)
Objectives = What learner will gain/learn from your presentation.
For each Objective, please write 1 simple sentence to clearly state how you will deliver your message.
Avoid conjunctions that create a compound sentence to = 2 objectives.
Start each sentence with a verb. Example starter words include…
Classify * Describe * Explain * Identify * Demonstrate * Compare * Contrast * List, Examine * Evaluate * Design Develop * Interpret
Example: Explain why it’s important to understand industry trends.
Example: Compare/Contrast comparable industry data
Example: Demonstrate newly developed tools to aid in predicting future industry trends. / Provide 3 bullet points for each of the 3 objectives listed to describe basic content of your presentation. Each must expand on the objective and illustrate what you plan to share to make your point.
Example for Objective 1 (on left):
Þ Review how data is collected
Þ Identify key components of the data that establishes trends.
Þ Explain why stakeholders care.
Example for Objective 2 (on left):
Þ Review data from 2 comparable companies in industry
Þ Identify how data impacts each company’s growth/decline
Þ Review each company’s current standing
Example for Objective 3 (on left):
Þ Introduce new industry tool
Þ Show how to utilize
Þ Share what may be done to adjust company deliverables / expectations. / Provide a time frame for each objective and its related content.
20 Minutes
15 Minutes
25 Minutes / List the teaching strategy (lecture, PowerPoint, handouts, etc.) that are congruent with each objective and its related content.
Lecture, PowerPoint, Handout
Lecture, PowerPoint, Handout
Demonstration / List the proposed presenter for each topic. Complete a Biographical Form for each proposed presenter (program specific).
Jane Doe
Jane Doe
Jane Doe
Please write one brief, descriptive paragraph that would share with attendees what your presentation will address.
Example: Avoid common pitfalls that can bring a company to its knees. Discover a newly developed tool to help predict future trends and aid in decisions making on future deliverables.
2013 CALL FOR EDUCATION PRESENTATIONS 1 of 2: January – June, 2013
Documentation Form
Educational ObjectivesBy the end of this presentation the participant will be able to: / Content Outline /
Time Frame
/ Teaching/Learning Strategies / Presenter/Content Specialist1. / ·
2. / ·
3. / ·
January – June, 2013
Biographical Form
Information for each activity planner and presenter/content specialist must be typed on a separate Biographical Data Form. Do not attach additional materials, i.e. curriculum vitae.
Check all that apply:
Lead Nurse Planner (for Providers only)
Nurse Planner (for Providers only)
Provider Unit Staff (for Providers only)
RN Nurse Planner
Activity Planner,
relevant content expertise
target audience
responsibility for adherence to ANCC-COA/WNA CEAP criteria
Presenter/Content Specialist
Name and Degree(s):
Present Position (Title and Employer):
Preferred Address:
Preferred Phone Number: (Please check) Work Home
Cell Number: Fax Number:
Email Address:
Education (include basic preparation through highest degree held):
Institution / Major Area of Study / Degree / Year AwardedBriefly describe how your professional education and experience qualify you for your role as a presenter/content specialist or activity planner for this educational activity.
January – June, 2013
Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form
All persons in a position to control the content of this educational activity (either as an activity planner or content expert/presenter) must disclose to HCAM any potentially biasing relationships of a financial, professional, or personal nature.
The intent of this disclosure is not to prevent an activity planner with commercial affiliations from planning an educational activity, or to prevent a presenter with commercial affiliations from presenting, but rather to inform HCAM of any potentially biasing relationships so that conflicts can be resolved prior to the activity.
It is the policy of HCAM to ensure balance, independence, objectivity and scientific rigor in all of its continuing nursing education activities. All relevant conflicts of interest either identified by the planner, presenter, or as determined by HCAM will be disclosed to the audience in writing prior to, or at the time of, the presentation.
First Name, Last Name, and Degree(s):
Title of Educational Activity:
Date of Educational Activity:
No, neither I nor my immediate family have or have had in the last twelve months, a relevant financial, professional, or personal relationship with a commercial interest producing health care goods/services related to this educational activity.
Yes, either I or my immediate family currently has or has had in the last twelve months, a relevant financial, professional, or personal relationship with a commercial interest producing health care goods/services related to this educational activity.
IF YES, identify the categories below where real or apparent conflict of interest exists related to the educational activity.
1. EmploymentYes, I have an employment relationship with
2. Board of Directors/Other Leadership Position
Yes, I have a leadership relationship with
3. Research Funding
Yes, I receive research funding from
4. Paid Consultant or Member of an Advisory Board or Review Panel
Yes, I have a consultant or advisory board relationship with
5. Speaker’s Bureau
Yes, I am on the speaker’s bureau(s) for
6. Major Stock or Investment Holder
Yes, I have stock holdings with
7. Other Remuneration
Yes (please list relationships and company name)
2. OFF LABEL USE: (for Presenters/Content Specialists)
If you discuss the utilization of FDA drugs or devices outside approved regulations (off-label or investigational uses), you must clearly delineate this for your audience. Participants will be informed in writing in advance of, or at the time of, the educational activity if there will be discussion of “off-label” uses of commercial products during the educational activity.
Will you address “off-label” uses of commercial products during this educational activity? Yes No
IF YES, indicate how you will disclose this information during your presentation.
Verbal statement during the presentationInformation provided on handouts
Information provided in audiovisuals (slides, overhead, PowerPoint, etc.)
Other, please describe:
Signature (written or electronic): ______(REQUIRED)
Date: ______
Resolution of potential conflicts of interest – Activity Planner
No relevant relationship(s) to disclose
/Planners recused themselves from planning that portion of the program
Selected an alternative person
/Individual ended relationship
/Resolution of potential conflicts of interest – Presenter/Content Expert
No relevant relationship(s) to disclose
/Provided talking points/outline
Restricted presentation to clinical data
/Data, slides added or removed
Reassigned lecture/topic
/Reviewed content – free of commercial bias
Signature of RN Nurse Planner (written or electronic): ______Date: