South Carolina General Assembly
117th Session, 2007-2008
A126, R39, H3694
Joint Resolution
Sponsors: Reps. White, Agnew, Alexander, Allen, Anderson, Anthony, Bales, Ballentine, Bannister, Barfield, Battle, Bedingfield, Bingham, Bowen, Bowers, Brady, Branham, Brantley, Breeland, G.Brown, R.Brown, Cato, Ceips, Chalk, Chellis, Clemmons, Clyburn, CobbHunter, Coleman, Cooper, Cotty, Crawford, Dantzler, Davenport, Delleney, Duncan, Edge, Frye, Funderburk, Gambrell, Govan, Gullick, Hagood, Haley, Hamilton, Hardwick, Harrell, Harrison, Hart, Harvin, Haskins, Hayes, Herbkersman, Hinson, Hiott, Hodges, Hosey, Howard, Huggins, Jefferson, Jennings, Kelly, Kennedy, Kirsh, Knight, Leach, Limehouse, Littlejohn, Loftis, Lowe, Lucas, Mack, Mahaffey, McLeod, Merrill, Miller, Mitchell, MoodyLawrence, Moss, Mulvaney, J.H.Neal, J.M.Neal, Neilson, Ott, Owens, Parks, Perry, Phillips, Pinson, E.H.Pitts, M.A.Pitts, Rice, Rutherford, Sandifer, Scarborough, Scott, Sellers, Shoopman, Simrill, Skelton, D.C.Smith, F.N.Smith, G.M.Smith, G.R.Smith, J.E.Smith, J.R.Smith, W.D.Smith, Spires, Stavrinakis, Stewart, Talley, Taylor, Thompson, Toole, Umphlett, Vick, Viers, Walker, Weeks, Whipper, Whitmire, Williams, Witherspoon and Young
Document Path: l:\council\bills\bbm\9698htc07.doc
Introduced in the House on March 13, 2007
Introduced in the Senate on March 21, 2007
Passed by the General Assembly on April 25, 2007
Governor's Action: May 2, 2007, Vetoed
Legislative veto action(s): Veto overridden
Summary: M.J. "Dolly" Cooper Veterans Cemetery
DateBodyAction Description with journal page number
3/13/2007HouseIntroduced, read first time, placed on calendar without reference HJ44
3/20/2007HouseRead second time HJ17
3/21/2007HouseRead third time and sent to Senate HJ13
3/21/2007SenateIntroduced and read first time SJ9
3/21/2007SenateReferred to Committee on GeneralSJ9
4/19/2007SenatePolled out of committee GeneralSJ13
4/19/2007SenateCommittee report: Favorable GeneralSJ13
4/24/2007SenateRead second time SJ12
4/25/2007SenateRead third time and enrolled SJ33
4/26/2007Ratified R 39
5/2/2007Vetoed by Governor
5/3/2007HouseVeto overridden by originating body Yeas91 Nays0 HJ141
5/3/2007SenateVeto overridden Yeas44 Nays0
5/9/2007Copies available
5/9/2007Effective date 05/03/07
5/24/2007Scrivener's error corrected
7/30/2007Act No.126
(A126, R39, H3694)
Whereas, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs has awarded a grant to this State for the construction of a new veterans cemetery in Anderson County, scheduled to open in May, 2007; and
Whereas, this much needed and longsought facility will serve an important need in the Upstate; and
Whereas, M. J. “Dolly” Cooper was born on June 29, 1920, to his proud parents, Dewitt and Elvie Campbell Cooper in Piedmont, South Carolina; and
Whereas, graduating from Piedmont High School in 1937, Mr. Cooper went to work in the Piedmont Mills and took a job with the Piedmont Economy Store in 1939. In 1945, he became and remains, its full owner, although he is no longer active in its operations; and
Whereas, Mr. Cooper joined the Easley, South Carolina National Guard on September 3, 1940, and was called to active duty two weeks later; and
Whereas, bravely serving his country for five years and one month in the 30th Infantry Division, Mr. Cooper spent twenty months overseas and eleven months in combat duty, fighting in epic military battles such as the Battle of Normandy, the Battle of Mortain, the drive across France, the Battle of the Bulge, and the Rhine River crossing, among others; and
Whereas, recognized with highest military honors for his exceptional commitment to his fellow soldiers and country, Mr. Cooper was awarded the Purple Heart, Bronze Star, E.A.M.E.T. Medal with five Bronze Service Stars, American Defense Service Medal, and Combat Infantry Badge; and
Whereas, Mr. Cooper was elected to the South Carolina House of Representatives in 1974, serving on the Medical, Municipal, and Military Affairs Committee where he worked to improve health care for all South Carolinians; and
Whereas, Mr. Cooper retired from his role as legislator in 1990, at which time his youngest son, Dan, was elected to the seat; and
Whereas, extraordinarily active in the Piedmont community, Mr. Cooper was awarded the Order of the Palmetto in 1990, by longtime friend and neighbor, Governor Carroll Campbell; and
Whereas, it is appropriate that this facility be named to honor the distinguished career of public and community service of a great South Carolina veteran. Now, therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:
Cemetery named
SECTION1.The South Carolina Veterans Cemetery in Anderson is named the M. J. “Dolly” Cooper Veterans Cemetery in recognition of the distinguished public and community service of a great South Carolina veteran, the Honorable M. J. “Dolly” Cooper of the Piedmont Community in Anderson County.
Copies forwarded
SECTION2.Copies of this joint resolution must be forwarded to the Honorable M. J. “Dolly” Cooper and to Mr. Larry Montandon, Cemetery Superintendent, P.O. Box 280, Anderson, South Carolina 29622.
Time effective
SECTION3.This joint resolution takes effect upon approval by the Governor.
Ratified the 26th day of April, 2007.
Vetoed by the Governor -- 5/2/07.
Veto overridden by House -- 5/3/07.
Veto overridden by Senate -- 5/3/07.