2017 Hudson River Estuary ‘Day in the Life of the Hudson & Harbor’ October 12, 2017

Use of Photography/Video - Permission Form

Your son/daughter will be participating in A Day in the Life of the Hudson & Harbor 2017 on October 12, 2017, a program hosted collaboratively by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Hudson River Estuary Program and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO). We would like to use photographs from this event on our websites (http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/dayinthelife; http://www.dec.ny.gov/lands/47285.html) and possibly in presentations, newsletters and other publications. In order to use photographs of children, we need parent or legal guardian permission.
Below is a permission form. Please sign and return it to your child’s teacher. If you have questions, please call Chris Bowser, DEC Science Education, Specialist at (845-264-5041).

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Photo Consent

I CONSENT to the use of my name and/or likeness for the purpose of advertising or trade by the Day in the Life of the Hudson & Harbor event organizers (NYSDEC/LDEO) or anyone authorized by them to act on their behalf. “My likeness” includes a photograph, videotape recording, film or artistic rendering of me, a recording of my voice, and/or reproductions of any of these. I agree that the actual material involved, such as a photograph, negative plate, videotape recording, film or audio recording is and shall continue to be the property of the organizing agencies. I understand and agree that I will not be compensated in any way for the use of my name and/or likeness. I also understand that the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and LDEO may incur expenses in connection with the recording or reproduction of my name and/or likeness, and that I am free from any responsibility for these expenses.
If the person who is being photographed, filmed, or videotaped or recorded is under age 18, his/her parent or guardian must sign below instead.

Son/Daughter/Student Name......

Signed...... Date......

(Parent/Legal Guardian)

School Name......
School Address ......

Teacher’s Name ......
Site Location for the Event ......
Description: 2017 Hudson River Estuary Program – A Day in the Life of the Hudson & Harbor