Merritt Bench Newsletter
Principal: Ms. Carmella Mathieu 3341 Grimmett St., Merritt, BC V1K 1M3
Phone: 250 378-2528 Fax: 250 378-5289
February 15, 2018
Upcoming events:
Thursday, Feb 15th –BasketballTournament 9:10 school bus transportation
Wed, Feb 14th - 100 Day Special Activities. Primary and Intermediate Dance
Thurs. Feb. 15th Try it! Cook it! Like it! begins.
PAC meeting 7:00 in the Library at Bench.
Wednesday, Feb 28 -Please join us in our Gym for ourPink Shirt Assembly at 9:15am
Thursday, Feb 16th – Youth Leadership Conference at the Civic Centre, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm – Select Grade 7 Students are attending
Friday, Feb 23 – Pro D forteachers, No School for students
March 2nd Second Term Report Cards go home
March 6th and 7th Early Dismissal – Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews
March 16th Last day of School for Spring Break
Please remember there is NO supervision outside until 8:30 in the morning and only until 3:15 afterschool. It is important that your child(ren) remain at home until this time. The school doors do not open until 8:30!
SCHOOL PARKING LOT – Please refrain from parking in the school parking lot at all time in the morning and afterschool for pick up. WE have vehicles parking in NO parking areas. Encourage your child to walk to the street or pick up on Gillis. With slippery conditions we have had some close calls with children walking through the parking lot to be picked up. REMEMBER also if you are driving THROUGH the parking lot watch your SPEED.
Bench school students are Responsible, Respectful and practice Safe behaviours. At a school assembly at the beginning of the month we shared what these behaviours looked like in our hallways and entrance ways:
Quiet Voices
Hands to ourselves
Walking only
PLEASE all boots must be removed at the doorways – this is a safety issue!
FRONT entrance of the school should NOT be used by students in the morning or afterschool unless your child needs to use the office. Your child is to use the side doors.
COLD weather – please make sure your child has warm clothes.
LOST AND FOUND – we have many items in the lost and found. Items not collected will be donated at the end of the month! Please remind your child to have a look.
WE have had cases of lice in the school. PLEASE check your child every couple days at home for precautions.
IF there is suspicion that your child may have lice, we will make a call home and provide you with a handout on the steps you need to take. We will ask that your child return to school after treatment. Below are a few precautions you can support with:
Please check this link out: and this is a good link to share: Note: outbreaks often occur after school holidays like Christmas and March break.
2. Stay calm… head lice are a nuisance, but do not cause disease, and remember lice do not jump, they can only crawl. The information under head lice treatment options may be helpful:
4. Please have children with long hair to tie it back or braid it.
5. Encourage children to place hats and scarves inside their coat or jacket sleeves.
6. Remind your child not to try on other people's hats, scarves, coats.
How to check for head lice link: has a handout on how to check for lice.
Carmella Mathieu
Merritt Bench Elementary School