Eligibility to Apply

Ø  Family members or caregivers of a transition-aged youth or young adult with a disability.

Ø  High school youth between the ages of 16-21 accompanied by an adult (family member/caregiver)

Scholarship Availability

A limited number of scholarships are available for family members or caregivers and accompanied high school youth between the ages of 16-21 who are currently enrolled in a high school program. Scholarships will be awarded by an application selection process. Please address all fields of the application fully, as the Conference Committee will carefully review each application. Scholarship opportunities for families from underserved and underrepresented communities will be given preference.

Scholarship Reimbursement

If selected, you will be sent a confirmation letter. The scholarship
will cover the following expenses:

Ø  Lodging:

The scholarship covers the cost of one hotel room at a double occupancy rate for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights, July 19, 20, 21, 2016. All families/caregivers that are provided a scholarship will have their hotel reservations made for them at a hotel located at or near the conference site. This scholarship only covers the cost of the hotel room; other hotel costs are the responsibility of the scholarship recipient (i.e. phone charges, room service, etc.).

**Please note that in the event you would not be able to attend the conference and a hotel reservation has been made for you, you are required to call or email Patty Panuccio at . If you do not call and cancel, you will be billed for one night’s stay.

Ø  Registration:
The conference registration fee of $150.00 will be waived for each family member and/or youth receiving a scholarship.

Ø  You will be responsible for:
Evening meal expenses and travel costs.

Application Deadline

The deadline for scholarship application is June 15, 2016 in order for
you to be considered in the selection process. You will be notified of your selection status by the beginning of July 2016. Please mail, fax
or email your completed scholarship application to: Patty Panuccio, PaTTAN Pittsburgh, 3190 William Pitt Way, Pittsburgh, PA 15238,
Fax: 412-826-1964 or email: .

Youth & Family Team Sessions

Throughout the years, youth/young adults and families have benefitted from the sessions held at the transition conference. Based upon feedback, the planning team has developed a team approach where youth and family members (or a supporting adult) attend sessions together. These sessions will include youth development activities, to help youth grow and plan for adult life, with the support of their family (or supporting adult). These sessions will be led by the PA Youth Leadership Network (PYLN), including young adults with and without disabilities as well as other transition stakeholders.

Conference Registration

In addition to completing the scholarship application, each family/caregiver must also complete an individual conference registration form in order to attend the conference.

Youth & Family Team Sessions

For specific Youth and Family Team Sessions refer to page #6 in the conference brochure. PYLN specific sessions include: Session # A11, B12, C10, D11, F12, G9, H11, J12, L9

PaTTAN encourages all participants to register on-line by following the instructions below:

1.  Go to the PaTTAN website: www.pattan.net

2.  Click on the 2016 PA Community on Transition Conference under the “What’s New” section.

3.  Click the box of each of the breakout sessions you would like to attend.

4.  Please make sure you complete your on-line registration entirely.

5.  Your last step will be to click the “Submit Registration” button.


7.  You will then receive an email confirmation. If you do not receive a confirmation and have entered a valid email address, then you have not registered successfully and will need to start registration over.

8.  All attendees must register for this year’s conference – this includes all family members, caregivers, youth and young adults.

To obtain an electronic copy of the brochure, please visit www.pattan.net or contact PaTTAN at 800-446-5607. A paper copy of the registration form can be mailed or faxed to Patty Panuccio, PaTTAN-Pittsburgh, 3190 William Pitt Way, Pittsburgh, PA15238 or fax - 412-826-1964.

1. Family Member/Caregiver Attending Conference (Must be 21+):

Applicant Name:
Phone/TTY: / Cell Phone:
Email Address:

* I am accompanying a youth or young adult with a disability between the ages of 16 and 21 who is still enrolled in a high school program.

2. Youth/Young Adult Attending Conference:

Applicant Name:
Phone/TTY: / Cell Phone:
Email Address:
Current School Attending: / Projected Graduation Year:
Date of Birth: / Age:

3. Hotel Accommodations Needed:

* Yes

* No

4. Youth/Young Adult is currently receiving services from:

* / County Office Intellectual Developmental Disabilities / * / Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Youth/Young Adult’s primary disability is (please indicate):

5. Reasonable Accommodation Requests:

If you need accommodations to participate as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act, please complete the following section:

* Family Member/Caregiver

Accommodation / Alternative Formats / Special Dietary Requests
Sign Language Interpreter / Braille / Vegan
Wheelchair Access / Large Print / Gluten-Free
Other: (please specify) / Electronic Copy / Other: (please specify)

* Youth/Young Adult

Accommodation / Alternative Formats / Special Dietary Requests
Sign Language Interpreter / Braille / Vegan
Wheelchair Access / Large Print / Gluten-Free
Other: (please specify) / Electronic Copy / Other: (please specify)

6. Youth/Young Adult and Family/Caregiver Consent (Check all that apply):

* I/we would be considered an individual that could be categorized as: economically disadvantage, geographically disadvantaged, underserved/underrepresented due to race, ethnicity, and/or from the LBGTQ community.

* I am a family member or caregiver of a transition-aged youth or young adult with a disability between the ages of 13 and 24.

* I am accompanying a youth/young adult between the ages of 16 and 21 who will be participating in the Youth & Family Team Sessions at the 2016 Pennsylvania Community on Transition Conference in State College on July 20-22, 2016. He/she will have a family member/care giver supervising him/her throughout the conference who will be held accountable for any medical/behavioral issues.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

* I am between the ages 16 of 21 and still in high school. A family member or caregiver will accompany me and attend the conference.

Youth/Young Adult Signature: ______Date: ______