2005 Annual Report Keyword Search


First Name / Last Name / Title / Dept / AR Page / Question ID / Question / Answer
Mary Frances / Agnello / C&I / 2 / Q1F / F. Your instructional goals for next year. / My instructional goals for next year include to offer my students good and real examples of secondary curricula. I will attempt to do the same for the Action Research class that I will also be teaching as a new preparation this spring. I believe that utilizing the new textbook in the EDSE 2300 class called "Because Teaching Matters" by Pugach will help to clarify a lot of nebulous issues that come up in the School, Society, and Diversity class. Despite one comment from a student complaining about too much field experience being required in the EDSE 2300, I believe that such experience was thought to be valuable to the other students. I have arranged with Lori Alexander, principal of Brown Elementary, a very diverse elementary school near the university to have my students observe during five of our class times this coming spring semester. I also am requiring that my EDSE 2300 students go to the MaggieTrejoCommunity Center to do 10 hours of volunteering with children who are usually quite diverse. Most of my Tech students enjoyed the field experience a lot last semester. The Livelink with Lubbock High was also very valuable as my students were able to see inside Kay Moore's economics classes. Such virtual and real experiences for the students make possible views of schooling as we experience our lives in society with new and open eyes toward diversity and opening doors to all Texans. Over all, I have worked to adapt my teaching to the mission of the COE with attention toward diversity, technology, and collaborations. It is a personal teaching challenge as it is a collective one for the College. Such an orientation helps focus my research, service, and teaching with a purposeful approach to the needs of our microcosmic and macrocosmic communities.
Mary Frances / Agnello / C&I / 3 / Q2D / D. Manuscripts in Progress / 1) White, D., Agnello, M.F., Crooks, S. Digital media for teaching and learning: Creating instructional resources for the visually impaired. Journal of Vision Impairment and Blindness. 2) Agnello, M.F., & Bonanle, O. Globalization and technology: A view of multicultural educational concerns. 3) Agnello, M.F., Hamman, D., Todd, R. Economics Education: Preservice teachers beliefs about their financial futures and implications for teacher education. 4) Agnello, M.F. & Theobald, P. John Locke and the Secondary Curriculum.
Amma / Akrofi / Assistant Professor / C&I / 2 / Q1D / D. Activities related to improvement of your own teaching, including development of new courses and modification of existing courses. / Four of the five courses I taught this year were courses I had previously taught before at Tech. Therefore, course preparations, especially with regard to new readings, were not overly extensive. The four courses were EDLL 3350, 5340, 5351, and 6351. The major improvement I made teaching those courses was in the area of technology. I got rid of all my old OHP transparencies and put several man hours into developing PowerPoint presentations. Particularly for the 3350 class, I scanned tens of visual resources on to my PowerPoint slides. Ultimately, the time spent preparing the instructional materials paid off during my lesson delivery. I felt I was successful at providing more effective and attention-catching mini-lectures. I also provided my graduate students ample opportunities to use technology in their presentations. A couple who had never done PowerPoint presentations before were appreciative of the opportunity. Additionally, my undergraduate students used technology to do literature circles: They used WebCT to engage in threaded discussions of literature books they used for common reading.
Judi / Atcheson / Visiting Professor / C&I / 2 / Q1D / D. Activities related to improvement of your own teaching, including development of new courses and modification of existing courses. / Continued incorporation of technology into all my classes, from WebCT to utilizing the multimedia cart, etc....While teaching EDLD 5330 in the spring 2005 semester, extensive training was undertaken and then utilized in IVC techniques, including broadcasting from two different Hill Country sites. Expanded involvement and collaboration with the K-12 Education Outreach area of the InternationalCulturalCenter has enriched my teaching in many ways, including providing "Cultural Extravaganzas" to area schools. Continued active, hands-on learning experiences provided for my students in the form of community visits, guest speakers, and service learning opportunities have expanded the horizons of my teaching as a learning facilitator.
Judi / Atcheson / Visiting Professor / C&I / 2 / Q1F / F. Your instructional goals for next year. / My goal is to teach with passion and relate more personably with the students. I will strive to provide classes that are active learning environments that include more input from students. In addition, even greater use of technology in all my classes will be of primary importance.
Devender / Banda / Assistant Professor / EP&L / 2 / Q1D / D. Activities related to improvement of your own teaching, including development of new courses and modification of existing courses. / Incorporated technology including videos, DVDs, and web-based activities. Enhanced student participation through in-class activities. Revised syllabi for SPA and NCATE
Devender / Banda / Assistant Professor / EP&L / 2 / Q1F / F. Your instructional goals for next year. / Incorporate technology. Develop and incorporate more hands-on activities in class. Attend TLTC seminars.
Teresa / Blodgett / Instructor / EP&L / 2 / Q1D / D. Activities related to improvement of your own teaching, including development of new courses and modification of existing courses. / Modify EDIT 3318 every semester to insure up-to-date information concerning integrating technology into the K-8 curriculum. Current information about new technology.
Teresa / Blodgett / Instructor / EP&L / 2 / Q1F / F. Your instructional goals for next year. / Incorporate more technology hardware into EDIT 3318. Incorporate more video creation and editing into EDIT 3318. Increase students' understanding of the use of technology as a tool, when and how to use technology and when not to use technology in the classroom.
Joseph / Claudet / Associate Professor, Program Coordinator / EP&L / 2 / Q1D / D. Activities related to improvement of your own teaching, including development of new courses and modification of existing courses. / Continued refinement of online technology-integrated courses and course components in Educational Leadership: During 2005, I continued making ongoing refinements to my Educational Leadership web-- and technology-integrated courses and course components (EDLD 5001, 5330, 5350, 5361, and 6300) which I developed initially during Summer, 1999. I continued to work to enhance my online and technology-integrated course components (including course websites and instructional modules) in the following Educational Leadership masters/principal certification and doctoral (Ed.D.) program courses: EDLD 5001 - School Budgeting/Grant Writing for Educators EDLD 5330 - Staff Development (website address: EDLD 5350 - School Personnel and Fiscal Management EDLD 5361 - Process of Educational Change EDLD 6300 - School Organization Theory The responses to my technology-integrated courses from students continue to be very favorable. My overall instructor mean (on a 5-point scale) on available student evaluations for my 2005 teaching of technology-integrated courses was 4.66. I plan to continue during 2006 to expand and deepen my approaches to effectively integrating technology into my classroom and distance education teaching. Educational Leadership (EDLD) Masters Degree/Principal Certification Preparation Program Delivery in TTU Hill Country - I worked collaboratively with TTU-Lubbock and TTU-Hill Country faculty, administrators, and staff during early Spring, 2005 to recruit and admit a fourth cohort (EDLD-HC Cohort No. 4) of new students into the EDLD Principal Professional Certification Preparation Program in the Hill Country. Seventeen new EDLD masters/principal certification students were admitted in Spring, 2005 into the fourth EDLD-Hill Country two-year cohort program. (The EDLD program admits a new student cohort into the EDLD Masters Degree / Principal Professional Certification Program each April. Cohort students begin taking classes in June.) The twenty students in the original Cohort No. 1 of this program graduated with their masters degrees as the inaugural Hill Country Campuses graduating cohort in May, 2004. Twelve students in EDLD-HC Cohort No. 2 graduated in May, 2005.
Joseph / Claudet / Associate Professor, Program Coordinator / EP&L / 2 / Q1F / F. Your instructional goals for next year. / My instructional goals for 2006 include the following: (1) A first instructional goal of mine for 2006 is to continue to work with Educational Leadership faculty colleagues to nurture within the EDLD Program a faculty-student culture that reflects the Educational Leadership Program theme of "Organizational Change Leadership." I am committed during 2006 to continuing to strive to incorporate this leadership emphasis both within classroom teaching/learning activities and in field-based interactions with students through: (1) conscientious personal modeling of this theme; and (2) encouraging students to adopt this same focus in interactions with fellow students and colleagues in their own professional teaching, learning, and leading endeavors. (2) A second instructional goal of mine for 2006 is to continue to work collaboratively with my Educational Leadership program faculty colleagues to further the work of the Educational Leadership Program in serving students and regional education stakeholders. During 2006 I plan to renew my efforts to work collaboratively with professional certification and masters/doctoral students in the Educational Leadership Program, both at the university and at distance delivery sites and in field-based activities at regional schools and school districts, and to continue to support regional school leaders, EDLD program faculty, and College of Education and university colleagues in further designing and implementing positive, enriching professional learning opportunities for school leaders. (3) A third instructional goal of mine for 2006 is to continue to explore a general broadening and enriching of the Reflective Thinking and Decision Making (RTDM) organizational case learning approach I have utilized in my own R&D work through inviting colleagues in both Departments across the College of Education, as well as in academic departments throughout the University, who are interested in case development research to pursue collegial research and teaching opportunities as "collaborative case research teams." My intent with continuing to pursue this idea is to provide a framework or forum within which faculty, undergraduate/graduate students, and practitioners can share research, teaching, and practical school leadership interests, knowledge, and expertise using a variety of case method and development approaches. I will continue to work in 2006 to explore R&D external funding opportunities for case development research and application to support worthwhile case development and research projects by individuals and groups of faculty within the College of Education as well as by education faculty working with other University departments. (4) A fourth instructional goal of mine for 2006 is to continue to reflectively examine the notion of community building and, particularly, the challenges involved in scholarly culture building and its realistic application in terms of the research and teaching missions of the College of Education, and to work collaboratively with colleagues to operationalize a positive spirit of research and teaching dialogue within and across program areas, the departments, and the larger college community. As part of this goal, I plan to continue my efforts in 2006 in working collegially with others to help foster within the College a "collegial team spirit"?a mindset within which faculty, as a team, actively seek to nurture and sustain a positive, collaborative professional learning culture both within the TTU/College of Education and throughout the university. Throughout 2006, I plan to commit my personal energies to helping to positively affect and enhance this "collegial team spirit" through personal modeling and through active involvement with colleagues in the mission and day-to-day organizational activities of the College. (5) A fifth instructional goal of mine for 2006 is to continue to work closely with College program and department colleagues and University administrators to continue implementing and expanding Educational Leadership program and other College program distance delivery to TTU Off-Campus Sites. In my view, the TTU Higher Education Off-Campus Sites present an excellent opportunity for program faculty and college and university administrators to work closely and collaboratively in fashioning and delivering creative technology-integrated graduate degree and professional certification programs to multiple cohorts of diverse clientele. I am committed to devoting my energies to helping to ensure that graduate program efforts at both the TTU Lubbock Campus and TTU Higher Education Off-Campus Sites are successfulprograms that will continue to expand and reap positive rewards for the College and University, and for individuals aspiring to be effective educators and educational leaders.
Joseph / Claudet / Associate Professor, Program Coordinator / EP&L / 3 / Q2B / B. Manuscripts Accepted for Publication or in Press (Please identify the publication by type: journal, newsletter, book, etc.) / Claudet, J. G. (2006, in press). Multimedia case simulations as professional learning and assessment tools for school leaders. Journal of Thought, 41(1). Claudet, J. G. (2006, in press [Dec., 2006 issue]). Technology and educational leader development. International Journal of Arts and Sciences.
Joseph / Claudet / Associate Professor, Program Coordinator / EP&L / 3 / Q2C / C. Manuscripts Submitted for Publication and Under Review (Please identify the publication by type: journal, newsletter, book, etc) / Penn, J. L., Brown, R. S., & Claudet, J. G. (2005). Inclusive learning environments: What's best for Emily? (journal article) Claudet, J. G. (2005). Research and practice in technology-integrated performance assessment: A review of current and emerging trends. (journal article) Claudet, J. G. (2005). Some notes on interdisciplinary teaching: Applying lessons from cultural anthropology. (journal article) Claudet, J. G. (2005). Touchstones of academic community building: A few lessons from experience. (journal article) Claudet, (2005). Curriculum integration and the politics of collaboration: Lessons from the trenches. (journal article) Claudet, J.G. (2005). Designing technology-supported curriculum integration into teacher staff development programs: Using collaborative modeling to change teacher beliefs. (journal article) Claudet, J.G. (2006). A multimedia approach to enhancing school leaders? reflective thinking and decision making. (journal article) Claudet, J.G. (2006). School leadership and organizational case learning: Leveraging real-world experiences for collaborative professional growth. (journal article)
Joseph / Claudet / Associate Professor, Program Coordinator / EP&L / 4 / Q3B / B. College Activities / In July, 2004, I began serving as Associate Dean for Graduate Education, Research, and Administration in the College of Education. Technology-integrated Course Expansion and Refinement: During 2005, I continued my work on expanding and updating my technology-integrated course components in the Educational Leadership Program.
Sandi / Cooper / Associate Professor, Program Coordinator / C&I / 3 / Q2A1 / (1). Refereed journal articles / Runnels, M.K., Cooper, S.B., Thomas, J.A., Lan, W.Y.,& Busby, C. (2005). How to teach online: What the research says. Distance Learning, 2(1): 21-27. Tallent-Runnels, M. K., Lan, W. Y., Fryer, W., Thomas, J. A., Cooper, S., & Wang, K. (2005) The relationship between problems with technology and student evaluations of online teaching, Submitted to The Internet and Higher Education, (8) 167-174.
Sandi / Cooper / Associate Professor, Program Coordinator / C&I / 3 / Q2B / B. Manuscripts Accepted for Publication or in Press (Please identify the publication by type: journal, newsletter, book, etc.) / Runnels, M.K., Thomas, J.A., Lan, W.Y., Cooper, S.B., & Ahern, T. (in press). New models of learning: A review of research about the use of technology in online courses. Review of Education Research. Ahern, T., Thomas, J. A., Tallent-Runnels, M.. K., Lan, W. Y., Cooper, S., Cyrus, J., & Lu, X. (In press). The effect of social grounding on collaboration in a computer-mediated small group discussion. The Internet and Higher Education.
Sandi / Cooper / Associate Professor, Program Coordinator / C&I / 3 / Q2D / D. Manuscripts in Progress / BOOK Thomas, J.A., & Cooper, S.B. Parent Guide to Elementary School Science and Mathematics: What to Expect and How to Get it. ARTICLES Cooper, S.B. & Thomas, J.A. Learning to teach with technology: Providing support for faculty development. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education. Cooper, S.B. & Wilhelm, J. Learning mathematics through inquiry-based activities. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education. Cooper, S.B. Preservice teachers' level of understanding diagnosis and remediation strategies. Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics journal. Cooper, S.B. The developmental process of preparing middle school math teachers. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education.
Sandi / Cooper / Associate Professor, Program Coordinator / C&I / 3 / Q2F1 / (1). Refereed / Thomas, J., Cooper, S., Cikla, O., & Ozdemir, P. (January, 2006). Creative Drama Teaching Methods in Science and Mathematics: A Preservice Elementary Methods Course Experiment. A paper presented at the Association of Science Teacher Educators Meeting in Anaheim, California. Thomas, J. & Cooper, S. (January, 2006). Preparing Preservice Teachers to Communicate with Parents of Elementary Students and Improve Student Learning Opportunities. A paper presented at the Association of Science Teacher Educators Meeting in Anaheim, California. Cooper, S. (January, 2006). The journey to becoming a middle level mathematics teacher: The road from methods course to first year. Paper to be presented at the Annual Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators conference in Tampa, Florida. Nesmith, S. & Cooper, S. (January, 2006). Math camp: A varied field experience for a mathematics methods course. Paper to be presented at the Annual Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators conference in Tampa, Florida. Cooper, S. & Thomas, J. (February, 2006). Preparing preservice teachers to work with parents. Paper to be presented at the annual Association of Teacher Educators conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Nesmith, S. & Cooper, S. (February, 2006). Methods of integrating field experience within math methodology courses for EC-4 preservice teachers. Paper to be presented at the annual Association of Teacher Educators conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Cooper, S. & Fryer, W. (March, 2006). Mathematics educators use iTV via the Internet to conduct lesson study. Paper to be presented at the annual Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education conference in Orlando, Florida. Cooper, S., Nesmith, S., & Haddock, A. (October, 2006). Mathematical problem-posing in the context of children's literature. Paper to be presented at the annual Western Regional Conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics in Phoenix, Arizona.
Sandi / Cooper / Associate Professor, Program Coordinator / C&I / 4 / Q3C / C. State, Regional, and National Professional Activities / Program Committee, Association of Mathematics Teachers Educators Conference, 2003-2007 Selected to serve as Program Chair, Association of Mathematics Teachers Educators Conference, 2007 Dr. Julie Thomas and I were selected to serve as Co-Executive Directors for the School Science and Mathematics Association for 2006-2011. Reviewer (Journal Submissions), Teaching Children Mathematics. Reviewer (Journal Submissions), Teaching Mathematics in the Middle School. Reviewer (Journal Submissions), Journal of Teacher Education. Reviewer (Conference Proposals), Association of Teacher Educators. Reviewer (Conference Proposals), Society for Information Technology in Teacher Education