Archangel Michael & St. Bishoy Vacation Care
Diocese of Sydney & Affiliated Regions
Coptic Orthodox Church
PO Box 135 Mt Druitt NSW 2770
Provider Number 407 132947L
ABN 30 673 858 864
JULY 2010
Important Date
Sunday 13TH JUNE 2010Registration Form
Vacation Care – July2010
Due back with payment to:
VC Office or Eva Mikhael
Annie Massey - Coordinator (Mob. 0416051487) Vacation Care Centre Phone: 96770690
Eva Mikhael – Supervisor (Mob. 0405180533) Vacation Care Hours: 8am-6pm
Vacation Care office hours during school term:
Monday,Tuesday, Thursday, 9.15am– 2.30pm
Return by Sunday 13THJune 2010 Received On:……………………….
St Bishoy Vacation Care Registration Form – July 2010
Family Name:Child 1: / Child 2: / Child 3:
Age: / Class: Y / Age: / Class: Y / Age: / Class: Y
Day / Date / Activity / Child 1
$ / Child 2
$ / Child 3
$ / Total
Week 1 / EVERY DAY bring Morning Tea, Lunch, water bottle & hat
Mon / 5th July / Craft with Eugenie In Centre
Tues / 6th July / Soap Making In Centre
Wed / 7th July / Don Bosco Out
Thur / 8th July / Farmyard Friends In Centre
Fri / 9th July / K-Y3 Lollipops Playland Out
Y4-6 Ice Skating and Hungry Jacks (fasting) Out
Week 2 / EVERY DAY bring Morning Tea, Lunch, water bottle & hat
Mon / 12th July / 9am-12 Mass then Master Chef In Centre
Tue / 13th July / K-Y3 Go Carting includes treat In Centre
Y4-6 Bike Riding Incl. afternoon tea @ McDonalds Out
Wed / 14th July / Circus Workshop In Centre
Thurs / 15th July / Disney On Ice Out
Star Kids at Olympic Park & McDonalds Treat Out
Fri / 16th July / Creative Design (Wax or Fabric) In Centre
Week 3 / EVERY DAY bring Morning Tea, Lunch, water bottle & hat
Mon / 19th July / Movies and Munchies In Centre
PLUS Late Booking Fee
Fees paid on Amount:
Fees paid on Amount:
Fees paid on Amount:
Fees paid on Amount:
Fees paid on Amount:
Fees paid on Amount:
CENTRELINK: Hours per week: 24 or 50 (Circle) Centrelink Benefit ______(0% to 100%)
By signing below I acknowledge that I have read, understand and will abide by the information contained in this Registration Form.
Parents Name:……………………………………………………………………….….Signature:……………………………………..……..………
Mobile:…………………………………………Home Ph:……………………………………….Date:……………….… KC .
Annie Massey – Coordinator (Mob. 0416051487) Eva Mikhael – Supervisor (Mob. 0405180533) OFFICE: 96770690
St Bishoy Vacation Care Registration Form – July 2010
Family Name:Child 1: / Child 2: / Child 3:
Age: / Class: Y / Age: / Class: Y / Age: / Class: Y
Day / Date / Activity / Child 1
$ / Child 2
$ / Child 3
$ / Total
Week 1 / EVERY DAY bring Morning Tea, Lunch, water bottle & hat
Mon / 5th July / Craft with Eugenie In Centre
Tues / 6th July / Soap Making In Centre
Wed / 7th July / Don Bosco Out
Thur / 8th July / Farmyard Friends In Centre
Fri / 9th July / K-Y3 Lollipops Playland Out
Y4-6 Ice Skating and Hungry Jacks (fasting) Out
Week 2 / EVERY DAY bring Morning Tea, Lunch, water bottle & hat
Mon / 12th July / 9am-12 Mass then Master Chef In Centre
Tue / 13th July / K-Y3 Go Carting includes treat In Centre
Y4-6 Bike Riding Incl. afternoon tea @ McDonalds Out
Wed / 14th July / Circus Workshop In Centre
Thurs / 15th July / Disney On Ice Out
Star Kids at Olympic Park & McDonalds Treat Out
Fri / 16th July / Creative Design (Wax or Fabric) In Centre
Week 3 / EVERY DAY bring Morning Tea, Lunch, water bottle & hat
Mon / 19th July / Movies and Munchies In Centre
PLUS Late Booking Fee
Fees paid on Amount:
Fees paid on Amount:
Fees paid on Amount:
Fees paid on Amount:
Fees paid on Amount:
Fees paid on Amount:
CENTRELINK: Hours per week: 24 or 50 (Circle) Centrelink Benefit ______(0% to 100%)
Soap Making: Have fun making your very own soap!
Don Bosco: Indoor sports centre. Includes table tennis, soccer, tennis, snooker, trampolining. Return 2pm
Farmyard Friends: Get up close and personal with sheep, goats, calf, pigs, chickens, rabbits ducks. Watch the sheep shearing and whip cracking!
Lollipops Playland: Lots of fun and activities on the giant climbing/activity frames, giant slides, tea cups, etc includes a treat for well behaved children. Return 4pm
Ice Skating & Hungry Jacks: Excursion to Penrith Ice Skating then to Hungry Jacks. Wear long socks, warm clothes and gloves. Bring lunch and drink. Bring money for afternoon tea at Hungry Jacks. Return 4pm
Go Carts: K-Y3. Fun behind the wheel of an electric go cart.
Bike Riding at St Marys – C.A.R.E.S - CARES is a interactive total road safety education programme designed for school aged children. Bikes provided. Can bring own helmet. Wear old clothes. Includes afternoon tea at McDonalds.
Star Kids sports workshop: Enjoy a wonderful variety of activities at Star-Kids at Olympic Park. Wear suitable clothes for physical activity. Includes treat at McDonalds for afternoon tea (burger/wrap and drink).
Disney on Ice: Enjoy lunch and a play at Olympic Park before watching Disney on Ice. Return to centre 6pm. PAYMENT SECURES SEATS. Children may bring money, however it is their responsibility and must be in a snap-lock bag with their name and amount on the front. We can supply the snap-lock bag.
Movie & Munchies: Watch a movie and enjoy delicious munchies! Children may bring G and PG rated movies.
Daily Costs - Vacation Care July 2010
Family Name:Child 1: / Child 2: / Child 3:
Age: / Class: Y / Age: / Class: Y / Age: / Class: Y
Day / Date / Activity / Child 1
$ / Child 2
$ / Child 3
$ / Total
Week 1 / EVERY DAY bring Morning Tea, Lunch, water bottle & hat
Mon / 5th July / Craft with Eugenie In Centre / 5 / 3 / 0
Tues / 6th July / Soap Making In Centre / 8 / 4 / 0
Wed / 7th July / Don Bosco Out / 11 / 6 / 0
Thur / 8th July / Farmyard Friends In Centre / 13 / 7 / 0
Fri / 9th July / K-Y3 Lollipops Playland Out / 22 / 11 / 0
Y4-6 Ice Skating and Hungry Jacks (fasting) Out / 22 / 11 / 0
Week 2 / EVERY DAY bring Morning Tea, Lunch, water bottle & hat
Mon / 12th July / 9am-12 Mass then Master Chef In Centre / 8 / 4 / 0
Tue / 13th July / K-Y3 Go Carting includes treat In Centre / 18 / 9 / 0
Y4-6 Bike Riding Incl.afternoon tea @ McDonalds Out
(Burger/drink/chips) / 15 / 8 / 0
Wed / 14th July / Circus Workshop In Centre / 10 / 5 / 0
Thurs / 15th July / Disney On Ice * See special price below Out / 50 / 40 / 40
Star Kids at Olympic Park & McDonalds Treat Out / 15 / 8 / 0
Fri / 16th July / Creative Design (Wax or Fabric) In Centre / 8 / 4 / 0
Week 3 / EVERY DAY bring Morning Tea, Lunch, water bottle & hat
Mon / 19th July / Movies and Munchies In Centre / 5 / 3 / 0
PLUS Late Booking Fee
Fees paid on Amount:
Fees paid on Amount:
Fees paid on Amount:
Fees paid on Amount:
Fees paid on Amount:
Fees paid on Amount:
CENTRELINK: Hours per week: 24 or 50 (Circle) Centrelink Benefit ______(0% to 100%)
* “DISNEY ON ICE special price
Vacation Care Price including “DISNEY ON ICE” Ticket, transport by bus, admin and staff costs is:
CCB – over 70%...... $50 )2nd Child $40, 3rd Child $40
CCB – 30%-70%...... $55 )2nd Child $45, 3rd Child $45
CCB – under 30%...... $60 )2nd Child $50, 3rd Child $50
If you require help calculating the fees please contact Annie Massey on 0416051487.
Families who receive over 70% CCB use prices on this table ) 2nd child is
Families who receive 30-70% CCB fee subsidy from Centrelink add $5 per child first child ) half the cost
Families who receive Under 30% CCB fee subsidy from Centrelink add $10 per first child ) of first child
Families who are “UNREGISTERED” with Centrelink add $35 per child ) 3rd child free
Families with financial issues please speak with Father Gabriel (Mobile: 0411555195)
You may like to pay directly into our account: Please print a receipt as proof of payment.
Also please ensure you include your child’s first and last names as a reference.
Bank: Commonwealth Bank Branch: Marrickville
BSB: 062199 Account: 10314179
Account Name: Archangel Michael & St Bishoy Coptic Orthodox Church Vacation Care Reference: Your child’s first and last name
Payment must be made with Registration form – Late Registration fee is $10 per child
Place money in sealed envelope with the following details clearly written on the front:
Parents name and contact phone number, child’s name and total amount enclosed
Please return Registration Form to VC office or Eva Mikhael
before Sunday13th June 2010
- Where every precaution is taken to ensure that the welfare and protection of your son/daughter, St Bishoy Vacation Care Centre, its management, staff and employees are hereby released from any liability in the event of an accident or misfortune that may occur to your son/daughter.
- I understand that should I book my child/ren in on any day and they are absent, I will still be charged for the day I have booked in. This will also include any excursions or inclusions that have been planned for that day as these activities have already been paid for in advance.
During Vacation Care ALWAYS phone the centre first on 96770690
as staff maybe on leave or out of mobile reception – Thank you.
Parents please assist us by:
- Signing in/out every day per child
- Signing in between 8am and 9am for excursions.
Children who arrive after 9am will not be allowed to goon the excursion as per our excursion policy.
- VC children are not allowed to bring money on excursions except for special excursions like “Disney on Ice”
or where stated.
. Where possible a treat is purchased for well behaved children.
- Notifying staff if your child will not be attending on booked day.
- Always phone the Centre on 96770690 not staff mobiles as they may be on leave or out of mobile range
- Children must have their ownback pack, drink bottle, food, blue t-shirt, hat and appropriate footwear to
participate on an excursion. Children must not share with a sibling as they may be in different groups.
- Dressing children in old clothes clearly labelled. Wear Shoes/Joggers/Sandals, (NO Slip on footwear).
T-shirts (NO singlet tops). St Bishoy royal blue T-shirt can be purchased from VC. For safety
children MUST wear blue top forexcursions.
- NO HAT NO PLAY! A hat is required to participate in an excursion. Hat Hire $2
- Bring a drink bottle EVERY day; it can be refilled from the water cooler provided in the Centre
- Keeping sick children at home
- Advising staff of any infectious diseases or head lice
- Notifyingstaff as early as possible if you think you are going to be later than 6pm
- Making note of the days you have booked on the “Parents Copy” of the Registration Form.
- Leaving any precious, expensive or electronic games and toys at home unless specified in the program this
includes mobile phones, i-pod, i-phone, DS, etc.
- All food provided by parents MUST BE of a healthy nature. Please limit snacks that contain a lot of sugar
and food colourings. No fizzy drinks, lollipops or chewing gum.
No Nutella, Peanut Butter or nut products, we are a nut-free centre.
- Please specify any allergies or special needs.
- Please return Registration form to the school or VC officebefore Sunday 13th June, 2010.
- Payment MUST BE RECEIVED with registration form.
$10 late registration fee per child – to be paid with registration.
- For safety and security, children will only be released to an authorized adult(s) named on the Enrolment
Form. Children must be signed out by their parents or other authorized person before they leave the Centre.
- Late fees for children collected after 6:00pm are $10 per child for each 15 minutes or part thereof.
May 2010 Volume 5 Issue 2
Thankyou for your support and involvement during the 3 week March/April Vacation Care and Youth Club period. Following each Vacation Care we look to improve our Centre and the activities we provide. If you have any ideas for excursions, activities or have a special skill you would like to share please let us know, otherwise we will assume you are happy with the program and the services provided.SPECIAL EVENT:-Our annual “Disney on Ice” excursion will be held on Thursday 15th July, 2010. Children will be able to bring spending money because it is a special event!. Money must be in a snap-lock bag with name and amount on front.
ELECTRONIC DEVICES As per our policy NO electronic devices of any sort are allowed at Vacation Care and Youth Club – this includes mobile phones, ipods, DS, etc.
HEALTHY FOOD: Please ensure your child has healthy food for recess and lunch. Remember we are a nut-free centre and lollies, chocolate; chips etc are “sometimes” food and should be kept to a minimum.
Youth Club: In July we will be using the Youth Club room. It will be open for two days per week from 9am. Vacation Care will only be for K-Y6 children. If you have work commitments that necessitate your Y7+ child needing care please discuss this with me as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
New Enrolments: We had 7 new children enrol for March/April 2010 VC – welcome to you all.
Age Groups: The Vacation Care will follow the school academic year. Therefore in the April, July, Oct VC children will be in the same year as school for activities. For December and January they will be in the age group of the next school year. Y6 assessments for Youth Club will now be done in July and October VC.
LATE COLLECTION OF CHILDREN: A friendly reminder that the Centre closes at 6pm. Late fees will be charged asper our policy at $10 per child per 15 minutes or part there of.
Accreditation: We continue to update our policies where necessary.
Friendly Reminders: Please read the information on the registration form for each activity, especially in the warmer months where children are sometimes required to bring a change of clothes.
Payment of Fees: Please ensure fees are up to date.
You may like to pay directly into our account: Please print a receipt as proof of payment.
Also please ensure you include your child’s first and last names as a reference.
Bank: Commonwealth Bank Branch: Marrickville
BSB: 062199 Account: 10314179
Account Name: Archangel Michael & St Bishoy Coptic Orthodox Church Vacation Care
Reference: Your child’s first and last name
Office Details: Phone: 96770690 Fax: 96757533
School Term VC office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9am - 2.30pm
During Vacation Care always phone the Centre first (96770690) before phoning staff as it may be there day off.
Attached is the Registration form for three weeks of July 2010 Vacation Care.
This must be returned with payment by Sunday 13th June 2010to the Vacation Care office, this enables us to confirm excursions, book transport, purchase equipment and organise staff. There are limited places on excursions and these will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Late registrations will incur a $10 late fee to cover administration costs, payable at time of registration.
We look forward to sharing with your child/ren another enjoyable Vacation Care period with a fun, educational and entertaining program in a Christian and spiritual environment.
Annie Massey - Coordinator (Mob: 0416051487 email: )