Address / Date joined a Boy Scout Troop
City, State Zip / Date of First Class Scout board of review
Phone No. / Date of Star Scout board of review
Full Legal Name / Date of Life Scout board of review
The BSA national office requires the full legal name to include first, middle, and last name. / Were you a Cub Scout? / Yes No
and last name. The middle name must be completely spelled out, not / Were you a Webelos Scout? / Yes No
an initial. This is not the name to appear on the certificate. / Did you earn the Arrow of Light Award? / Yes No
It is used by the national office as part of their record processing. / Had you completed fifth grade upon joining? / Yes No

REQUIREMENT 1. Be active in your troop, team, crew, or ship for at least six months after you have achieved the rank of Life Scout.

REQUIREMENT 2. Demonstrate Scout spirit by living the Scout Oath (Promise) and Scout Law in your everyday life.

You will need to get references from six people, Parents, Religious, Educational, Employer or Work, and two others. Use the form and instructions in the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook, Chester County Council version. Have the references mailed to your Scoutmaster or Eagle Advisor as directed.

REQUIREMENT 3. Earn a total of 21 merit badges (10 more than you already have), including the following: (a) First Aid, (b) Citizenship in the Community, (c) Citizenship in the Nation, (d) Citizenship in the World, (e) Communications, (f) Personal Fitness, (g) Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving, (h) Environmental Science, (I) Personal Management, (j) and Swimming OR Hiking OR Cycling, (k) Camping, and (l) Family Life. Attach to this request form either: The “Eagle Application Assistance” or the “Individual History/Transfer” report from TroopMaster listing all 21 merit badges and signed by your Scoutmaster OR copies of your merit badge blue cards for all 21 merit badges earned for Eagle.

REQUIREMENT 4. While a Life Scout, serve actively for a period of 6 months in one or more of the following positions of responsibility: Patrol leader, assistant senior patrol leader, senior patrol leader, troop guide, Order of the Arrow troop representative, den chief, scribe, librarian, historian, quartermaster, junior assistant Scoutmaster, chaplain aide, or instructor. List your positions held between your Life board of review and your Eagle Scoutmaster conference. The date ranges must not overlap, and must total at least six months.

Patrol Leader Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Senior Patrol Leader Troop Guide Order of the Arrow RepresentativeDen Chief Scribe Librarian Quartermaster Junior Assistant Scoutmaster Chaplain Aide Instructor Historian Venture Patrol Leader Venture President Venture Vice President Venture Secretary Venture Treasurer Venture Boatswain Venture Boatswain's Mate Venture Yoeman Venture Purser Venture Storekeeper
Patrol Leader Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Senior Patrol Leader Troop Guide Order of the Arrow RepresentativeDen Chief Scribe Librarian Quartermaster Junior Assistant Scoutmaster Chaplain Aide Instructor Historian Venture Patrol Leader Venture President Venture Vice President Venture Secretary Venture Treasurer Venture Boatswain Venture Boatswain's Mate Venture Yoeman Venture Purser Venture Storekeeper
Patrol Leader Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Senior Patrol Leader Troop Guide Order of the Arrow RepresentativeDen Chief Scribe Librarian Quartermaster Junior Assistant Scoutmaster Chaplain Aide Instructor Historian Venture Patrol Leader Venture President Venture Vice President Venture Secretary Venture Treasurer Venture Boatswain Venture Boatswain's Mate Venture Yoeman Venture Purser Venture Storekeeper
Patrol Leader Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Senior Patrol Leader Troop Guide Order of the Arrow RepresentativeDen Chief Scribe Librarian Quartermaster Junior Assistant Scoutmaster Chaplain Aide Instructor Historian Venture Patrol Leader Venture President Venture Vice President Venture Secretary Venture Treasurer Venture Boatswain Venture Boatswain's Mate Venture Yoeman Venture Purser Venture Storekeeper
Patrol Leader Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Senior Patrol Leader Troop Guide Order of the Arrow RepresentativeDen Chief Scribe Librarian Quartermaster Junior Assistant Scoutmaster Chaplain Aide Instructor Historian Venture Patrol Leader Venture President Venture Vice President Venture Secretary Venture Treasurer Venture Boatswain Venture Boatswain's Mate Venture Yoeman Venture Purser Venture Storekeeper
REQUIREMENT 5. While a Life Scout, plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to any religious institution, any school, or your community. (The project should benefit an organization other than Boy Scouting.) The project idea must be approved by the organization benefiting from the effort, your Scoutmaster and troop committee, and the council or district before you start. You must use the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook, No. 18-927, in meeting this requirement. / Date project was completed
REQUIREMENT 6. Attach to this request a statement of your ambitions and life purpose and listing of positions held in your religious institution, school, camp, community, or other organizations during which you demonstrated leadership skills. Include honors and awards received during this service. Take part in a Scoutmaster conference with your unit leader. Fill in the date scheduled for your Scoutmaster Conference before printing this document to take to your Scoutmaster Conference. / Date conference was held

Scoutmaster Certification: All of the above information is complete and accurate. Signed ______


If this is not at the top of the second page, the format of the request form has been corrupted. In this case you may need to step back to a simpler version of the request form. This version works with Microsoft Word 97, Word 2000, Word XP, and newer only. The other versions are available at

This document requires that Word macros be enabled. If an error message on the form says that macros must be enabled, click on Tools, Macro, Security and change Security Level to Medium and then close and reopen the document. When asked about macros, click on Enable Macros. A Security level of Low eliminates the need to enable macros each time a document is opened.


Fill out the form carefully and completely. The bottom line of the form will indicate what information is still needed or is incorrect. Any inconsistencies or format errors will trigger pop-up messages to help you through the process. A message at the bottom of the form will indicate what information is still missing or invalid.


All of your merit badges must have been earned and reported to the Council office on official advancement reports. Since these must be processed by the registrar before the application request can be processed, be sure these advancement reports have been filed at least 1 week before you submit the application request form, and at least one week before your 18th birthday.

You should allow at least 4 weeks for your reference writers to complete and mail the reference forms. You should start this process at least 4 weeks before you expect to have your Scoutmaster Conference, and at least 4 weeks before your 18th birthday. See the detailed instructions in your Workbook and at


Before submitting the request form, be sure that you have included each of the following:

1)  The completed request form, 1 page, with Scoutmaster signature. The bottom of the form should say, “All required data fields have been filled in.” If there is any error message at the bottom, fix the indicated problem before submitting.

2)  To minimize the time delay and effort required to verify your merit badges, attach to this request form any one of the following:

A)  The “Eagle Application Assistance” report from TroopMaster listing all 21 merit badges and signed by your Scoutmaster

B)  The “Individual History/Transfer” report from TroopMaster listing all 21 merit badges and signed by your Scoutmaster

C)  Copies (not the originals) of your merit badge blue cards for all 21 merit badges earned for Eagle.

3)  The “Eagle Project Summary” form from the back of your Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook.

4)  Your “Ambitions and Life Purpose” statement as described under requirement 6 above. An additional copy should be included in your Project Workbook.


Print this completed request form and take it to your Scoutmaster Conference. Your Scoutmaster will sign it verifying that all the information is correct. Deliver the signed form by hand or by mail, with all the attachments listed above, to Registrar, Chester County Council BSA, 504 South Concord Road, West Chester, PA 19382-5261.

The information you submit will be verified and put into the ScoutNet computer system. The verified Eagle Scout Rank Application will be filled out and mailed to you.

Fill in the contact information requested on the six people who wrote your reference letters. You need to sign the second page of the application and get your Scoutmaster and Unit Committee Chair to sign the application giving their recommendation for your application. Give the completed application back to your Scoutmaster, who should already have your six (6) reference letters and your Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook.

Your Scoutmaster should then deliver the signed application, the six (6) reference letters, and the complete Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook to the person who will chair your Eagle Scout board of review. The board of review can only be scheduled after all this paperwork is in the hands of the board chair.

The first six requirements for the Eagle Scout rank, through the Scoutmaster Conference, including the required paperwork such as your project workbook, must be completed BEFORE your 18th birthday. The board of review can be held up to 3 months after your 18th birthday.

Ask if you have any questions or do not understand the process or the requirements.

Last Revision 4/13/07 TAS