1. From his spit were born Shu, the air, and Tefnut, moisture. From his tears came the first human beings. He spends each night in combat with the serpent Apep, and each morning he rises and sails in his boat, Sektet, across the sky. FTP, identify the Egyptian creation God, the most important of the New Kingdom period, who is associated with the sun.

Answer:Ra or Amun-Ra or Re or Amun-Re (you get the idea)

2. It is the result of an interaction between a photon and a bound atomic electron. As a result of this interaction, the photon disappears and one of the atomic electrons is ejected as a free electron. The kinetic energy of the freed electron is given by the energy of the photon minus the binding energy of the electron. FTP, name this effect which won a Nobel Prize for Albert Einstein.

Answer:Photoelectric Effect

3. During the Maunder Minimum, from 1645-1715, Europe’s extremely cold weather led to an unprecedented period of slow tree growth which resulted in compact, narrow tree rings. This increased wood’s strength and density and, according to a 2004 article in Dendrochronologia, enhanced the sound quality of instruments made by this man in Cremona, Italy. FTP, identify this famed violin maker or the name by which is famed instruments are known.

Answer:Antonio Stradivari or Stradivarius violins

4. Born in Chicago in 1930, her father was an active member of the Republican Party who won an anti-segregation case before the Illinois Supreme Court. Her uncle was a well-known professor of African history at Howard University. In 1953, she married Robert Nemiroff, a Jewish literature student and songwriter, whom she had met on a picket line protesting discrimination at New York University. Though they divorced in 1964, he served as her literary agent after her death in 1965 and turned her best known work into the Broadway musical Raisin. FTP, name this author of A Raisin in the Sun.

Answer:Lorraine Hansberry

5. Nicknamed the "Bull of Vaucluse", he entered the Chamber of Deputies in 1911 and eventually replaced Edouard Herriot as leader of the Radical party. In June, 1924, he was appointed as minister of the colonies. He became prime minister in January, 1933, but his government only survived for seven months. A second government, in 1934, only lasted for a few weeks. FTP, identify this French statesman whose third turn as prime minister saw him sign off on agreement to the Munich Pact.

Answer:Edouard Daladier

6.Its original Broadway cast starred Sam Levene, Robert Alda, and Vivian Blaine, the only one of them to appear in the movie version. Written by Frank Loesser and based on the Damon Runyan story “The Idyll of Sarah Brown,” its characters include Nicely Nicely Johnson, Benny Southstreet, Harry the Horse, Nathan Detroit, and Sky Masterson. FTP, name this popular musical whose songs include “Luck Be a Lady Tonight.”

Answer:Guys and Dolls

7. Unchallenged for millennia, it was discredited in 1668. In that year, Italian scientist Francisco Redi's experiments demonstrated the fallacy of this long-accepted theory. By the 19th century the theory was all but a historical footnote, as advances in technology and increased knowledge of the reproductive methods of microorganisms heralded a new accurate understanding. For 10 points, identify the theory which Redi disproved with his famous experiments using decaying meat and flies.

Answer:Spontaneous Generation

8. After the harsh reception this novel received its author never wrote another, spending the remaining 30 years of his life writing poetry and plays. It opens in the village of Marygreen, where the schoolmaster Phillotson is explaining his reasons for leaving to the then 11-year-old title character. Later, he is tricked into marrying Arabella Donn, who leaves him. He then falls for Phillotson’s wife, Sue Bridehead, but things end badly. FTP, identify this last novel by Thomas Hardy.

Answer:Jude the Obscure

9. The Roman left wing was made up of Italian allied cavalry, while the right wing consisted of the Numidian calvary of Massinissa. The opposing army’s mercenaries were on the front line, while the second line was formed by Carthaginians. At the very front of his army Hannibal placed the elephant corps which attacked first. However, Roman general Scipio ordered every Roman trumpeter to blow, thereby creating a startling noise which terrified the nervous beasts causing some to turn and collide with their own cavalry. FTP, name this 202 BC battle which marked the end of the power of Hannibal.


10. Two of the 7 Wonders listed in its official tourism encyclopedia are the Baobab Tree and Harrison’s Cave. Its geographical features include Long Bay and Consent Bay. Its highest point is Mount Hillaby. Its main river, the Constitution, flows into Carlisle Bay, upon which its capital city sits. FTP, identify this Carribean nation whose capital is Bridgetown.


11. In one enticing account of its screening in the New York apartment of Gloria Swanson, it was projected onto one of Gloria’s satin sheets, when the absence of an available screen threatened to disappoint the eager but select audience. Upon seeing it in 1926, David O. Selznick called it “unquestionably one of the greatest motion pictures ever made." This film is structured around five episodes, introduced by the intertitles: (1) Men and Maggots; (2) Drama on the Quarterdeck; (3) An Appeal from the Dead; (4) The Odessa Steps; and (5) Meeting the Squadron. FTP, identify this 1925 recounting of the 1905 revolution directed by Sergei Eisenstein.

Answer:Battleship Potemkin

12. In Muslim legend she is a sun worshipper who has a deformity in her lower body which varies from having webbed feet to a donkey's hoof or just exceptionally hairy legs. Solomon heals her of these various ills (in the latter case by inventing a depilatory cream made from lime and arsenic) and she converts to the true faith. In the New Testament, Jesus said she would rise up to condemn unbelievers. FTP, name this Biblical figure from whom Ethiopian Christians believe they are descended.

Answer:Queen of Sheba

13. These are a measure of the angular 'area' subtended by a two dimensional surface about the origin in three dimensional space. Its value is numerically equal to the size of that area divided by the square of the radius of the sphere. FTP, name this SI unit for solid angle.

Answer:Steradian (accept solid angle before it is said)

14. Built in 1856, it at one time housed a factory, a second-hand furniture store, and a home for the aged run by the Little Sisters of the Poor. Its owner Helen Culver rented it for $60 a month to its most famous resident, who took occupancy September 18, 1889. Julia Lathrop moved into this Halstead Street building in 1890 and took over day to day operations. FTP name this famous building which housed the first major American settlement house, founded by Jane Addams.

Answer:Hull House

15. John Wilmot, one of the most infamous rakes from the Restoration period, was the model for this famous literary character. His older brother Rowland inherits the family estate. After a disastrous marriage, he roams around Europe and spends some time with mistresses, the most notable being Celine Varrens, the mother of his daughter Adele. At one point in the novel, it appears he is going to marry Blanche Ingram, but instead proposes marriage to the young governess brought to Thornfield Hall to tutor Adele. FTP, who is this love of Jane Eyre?

Answer:Edward Rochester

16. Archduke Ferdinand and Archduchess Isabella enlisted him to conduct negotiations aimed at ending the war between the Spanish Netherlands and the Dutch Republic. He also helped conclude a 1629-30 peace treaty between England and Spain. Charles I of England was so impressed with his efforts that he knighted him and commissioned his only surviving ceiling painting, The Allegory of War and Peace. Among his most famous assistants were Frans Snyders and Anthony van Dyck. FTP, name this Flemish Baroque.

Answer:Peter Paul Rubens

17. It is the story of one woman’s tragic quest for the bling-bling. When a clerk’s wife who dreams of traveling in the highest social circles receives an invitation to a fancy party, she almost turns it down because she lacks the “benjamins” to buy the bling-bling. But then she borrows some bling, only to lose it on the way back from the ball. As a result, the woman, Madame Loisel, and her husband borrow money to replace the pricey bling-bling and work for ten solid years to pay off the debt, only to find out in the story’s “gotcha” ending” that the original bling-bling they assumed was made of diamonds was only glass. FTP, name this jewel of a story about social pretensions by Guy de Maupassant.

Answer: “The Necklace”

18. His first diplomatic experience came while special agent for the Department of State in Central America in 1917. Known for his cool demeanor, during negotiations he could be seen slumped in his chair, doodling or sharpening pencils. In 1949, he was appointed to fill the seat of retiring Senator Robert F. Wagner. In 1950, he was appointed U.S. representative to the United Nations. FTP, identify this man whom Eisenhower appointed Secretary of State in 1953.

Answer:John Foster Dulles

19. Avoidant, Dependent, Schizotypal, Schizoid, Paranoid, Obsessive-Compulsive, Histrionic, Narcissistic, Borderline, and Antisocial are the various types of this psychological disorder which is often described as a malfunction of the basic traits that constitute the very “who” that a person is. FTP, what are these the categories of in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Classifications?

Answer:Personality disorder

20. Discovered in 1802 by Anders Ekeberg and isolated in 1820 by Jons Berzelius, it was believed by many chemists to be the same element as niobium until research in 1844 showed that its acids were different from niobic acids. Used for early lightbulb filaments before the switch to tungsten, it is now primarily used to make capacitors for consumer electronics. FTP, what is this element named for a mythological figure with atomic number 73?


21. This work contains “The Goatherd's Story,” “The Tale of Foolish Curiosity,” “The Captive's Tale”, and the tale of the Countess of Trifaldi. Towards the end of Chapter 8, the author stops to discuss an Arabic manuscript by Cide Hamete Benengeli which he claims to have purchased in a market in Toledo. In another episode, the title character and his sidekick discuss their “History” at length with the bachelor Sampson Carrasco. FTP, identify this early novel featuring sidekick Sancho Panza and the title character who “tilts at windmills.”

Answer:Don Quixote

22. This is the title of a Terence McNally set of short plays currently running at the 59E59 Theater in New York. It is also the title of a 1996 Dario Argento film starring Asia Argento. The title refers to a condition characterized by dizziness, panic, paranoia, or madness caused by viewing too many artistic works in a short span of time. It is named for the 19th-century French novelist who is said to have been the first to write about the dizzying disorientation some tourists experience when they encounter masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance. FTP, what is this syndrome named for the author of The Charterhouse of Parma and The Red and the Black?

Answer:Stendhal Syndrome

23.In 1995, a major revision occurred. The statement advocating "common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange" was stricken in an effort to reach out to moderates previously wary of endorsing such a socialist principle. It was a move similar to the adoption of a centrist agenda by the Democratic Party under Bill Clinton in his successful 1992 Presidential campaign. For 10 points, name the party that won a landslide victory in 1997, an event which led to Tony Blair becoming Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Answer:Labour Party (prompt for New Labor)

24. A wave encountering a boundary across which the index of refraction decreases will experience this if the angle of incidence exceeds a critical angle given by inverse sine of n2 divided by n1. For angles greater than the critical angle, there is no refracted ray and FTP this occurs.

Answer:Total Internal Reflection


1. Answer the following questions about a 13th century French monarch, FTPE.

a. Born in 1214, he became king of France at age 12. He fought in two unsuccessful Crusades, dying of a fever during the 2nd one. Who is he?

Answer:Louix IX or St. Louis

b. Who was Louix IX’s half-English mother who served as his regent during his minority, and who remained an influence while she lived?

Answer:Blanche of Castile

c. This man, Louis IX’s confessor and his personal friend, founded a leading French educational institution.

Answer:Robert de Sorbon

2. For 10 points each, identify the following terms relating to associations between organisms:

a. Name the term that refers to an association between two organisms involving one organism serving as host to another, to the detriment of the host.

Answer:Parasitism [accept parasite, parasitosis]

b. While the word symbiosis is commonly used for an association between organisms from different populations which is beneficial to both, technically it doesn’t have to mean beneficial to both. Name the term that does.


c. Name the unit composed of an alga and a fungus, a prime example of mutualism.


3. Answer these related questions from Norse mythology, 10 pts. each.

a. One of Loki’s three children by the giantess Angerboda, this beast is destined to devour Odin at the end of the world.

Answer:Fenris-wolf or Fenrir-wolf

b. Unable to keep Fenris wolf chained, the Norse gods asked the dwards to make a special fetter that could hold it. What is the name of this fetter which was made of, among other things, a woman’s beard and a fish’s breath.

Answer Gleipnir

c. This god, the only one brave enough to feed Fenris, played a role in the fettering of Fenris by agreeing to put his hand in Fenris’s mouth.

Answer Tyr

4. For the stated number of points, identify these linguistic terms.

a. 5 PT: This is the use of a word that denotes a sound suggested by the phonetic quality of the word, or thing that produces such a sound. Examples include crackle and twitter.


b. 10 PT: This refers to an address to an absent person, or a personified abstraction or thing, such as the Walter Raleigh line “O eloquent, just, and mighty Death!”


c. 5 PT: This is a group of words that have contradictory or sharply incongruous meanings, such as conspicuous by his absence, cruel kindness and thunderous silence. [Ed. note: Ben Lea once suggested Reagan memoirs]


d. 10 PT: Broadly defined, this a trope in which one entity is used to stand for another associated entity. For example, in the phrase: “The pen is mightier than the sword,” Pen and sword represent publishing and military force, respectively.


5. Identify these Beethoven symphonies, 10 pts. each.

a. Dedicated to King Friedrich Wilhelm III of Prussia, this symphony in D Minor was first performed on May 7, 1824.

Answer:9th or Choral

b. This symphony in F Major is the only Beethoven symphony to have 5 movements. The 5th movement, the Allegretto is subtitled `The shepherds' hymn, gratitude and thanksgiving after the storm.”

Answer:6th or Pastoral

c. Dedicated to Prince Lobkowitz and Count Razumowsky, , this C Minor Symphony, Opus 67 was first performed on December 22, 1808.


6. At the heart of Chinese thought stand the Five Great Classics, the traditional, time-honored works which for centuries constituted the program of learning for anyone in the upper classes, the ruling classes, or the educated classes. FTPE, identify 3 of them from a description.

a. The fifth of the Five Great Classics, it recounts the history of a single Chinese province from about 700 to 500 B.C. Confucius lived in this province and supposedly assembled this work himself

Answer:The Spring and Autumn Annals

b. Out of early divination practices from the Shang Dynasty comes what this classic, traditionally considered the first. Chinese divination utilized stalks of milfoil laid out on the ground and this work is a manual on reading the various diagrams resulting from laying out these stalks.

Answer:I Ching or The Book of Changes

c. The second Classic is a set of documents (speeches, laws, etc.) from the Hsia to the Chou dynasties. In China, this book is regarded as a relatively infallible collection of documents. Confucius, according to tradition, had a hand in this book as well, assembling, editing, and commenting on the documents.