2005 Mayall 4M control of energy control procedure to isolate the dome
May 19, 2005
This procedure shall be used with 4M telescope dome jib crane to prevent accidents if there is unexpected dome movement. This procedure shall be followed and will be enforce until a sound determination is made for the reason(s) of random dome movement has been determined and resolved. See Mike Hawes for personal locks and tags.
Lockout – Tagout OSHA Definitions
(Reference gov, 29 CFR 1910.147 for additional details)
All machinery or equipment capable of movement is required to be de-energized or disengaged and locked-out during cleaning, servicing, adjusting or setting up operations. This included all stored energy (mechanical, hydraulic, air, etc.).
In the event that equipment or lines cannot be shut down, locked-out and tagged, a safe job procedure shall be established and rigidly followed.
Before any employee turns off and attaches a lock and tag to machinery, equipment and breakers, the employee shall have knowledge of the type and magnitude of the energy, the hazards of the energy to be controlled, and the method or means to control the energy.
Locks with tags shall be affixed in a manner to that will hold the energy isolating devices in a "safe" or "off" position.
Lockout – Tagout Procedure when working with the Jib Crane
Staff is allowed to use dome controls to move the jib crane to the desired staging area.
Once the jib crane is at the desired location, the persons working with the jib crane shall go to the Screen Room and de-energize the Panel A5 – Dome Rotation Breaker and each person shall place their individual locks and tags on the breaker.
- This is a personal lock out tag outprocedure; all persons working with or around the jib crane shall affix their personal lock and tag to the energy isolation device (Panel A5 – Dome Rotation Breaker). No one, without written permission from the Risk Management Specialist shall remove another persons lock and tag.
Locks with tags shall be signed by each personand shall be affixed to the energy-isolating device as noted above.
Before starting work and after the dome has been locked and tagged, it shall be verified that isolation and de-energization has been accomplished (try out the dome controls to ensure it doesn’t work).
Release from Lockout Tagout
Before lockout tagout devices are removed and energy is restored, the following procedures and actions shall be taken:
The work area shall be inspected to ensure that nonessential items have been removed and equipment components are operationally intact.
Verification by personal account that all employees are clear from the site, then each individual shall remove their lock and tag from the breaker.