Regional Telecommunications Review - Short Online Submissions
Full name:Cameron Laurie
Date received:14 July 2015
Chapter 1: How does demand for telecommunications services inform the Review?
Please comment on how your reliance on telecommunications in regional Australia differs from urban areas.
Telecommunications are integral to modern living in any situation but are particularly relevant in rural areas for safety and timeliness of business outcomes. My area is serviced only by landlines which are in a poor, indeed crumbling state. It is not uncommon for our phones to be out of order for 25% of each month and it is largely due to the literally crumbling copper network that was installed during the 80's, apparently the gel used to deter white ants has literally eroded the copper so our services are becoming increasingly unreliable. One solution would be to install a mobile tower to service our area which would be a cheaper solution than replacing the copper lines. We are also unable to access anything but satellite internet with its inherent latency and bandwidth problems so our internet is well below par compared to city speeds and service. When our landlines are out we are forced to rely on VOIP which is almost impossible with our satellite latency! There are approximately 50 landlines in our local geographic area which would be served by a tower, as well as a busy road servicing the Barrington Tops.
Chapter 2: How are telecommunications services in regional, rural and remote Australia delivered?
Please comment on the delivery of services for example over fixed networks, mobile networks or satellite.
Landlines, Mobile, satelitte and radio two way
Chapter 3: How are services being used in regional, rural and remote Australia?
Please comment on how telecommunication services are being used for example, interacting with government, education, health or running a business.
Telecommunications are essential to all areas of modern life, from commerce through to health, education and dealing with government.
Chapter 4: Consumer safeguards
Please provide your views on current consumer safeguards and what should be considered in the future.
I believe that consumer safeguards are being well covered at present for those who are willing to find out how to access them.
Other comments
Please provide any other comments.