Drug Free Community Coalition Meeting

Monday May 11th, 2015

Issaquah Police Department – Eagle Room

6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Meeting called to order at 6:32 PM by Katie. Overview of upcoming events was made and round table Introductions made.

Motion: To Approve the April DFCC Minutes. Geo moves. Tasha seconds. Unanimously approved.

6:39 - Spring Clean2015 - Jerry Blackburn/Katie Moeller

A lot less syringes/general trash was found this year. Roughly 30 volunteers came out. DFCC Community Survey/Youth Event Surveys were distributed or taken online. “I Choose” Project was also part of the day’s activities.

6:41 - Trail Ministry - Joshua and Kristen Zuray

Kristen gave the background on how the Trail Ministry got its start. It started about two years ago with bringing doughnuts and coffee (serving out of the back of car) down to the Skate Park and starting conversation up. Krispy Kreme and Starbucks have been donating pastries and doughnuts. Every Friday, a group of volunteers are there after school serving middle and high schooler’s and parents. They have been able to connect with many of the skaters and have offered some with rehab/other general resources. Kristen indicted that the work of the volunteers also takes a preventive role. It is hoped the group will have their own nonprofit organization and their own coffeehouse in the future to continue serving a need to connect with this youth population.

6:48 - Washington State Legislative Session 2015- Derek Franklin (Powerpoint is on HYI website for further reference)

SB 5052:

  • There currently is no age restriction on the usage of medical marijuana and no database to track the users
  • Legislators are now trying to get the medical marijuana to be regulated through the 502 structure (to be sold in 502 stores with no more illegal dispensaries)
  • It is expected that the WA Liquor Control Board will expand the number of retail stores
  • Tightens regulations about qualifying for MMJ and forms a MMJ database
  • Expected to be signed into law and take effect July 2016

ESSHB 2138:

  • Tax breaks for MMJ
  • Redos tax structure
  • Issue: one thousand feet buffer can be reduced to one hundred feet by local ordinance
  • Allows common carrier transport of product
  • Reduces funding for prevention and treatment
  • Cities may be getting some extra money from marijuana tax revenues

SSB 5398 (passing):

  • prohibits open marijuana containers in public

SB 5440 (passing):

  • limits location of MJ business to one thousand from treatment facilities, locations where children regularly congregate, etc.

7:16 Action Item - Skate Park – Proposed New Partnership Agreement with Issaquah Parks & Recreation - Katie Moeller

Katie gave the update on the Skate Park. We have about a year for the Issaquah Parks and Recreation department and the general community to raise the money for the $150,000. The City will be applyingfor a grant, which includes a community partnership in which the DFCC could support and DFCC coalition members could help to fundraise for a match $9,375.

Motion: Move to approve that contracted staff write a letter of community support to City of Issaquah grant application and which shall be their (contracted staff) only responsibility; Katie Moeller will be the DFCC representative to sit on meetings.

Erika moves.Jerry seconds. All but Katie (who abstains) votes to approve. Motion passes.

7:25 - Finance Committee Update - Judy

The Finance Committee met two weeks ago and found that we had extra money in the Graphic Design line, the PCN local training line, and the Promotional Items line that could be reallocated. Areas we would like to increase funding are Youth Training (send representatives to the Youth to Youth conference in Rhode Island at the end of July), Travel (increase attendance to PCN conference, travel expenses for Youth to Youth conference, etc.), and General Supplies (purchase a laptop for presentations, software, etc.)

Motion: To reallocate funds to cover the $435.92 overage for the WA D.C. Conference.

Judy moves. Geo seconds. Unanimously approved. Motion passes.

Motion: To reallocate up to $3000 to increase the funding for the General Supplies line item (from the Promotional Items line)

Judy moves. Geo seconds. Unanimously approved.Motion passes.

Motion: To reallocate up to $60000 to increase the funding for the PCN Conference in Montana.

Judy moves. Thomas seconds. Unanimously approved.Motion passes.

Motion: To reallocate up to $5700 to increase the Youth Training line item and to add a travel line to cover registration, airfare, etc.

Judy moves. Geo seconds. Unanimously approved.Motion passes.

Finance Committee will meet in July. Their goal is to not to carry over $12,500 during this fiscal year.

7:35 p.m. General Updates

Membership Committee Update:

Met last week and reviewed membership applications they received. They then discussed potential sector representatives and Exec Board openings and who could open. A slate of recommended Exec Board officers was put together and will be presented at the June Coalition meeting for final vote.

Youth Coalition:

Pat and Katie participated in a webinar about involving students in local advocacy. We are looking at what projects the Youth Coalition could take on, such as banning smoking at skate parks. Planning is starting to identify YC students who could attend a four-day leadership training in Rhode Island. In the fall, there is a plan to hold a community-wide leadership training.

Positive Community Norms:

We were approved for a pilot program at HIS and planning meetings have already begun on a bi-weekly basis until the end of the school year. Planning team members are expected to participate in the Coalition meeting on June 8th. They will be planning for their trip to Montana in early July.

Newcastle Community Conversation:

On April 30th, we held our last Community Conversation at Newcastle with 26 attendees (including representatives from City Council, school administration, law enforcement, etc.). We will now work with our evaluator to identify the data we have collected from these events and integrate the results into our work.

National Prevention Week (May 17-23):

NPW is a nationally sponsored event from SAMSHA. The theme this year is “the Voice of One, the Power of All”. This is both asubstance abuse prevention and a mental health awareness initiative.“I Choose” Project pictures will be posted to the national website and 2 proclamations recognizing the week have been approved by the City of Issaquah and City of Sammamish.

Coalition Annual Survey, Youth Event & Community Surveys, and Youth Coalition Survey:

Working with our evaluators, we have sent out a variety of different surveys to gather information and feedback from our members and people we have interacted with. The deadline is May 29th.

ITC Logo:

We are waiting for a little more feedback on the new logo but we hopefully will be launching this new logo/name soon.

Meeting adjourned at 7:52PM.