Naomi Brack Student Scholarship Application
Naomi Brack, a leader in associate degree nursing education, was a cofounder of the National Organization for Associate Degree Nursing. This $1000 scholarship award was established in her honor. If you answer yes to the following questions, please consider applying for this scholarship:
Ø Are you currently enrolled in a state-approved associate degree nursing program?
Ø Are you currently enrolled in or will enter your second year of the ADN program in the fall semester?
Ø Have you earned a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale?
Ø Do you actively participate in your student nurses association?
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Attach a separate sheet that includes the following information:
§ List all scholastic honors that the nominee has received, including memberships in honor societies.
§ List all nursing organizations to which the nominee belongs and nursing-related extracurricular activities in which the nominee participates.
§ List all non-nursing extracurricular activities in which nominee participates.
2. Attach a letter from the nominee’s dean or director confirming the following:
§ The nominee is currently enrolled in a state-approved associate degree nursing program.
§ The nominee is currently enrolled in or will enter his/her second year of the associate degree nursing program in the fall semester.
§ The nominee has earned a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.
§ The nominee is a member of a local, state, or national student nurse association.
§ Attach a typed, double-spaced statement (approximately 500 words) written by the nominee on the following topic: Where do you see yourself as a professional nurse in 10 years?
3. Attach two letters of reference from nursing instructors addressing the nominee’s commitment to nursing, involvement, and leadership qualities.
4. Attach the nominee’s grade transcript.
All applications must be postmarked by September 1. Please send completed application to:
N-OADN National Office 7794 Grow Drive, Pensacola, FL 32514
Fax 850-484-8762 E-mail:
Toll Free 877-966-6236 or 850-484-6948