June 8 – 14, 2014



INSTRUCTIONS: 1. This application has five parts.

Part I to be completed by student.

Part II to be completed by parent/guardian.

Part III to be completed by student and parent/guardian.

Part IV to be completed by appropriate faculty representatives.

Part V to be completed by parent/guardian.

2. Applications must be submitted immediately. Applications will be reviewed/accepted on

a “first-come” basis. It is best to apply as early as possible.

3. Please type or print legibly.

4. An application will NOT be considered unless FULLY COMPLETED.


Name:______Male ______Female______


Home Address:______

StreetCityZip Code

Phone: ( ) ______Date of Birth: ______Age: ______Race:______

Student Email:______

Your School: ______City: ______County:______

Expected Date of Graduation:______Current Grade Point Average: ______

Do you have a Facebook Page (circle): Yes No Are you vegetarian? (circle): Yes No

If you have Facebook, please feel free to join our group, Teen Institute for Deaf/Hard of Hearing 2014

What do you hope to learn during TI?______


In what school, church, or community activities have you been involved? (Please be specific)




I can communicate using: ASL ____ PSE/CASE ____ SEE I & II ____ Oral _____ Tactile_____

T-Shirt size: S _____M _____L _____XL ____Other _____

I have examined the program and philosophy of TI. If selected, I agree to participate in the Institute for its duration. I also agree to share with others in my school and community, as best as I can, the knowledge and skills I gain at TI. I understand, if selected for Teen Institute 2014, that I will be required to fill out a survey that will provide statistical information for future TI’s. I understand my name will be anonymous in the survey.

Signed: ______


Name(s) ______Relationship:______

Home Address:______

StreetCityZip Code

Phone(s): ( )______Emergency Phone: ( )______

Email Address:______

I would recommend my son/daughter to attend the Teen Institute because:______










Has your son/daughter had any significant behavior problems during this school year?

If yes, please explain:



Are you interested in carpooling with another parent in your area? Yes No

(If yes, can we share your contact information with another parent interesting in carpooling?) Y N

**The camp registration fee is $75. Please include a check for this amount payable to The L.E.A.D. Institute when returning this application.

I have examined the program and philosophy of the T.I. I agree to allow my son/daughter to attend if selected. I further agree to be supportive of their efforts to share in their school and community skills and knowledge they will learn.


- Submit your application with $75 before May 2, 2014 -

After May 5, the fee will increase to $100.00.

**Application will not be accepted after June 4, 2014**



In order for our TI to be the safe and wonderful experience it has always been, all participants will be expected to abide by the following rules of conduct:

1.Participants are responsible for attending all training sessions, workshops, and small groups, and being present on time.

2.Participants are responsible for keeping the campground, meeting rooms, rooms, and rest rooms clean. (Do NOT litter!)

3.Participants must be in the rooms with lights and music off by 11:00 p.m.

4.Once arrived, no one may leave the campgrounds except with written permission of the Director.

5.If participants become ill or injured, the TI Director must be notified immediately.

6.Cigarette smoking (forall campers and interns)is not permitted.

7.No inappropriate clothing such like beer or drugs (i.e., Budweiser or Marijuana) is allowed.

8.No alcohol or other drugs (other than prescription) is allowed. If found, camper will be sent home.

9.Dating, Kissing or improper hugging, or sexual behaviors will not be tolerated.

11.No gambling of any kind. If found gambling camper will be send home.

10.Visiting in cabins with friends of same sex or opposite sex is prohibited. Cabins are your home at TI and all cabin members need privacy and the chance to rest.

10.Two Strikes for violation of the rules will result a phone call to your parent &/or expel from the camp at your expenses.

11.Participants must agree to respect the rules of the campsite.

I have read the rules of conduct and discussed with my son/daughter. And I understood that my son/daughter will discuss in his/her group and sign the rules of conduct form.

Student’s signature Parent’s signature



Mailing Address______

StreetCityZip Code

Phone(s) ______County______

To the best of your knowledge, does the applicant meet all of the admission requirement of the TI?


Please briefly describe why you believe this applicant is an appropriate candidate for TI?




Has this student had any significant behavior problems during this school year? If yes, please explain:



This student is fluent in: ______

After examining the program and philosophy of the TI, I agree to serve as a faculty liaison and sponsor for should he/she be selected. I agree to assist him/her wherever possible in using the skills and knowledge learned at TI and to be supportive of his/her efforts in prevention.


School Counselor or Faculty Sponsor



The L.E.A.D. Institute

2502 W. Ash

Columbia, MO 65203


Health Form -- Publicity Form

Son/Daughter’s Name ______Date of Birth ______Sex _____ Age ____

Parent/Guardian Name (s):______

Home Address: ______

# and StreetCity State/Zip

Home Phone:( )______Father’s Work # ( )______Mother Wk # ( )______

Insurance Co: Policy # Insurance Phone #

If not available in an emergency notify:

1. Name: ______Home Phone ( ) ______

Work Phone ( ) ______

Relationship to Student: ______

2. Name:______Home Phone ( ) ______

Work Phone ( ) ______

Relationship to Student: ______

Name of Physician: ______Office Phone ( ) ______

Physician’s Address: ______Exchange # ______

HEALTH HISTORY (check - give approximate dates) ALLERGIES:

Ear Infection______Sun Sensitivity ______

Rheumatic Fever ______Hay Fever ______

Convulsions ______Ivy Poisoning, etc. ______

Diabetes ______Insect Stings ______

Urinary Frequency______Penicillin ______

Headaches______Other Drugs ______

Dizziness______Foods ______

Leg/Joint Pains______DISEASES:

Sore Throats______Chicken Pox ______

Hearing Loss______Measles ______

Hoarseness/Cough______German Measles (Rubella) ______

Speech Problems______Fifths Disease ______

Shortness of Breath______Mumps ______

Nose Bleeds______Asthma ______


Dental (bridges, false teeth)______

Visual Deficits (glasses, contacts) ______

Date of Most Recent Tetanus Booster: ______

Have You had a Hepatitis B Shot/Series?

YES ___ NO ___ Date: ______



Operations or Serious Injuries:Any Physical Activity Limitations:


Chronic or Recurring Illnesses:Any Dietary Limitations while at TI:

(Dates) ______

Other Diseases or Additional Information: ______


Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature is REQUIRED TWICE on PAGE 2 Below

This heath history is correct as far as I know, and my child has permission to engage in all TI activities as noted.

Please be assured that if emergency medical treatment is needed, a parent or parent designee will be notified immediately. However, in the event of an emergency where a parent or parent designee cannot be reached, I hereby give my permission to the camp director and authorized representatives to secure proper treatment for (including hospitalization, anesthesia, and surgery) for


Student’s name


DateParent’s Signature

Insurance Information

The L.E.A.D. Institute carries accident and injury insurance.

Medication Authorization (These cannot be given without your authorization).

I authorize the nurse to administer to my son/daughter,

Name ______, the medication prescribed by ______

(Doctor’s Name)

Office # ( )______for the period from June 8– June 14, 2014 (or other date(s) specified: ______


Name of Drug: ______Amount to be given: ______

Time of day to be given: ______

Name of Drug: ______Amount to be given: ______

Time of day to be given: ______

For minor ailments, I authorize administration of the following medications: (Please check)

______Antibiotic Ointment______Antacid ______Decongestant______Antidiarrheal

______Calamine Lotion______Ibuprofen or Tylenol (325 mg. 1 or 2 tablets. (Please circle)


DateParent’s Signature


Parent Release Form

SURVEY AND PUBLICITY RELEASE --- Parent’s Signature is Required Two Times on Page 3 Below

A pre- and post- test will be given to students to measure the impact of TI. I authorize the L.E.A.D. Institute to administer these evaluation tools to measure knowledge, skills and attitudes about alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.

I also authorize the Teen Institute on Substance Abuse and its staff to use the name and/or photograph of my son/daughter for promotional and/or publicity purposes about TI 2014.


Name of StudentDate


TI Participant’s SignatureParent’s Signature


I hereby release the L.E.A.D. Institute -- Teen Institute on Substance Abuse, any of its sponsoring or cooperating agencies, Missouri School for the Deaf, and any other persons or organizations associated or involved with TI 2014 to be held at Missouri School for the Deaf June 8 - June 14, 2014 from any and all liability during said Institute. I also certify that health and accident insurance cover my son/daughter for any accident or injury that may occur while at or in route to and from the Institute.


DATEParent’s Signature



Becky Beck, Teen Institute Coordinator

The L.E.A.D. Institute

2502 W. Ash

Columbia, MO 65203

Teen Institute is sponsored by

The State of Missouri

Department of Mental Health

Division of Behavioral Health

The L.E.A.D. Institute

Teen Institute 2014 Field Trip to Garrison’s River Resort

Parental/Guardian Consent Form and Liability Waiver

Participant’s Name:______Birth Date:

Parent/Guardian’s Name:

Home Address:

Best Phone #:(Please circle which type)CellWorkVP



On Sunday, June 8, 2014 I prefer to: (please initial the option you would like)

Drop my child off at Garrison’s River Resort in Steelville, Missouri between 1-2p (State HWY TT & Garrison Lane, Steelville, MO 1-800-367-8945) (directions will be included in child’s letter)

Drop my child off at the Missouri School for the Deaf between 9-11a (bus will leave by 11:30a, to transport to Steelville, MO) (505 5th, Fulton, MO directions will be included in child’s letter)


On Saturday, June 14, 2014, I will pick my child up at the Missouri School for the Deaf between 2p-3p. (505 5th, Fulton, MO directions will be included in child’s letter)

I, (Parent/Guardian)______, grant permission for my child, (Child’s name), ______, to participate in a three night field trip to Garrison’s River Resort, in Steelville, MO on June 8-12, 2014 that requires transportation from the Missouri School for the Deaf where the Teen Institute summer camp is located. I understand that my child will be transported by bus to/from Garrison’s River Resort and will be under the guidance of the staff of The L.E.A.D. Institute and volunteers of the Teen Institute. I also understand that my child will be engaging in activities such as river floating, swimming, campfires, fishing, and team building activities.

I permit my child to go horseback riding (for an additional cost of $15.00) while at Garrison’s River Resort. Yes No Child can bring $15.00 cash or make the check out to Garrison’s River Resort

I permit my child to float in a 5-10 person raft while at Garrison’s River Resort. Yes No

As parent and/or legal guardian, I remain legally responsible for any personal actions taken by the above named minor participant. I agree on behalf of myself, my child named herein, or our heirs, successors and assigns, to hold harmless and defend the Teen Institute and The L.E.A.D. Institute, its officers, director and staff, and the Corporation of The L.E.A.D. Institute, chaperones, or representatives associated with the field trip, from any and all actions, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, and all consequential damage arising from or in connection with my child attending the trip or in connection with any illness or injury or cost of medical treatment in connection therewith.

Signature of Parent/Guardian:______Date:______