2002 Magaldi Refurbishment Outage

1900hrs Sunday March 3, 2002 to 0730hrs Monday March 4, 2002

Supervisor Breedlove


1800hrs I arrived on site and met with Charlie Oxford. All I can say is; “thank God for day shift.” Bravo!! Looked at the job and found that all the bottom plates are installed and the chains have just been pulled past the head pulley and are continuing back to the connection point.

1830hrs Discussed with Charlie and Fabio, their expectations of the night shift tonight. We are to have everything released and closed up by 1000hrs tomorrow morning. I will be supervising all the Mechanical work until Joe Baumgardner arrives. After that, I will focus only on the Magaldi project.


  1. WO 02-004234 / 21 Coal Mill Exhauster Whizzer Blade Replacement: Locklear & Baker. This job is in progress. It basically has been opened up and is ready for installation of the whizzer blades. Hot work permit required because we will be using a torch inside the exhauster with a possible fuel source (coal dust). Caution must be taken to ensure we clean out any dust before lighting torch.
  1. WO 02-004491 / Unit 2 BDV 25B: Limitorque locked up. Ayers & Yates. We do not have any parts for this exact model (L120-40). However, we do have some L120-20 parts that are interchangeable. We will disassemble the Limitorque and find out what is broken and go from there. The valve appears to be in good condition but we did not go into it and inspect the seats. I have had not request stating the valve was leaking by once it was finally seated. From what I can determine from the request history is that the Limits were not set properly and the valve was not closing all the way. The electricians changed the torque settings and then the valve closed and locked up. I suspect that the settings was wrong again only it was set too high this time and damaged the internals of the limitorque. From my discussions with the electricians, the only way to set these torque settings is trial and error. If we fix the limitorque, we need to be very careful and discuss the torque setting so we do not damage it again during start up. There must be a better way to set the torque other than trial and error. We can not afford this method because of the high probability of destroying the equipment.
  1. WO 01-011451 / Unit 2 Bottom Ash Crusher Tooth Replacement: Kidney, Reed, & Leach. We are going to disassemble the attached components of the lower crusher and drop it approximately 1ft to enable measurement and replacement of the teeth wear. We plan to measure before removal of the old components and install the new components and take another measurement. We know the components have excessive wear and we want to establish base line measurements for new condition and wore out condition for the purpose of PDM. This should allow us to estimate how much time we have left on these components before they need to be replaced again. I anticipate that the crew will have enough time to replace the components in the lower crusher and their goal is to have it back in position by 0730hrs in the morning. This will be a turnover job. The day shift will need to finish re-assembly of the lower crusher and take measurements of the top crusher teeth, replace components, and take new component measurements. This will need to be completed before 1100hrs today. Right now I would say this could be considered critical path.
  1. WO 02-004592 / Patch hole in boiler house siding. - Jinright, Hall, & Devane. This work order is a result of the Feeder Cabinet failure when the rain blew in and soaked the components. We are installing some plywood to cover the hole until a permanent repair can be made.
  1. WO 02-002308 / Unit 2 Boiler Feed Pump Control Filters PM. – Harper. This is a PM that needed to be done during the outage.
  1. WO 02-004247 / Clean the Unit 2 Light Oil Guns – Harper
  1. WO 02-003414 / Troubleshoot and repair the 24 Mill Hot Air Blast Gate – Jinright, Hall, & Devane. Take Cylinders loose from the gate. Stroke Cylinders to ensure smooth operation. Replace if not working properly. Go inside hot air duct and inspect rack. Ensure the track is free from debris. Lubricate with dry film lube. Stroke Gate to ensure smooth operation. Reconnect the Cylinders, jumper the permissive and stroke gate to ensure smooth operation.
  1. WO 01-021996 / WF3226 / Magaldi Sifting Conveyor Refurbishment – Sloan, Swander,Runnels, and Ball.
  1. Hook the chain together and remove the slack. – Swander & Ball
  2. Install the gearbox. – Sloan & Runnels

-Fabricate brackets and mount so that the gearbox is level (welding required).

-Wire Motor – Electric Shop

  1. Install new inspection door gaskets – Swander & Ball
  2. Repair leaks in take up air cylinder tubing – I/C Shop
  3. Install 0-speed Switch – Electric Shop

-We could not find the new 0 – speed switch that was purchased. I saw it when it came in but I don’t know where it went. The old speed switch is still in place and Elling is going to check it out. However, he can not tell if it will work until the machine is moving. This will have to be done during the day shift when the “no load” test is conducted. We have a brand new speed switch in the warehouse if this one is no good.

  1. Install the end cover to the Machine – Swander, Bull, Sloan, & Runnels. We are going to leave the frame for the tuggers in place after completion of this job so that we can use it again in the future. I think if we paint it, it won’t be an eye sore.

1900hrs Conducted tailgate meeting with entire crew (Magaldi, Boiler, and BOP). We discussed break time ground rules. We are taking breads at 2100hrs, 2400hrs (Lunch), 0300hrs, and 0500hrs. We are also going to pay for 2 meals per the agreement. No complaints and everyone says they understand – three 15 min. breaks and one 1/2 lunch with 10 min. wash up time prior to lunch. The crews were divided up and pre-job briefings were conducted. I personally handed every crew the Pre-job briefing form and instructed them to go through the check-off list and discuss / ask questions.

1920hrs The Magaldi crew met in my office with the Magaldi Engineer and discussed our goals and objectives for the night. We decided that we want to perform a “no load” test run of the sifting conveyor 1st thing in the morning (0730hrs). This will require electric shop support for inspection of the 0-speed Switch in the morning. Also, Jim Brewer needs to program the logic for the timer 1st thing in the morning. I am sending him an e-mail to request his assistance first thing in the morning.

2000hrs Joe Baumgardner arrived on site and I turned over the balance of plant work to him and went to lunch in town.

2015hrs BDV-25B Limitorque was brought down to the shop and Mechanics are disassembling.

2045hrs Arrived back on site. Fabio informed me that there is approximately 8 inches of ash built up in the Seal Trough. This must be flushed out before start up. The ash could cause a large amount of damage if the boiler hits it when it drops (approx 18inches when filled and hot). I’m writing an out of scope work order to flush the trough.

2100hrs Mechs completed patching the boiler house siding.

2110hrs Magaldi Sifting Conveyor Chain is connected and has the proper tension.

2300hrs Installation of the new Magaldi inspection door gaskets is complete.

2310hrs Asked the I/C Techs to inspect the tension air cylinder tubing for leaks (per Magaldi request). They are going to pressurize with air and snoop for leaks. Repair as needed.

2330hrs The Electricians showed up to connect the Zero Speed Switch and clean off all the grease.

2330hrs Instructed Sloan to have the Gearbox installed by 0100hrs so Elling can connect the wires.

0100hrs Gearbox is installed and brackets are welded on.

0200hrs Mechanics are greasing all the sifting conveyor bearings

0230hrs Electricians finished cleaning and installing the zero speed switch. They can not determine if it works though until the no load test run. Must do on day shift.

0300hrs Mechanics finished greasing all the bearings and have the end cover door in place. They are going to break and after break they will finish installation of the door. After this, the Magaldi will be entirely closed up and the Unit should be able to run. The other work can be completed during start up without any problems. I have asked that they begin to flush the Seal Trough after they finish with the door. I believe they should have enough time to finish this before they leave in the morning. If not, day shift will have to complete the work. I have stressed to them to ensure they do not overflow the sump and flood the bottom ash crusher crew. They need to regulate the flow of water from the fire hoses and ensure the truck is sucking before spraying any water.

0310hrs I/C has completed inspection and repair of the Sifting Conveyor Air Cylinder Supply Tubing. They said it holds pressure and was snooped but it appears to be in bad shape should be retubed in the future. Keith Ward said he would turn in a request to have this done.

0320hrs Ball is going home sick due to a gout flair up. His foot is swelling inside his boot and I told him he could go home. This should not cause any delays in finishing the Magaldi job.

0330hrs The Sifting Conveyor Drive Motor is wired but needs to be bumped for rotation before connecting to the gear box. Lloyd, Ford, Brehm, and Sanford are on the clearance. Lloyd is going to partial release himself and Sanford. Contacted Ford and he will sign off as well. Brehm will need to sign off his when he arrives at 0400hrs. The Electricians will need to do this when they arrive at 0400hrs and after Brehm signs off

0340hrs Ford and Lloyd have partial released the sifting conveyor clearance. Lloyd also signed off Mackie. Please tell Sanford that he is no longer on the clearance for the Sifting Conveyor. The motor should be ready to bump for rotation as soon as Brehm signs off.

0400hrs The Magaldi is closed up and ready for the no load test as soon as the Electricians complete their work.

0430hrs I stopped the Seal Trough job because I do not feel confident that they can do this without dumping water on the Bottom Ash Crusher Crew. This will have to be done by day shift.

0440hrs John Brehm arrived on site and I gave him the follow ups for the Electric and I/C shops. His crew started at 0400hrs and he is going to get someone to bump the motor and install. He also said he is going to go ahead and replace the Zero Speed Switch because the old one has been sitting there unused since 97. Please locate the new Zero Speed Switch that was purchased from Magaldi. I don’t think we will need it but just in case, we should have it handy.

0450hrs The Sifting Conveyor Gearbox has no oil in it. We do not know what kind of oil is supposed to go inside. Please find out what type oil goes in there from Fabio and forward to Planning and Doug Wood for documentation. Fill the gearbox until it is half way up in the sight glass. Also, write the type of oil used on the gearbox to eliminate confusion if someone has to add oil.

0530hrs Since there isn’t anything else to do on the Magaldi until day shift when it is test run, I’m going home. The Magaldi Rep. Fabio will be here this morning at 0700hrs to assist and perform certain inspections.

  • What needs to happen on day shift today


  1. Check logic in program – Brewer
  2. Bump Sifting Conveyor Motor for rotation and bolt on to gearbox. – Electric Shop
  3. Perform final check of controls and wires – Electric Shop
  4. Fill Gearbox with oil. Find out what kind goes in there from Fabio and write it on the gearbox after filling - Mechanics
  5. Conduct “no load” test run of sifting conveyor – 1 Electrician, 1 I/C Tech, 2 Mechanics
  6. Inspect the operation of the Zero Speed Switch. Repair/Replace as needed – ElectricShop
  7. Inspect Rolls/Bearings to ensure none need to be replaced. Fabio has already identified 3 or 4 that will need to be replaced today but the test run should show any others that need to be replaced as well. They can all be replaced from outside the machine and we have the parts to replace 5 or 6 Rolls and Bearings. – Mechanics
  8. Flush out the Seal Trough. There is approx. 8 inches of ash built up in the bottom – Mechanics.
  9. Patch the expansion joint on the Magaldi. There are large holes in it. We need to install insulation and patch hole with metal. - ESI

Balance of Plant:

  1. Pick up on the Bottom Ash Crusher Job. Must be finished before star up if possible. Definitely before coal is put on the unit. I think they can safely work on he upper crusher with the bombay doors closed while on light oil as long as it’s very low loads. We have done this on line before.
  2. Take Coal Mill Roll and Feeder Oil Samples (list attached to work order).
  3. Stroke the 24 Hot Air Blast Gate. It’s complete and we need to test – I/C
  4. Finish BDV-25B: I think Joe B. is contacting American Valve to finish this. We don’t have the parts.
  5. Balance 21, 23, and 24 Coal Mills with Doug Wood.
  6. Do the BFP Turbine Controls PM if we don’t get to it tonight.
  7. Finish welding out and install the Unit 2 Bottom Ash Pipe (located in weld booth).
  8. Repack the 22 Coal Mill (could be done later).