OHFA Capital Fund to End Homelessness
2014 Capital Funding to End Homelessness InitiativePermanent Supportive Housing Application
Due Date:
**October 1, 2014**
Project Conversion – converting existing transitional housing to permanent supportive housing
Renovation or Repair of an existing agency owned
Permanent Supportive Housing or Transitional Housing Facility serving a youths, battered women, chronically homeless, substance abuse
New Permanent Supportive Housing
Submit one (1) original and3 (three)copies to:
Helen Tomic
City of Akron Planning Department
161 South High Street Rm. 201
Akron, OH 44308
Agency and Project InformationName of Agency :
Project Title
Project Address
Mailing Address:
City / Zip
Contact Person / Phone / Fax
DUNS # -
Amount of Funds Requested ______(CAPITAL FUNDS ONLY)
MATCH:1 to 1 match (REQUIRED). Must be identified at the time of application
Development Project InformationMeeting Basic Criteria
Threshold Questions / Yes / No
Are you an incorporated non-profit organization and have you received IRS 501 (c)(3) status? EIN # ______
Are the activities eligible for assistance under the specific program from which funding is being requested (see attached information)?
Is the project designed to help participants achieve permanent housing and self-sufficiency (as opposed to meeting basic emergency needs)?
Will the homeless persons served by your proposed project meet the HUD definition of homelessness? (See attached information).
Development Projects: Is the property properly zoned? Are there zoning regulations?
Development Projects: Do you have evidence of site control?
Program You are Seeking Funds for
Program Type: Development
Permanent Supportive HousingTransitional Housing
Emergency Shelter
Program Type: Repair
Permanent Supportive HousingTransitional Housing
Emergency Shelter
Project Description
Provide a description of the project, including location and target population to be served.
Describe how project meets community needs in the CoC.
Include data regarding the most recent point-in-time count and the CoC Housing Inventory Chart. The determination of gaps in the proposed type of housing must be clearly demonstrated.
Please describe how the funds you are requesting will be spent.
Type and Length of experience - Housing
- How will you collaborate with other providers in the Community?
- Include information on the project sponsor, the housing organizations you will work with, and key subcontractors.
- Describe briefly experience directly related to carrying out the proposed project, and experience working with homeless people.
- Provide MOU for commitments for the provision of rental subsidy and/or operating subsidy. Describe your plans for long range operating (up to a five year plan) for the facility. BE SPECIFIC.
Type and Length of experience – Supportive Services
- Include information about partnership with local supportive providers to provide services to residents. Provide a draft MOU (s)(REQUIRED)
- Describe briefly experience of the identified supportive service providers directly related to carrying out the proposed project, and experience working with homeless people. BE SPECIFC.
Housing where clients will live
- Structure type, number persons to be housed, location. Indicate if in Akron (address proposed) or Summit County (address proposed). Include number of units, beds, bedrooms, square footage and other amenities. Demonstrate site control.
Homeless population to be served
- Characteristics and needs for housing (and supportive services, if applicable).
- Where the population to be served currently lives (streets, emergency or transitional housing for homeless persons who came from street/shelters).
- Indicate how your clients meet the definition of homeless. Refer to the HEARTH Act definition of “homeless”.
- How will this project assist the community in ending homelessness in the County?
Project Match
Indicate the type of contribution that is committed to the proposed project. Indicate the source of match (Federal, State, local or private sources, including mainstream housing and social service programs). Do you have a written agreement in place for these?
Please describe in detail the current level of participation and commitment of your organization Summit County Continuum of Care process and its required HMIS system. Anticipation in the HMIS system process, and participation in the homeless survey research efforts conducted by the Continuum.
1.Is your organization actively participating
the Continuum of Care Homeless
Management Information System (HMIS)
a. Component Types: DevelopmentPH TH ES / b. Component Types: Repair
c Proposed Activities
/ d. OHFA/ODSARequest / e. Cash Match / f. In Kind Match (repair Only) / g. Totals
(Col. e + Col. f)
Total Request