2000 National FFA Parliamentary Procedure

2000 National FFA Parliamentary Procedure

2000 National FFA Parliamentary Procedure

Career Development Event Examination

Written by Dr. James J. Connors

Member, National Association of Parliamentarians

NAME: ______STATE: ______

Directions: Read each question carefully and place the one, best answer in the blank to the left of each question. Remember to answer all 25 questions.

_____1.The number of members needed to officially transact business at a meting is the

  1. Majority
  2. Plurality


D.Charter Members

_____2.Which of the following motions is in order when another member has been assigned the floor and is speaking in debate?

  1. Suspend the Rules
  2. Take from the Table
  3. Division of the Question
  4. Point of Order

_____ 3.According to Roberts Rules of Order-Newly Revised, which of the following is not a part of the Order of Business in a meeting?

  1. Reports of standing committees
  2. Entertainment of Guest Speakers
  3. Reports of special committees
  4. Special Orders

_____ 4.A motion becomes the property of the assembly and is open for debate after:

  1. It has been moved by a member
  2. It has been seconded by another member
  3. It is restated by the chair
  4. After the maker of the motion has debated first

_____ 5.The purpose of this motion is to temporary set aside a pending motion when something of immediate urgency arises.

  1. Postpone Definitely
  2. Postpone Indefinitely
  3. Recess
  4. Lay on the Table

_____ 6.There is a main motion and an amendment on the floor. A member is recognized and moves the previous question. Which motion is the immediate pending question?

  1. Main Motion
  2. Amendment
  3. Previous Question
  4. None of the above

_____ 7.Which of the following groups of motion has no rank in the order of precedence of motions?

  1. Incidental Motions
  2. Subsidiary Motions
  3. Privileged Motions
  4. Main Motions

_____ 8.Which of the following statements is true concerning the motion of Amend?

  1. The motion to Amend is debatable.
  2. The motion to Amend is not debatable.
  3. Debate on the motion to Amend can go into the merits of the main motion.
  4. The motion to Amend is only debatable when it is applied to a debatable motion.

_____ 9.Which of the following motions is not used to delay action on an item of business?

  1. Take from the Table
  2. Postpone Indefinitely
  3. Postpone Definitely
  4. Refer to Committee (Commit)

_____ 10.A main motion, an amendment (primary) and an amendment to the amendment (secondary) are all pending. A member moves to Divide the Question. Which of these motions can be divided?

  1. Only the main motion can be Divided.
  2. Only the primary amendment can be Divided.
  3. Only the immediate pending secondary amendment can be Divided.
  4. None of the three motions can be divided.

_____ 11.Which of the following statements is true about Division of the Assembly?

  1. The motion can be seconded.
  2. Can be called for up until the chair has stated the question on another motion.
  3. Requires the vote to be retaken by a show of hands.
  4. When a division is called for the vote must be counted and reported in the minutes.

_____ 12.Which of the following motions requires a 2/3 vote?

  1. Take from the Table
  2. Close nominations
  3. Reconsider
  4. Lay on the Table

_____ 13.Which type of committee goes out of existence as soon as they have completed a specific task?

  1. Special Committee
  2. Executive Committee
  3. Standing Committee
  4. Bylaws Committee

_____ 14.Which of the following motions allows the membership to take a specific decision out of the chair’s lands and give it to the assembly?

  1. Suspend the Rules
  2. Point of Order
  3. Appeal
  4. Object to the Consideration of the Question

_____ 15.Which of the following classes of motions do not relate to the pending business but have to do with special matters of immediate and overriding importance?

  1. Privileged Motions
  2. Subsidiary Motions
  3. Incidental Motions
  4. Motions That Bring a Question Again Before the Assembly

_____ 16.Which of the following statements is true about a motion which has been laid on the table?

  1. It remains there indefinitely until a motion to take it from the table is passed.
  2. It remains there until the end of the next regular monthly business meeting at which point it dies.
  3. It remains there until the end of the current meeting.
  4. It remains there for a period no longer than one year.

_____ 17.An organization should have an article in its Bylaws describing the rules by which it operated. These set of rules are often referred to as the organization’s

  1. Standing Rules
  2. Quasi-Committee of the Whole
  3. Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised
  4. Parliamentary Authority

_____ 18.The Chair needs all of the following items except one to properly run a meeting. Which of the following items is not needed to efficiently run a meeting?

  1. A copy of the organization’s Bylaws
  2. A gavel to maintain control of the meeting
  3. A list of all committees and their members
  4. A copy of the agenda for the meeting

_____ 19.What is the highest-ranking motion in the Order of Precedence of motions?

  1. Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn
  2. Lay on the Table
  3. Main motion
  4. Adjourn

_____ 20.Which of the following is true about the motion to Reconsider?

  1. Must be made before the end of the next regular meeting after the main motion was passed/failed.
  2. Can be made by any member of the assembly.
  3. If passed, cancels the main motion.
  4. Must be made, or called up, before the end of the meeting at which the main motion was passed/failed.

_____ 21.Which of the following subsidiary motions can be applied to other subsidiary and privileged motions which have a higher rank in the order of precedence?

  1. Postpone Indefinitely
  2. Commit
  3. Amend
  4. Lay on the Table

_____ 22.In all of the following motions except one, debate can go into the merits of the main question which is the subject of the proposed action. Which motion does not allow debate to go into the merits of the main question?

  1. Reconsider a debatable motion
  2. Refer to Committee (Commit)
  3. Rescind
  4. Postpone Indefinitely

_____ 23.Point of Information, Parliamentary Inquiry and Withdraw a motion are all:

  1. Subsidiary Motions
  2. Motions That Bring a Question Again Before the Assembly
  3. Motions which can be decided by the Chair
  4. Request and Inquires

_____ 24.The largest number of votes to be given to any candidate or proposition when three or more choices are possible is:

  1. Voice vote
  2. Ballot vote
  3. 2/3 vote
  4. Plurality vote

_____ 25.In the absence of a quorum, which of the following is out of order?

  1. Recess
  2. Adjourn
  3. Move into committee of the whole
  4. Fix the time to which to adjourn

2000 National FFA Parliamentary Procedure

Career Development Event Examination

Answer Key

Based on Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (1990). Written by Dr. James J Connors, Member – National Association of Parliamentarians.

Question / Correct Answer / Page Number / Approximate Line #
1 / C / 339 / 18-22
2 / D / Tinted - 42 / 5-29
3 / B / 25 / 4-17
4 / C / 36 / 21-27
5 / D / 207 / 16-18
6 / C / 59 / 15-25
7 / A / 61 / 13-15
8 / D / 129 & 130 / 30-31 (1-5)
9 / A / 294 / 21-24
10 / C / 269 / 3-4
11 / B / 276 - 277 / 15-16, 34 1,9,20-25
12 / B / Tinted - 46
13 / A / 479 & 480 / 30-31 (1-2)
14 / C / 254 / 10-16
15 / A / 66 / 20-24
16 / B / 296 / 2-9
17 / D / 15 / 17-24
18 / B / 442 / 9-22
19 / A / Tinted - 4
20 / D / 310 - 311 / 11-14, 26-33, 1-3
21 / C / Tinted - 4
22 / B / Tinted - 45 (167-168) / 33-34, 1-3
23 / D / 283 / 11-20
24 / D / 399 / 21-25
25 / C / 342 / 5-8