ConestogaHigh School Peer Mediation Team
200 Irish Road, Berwyn, PA 19312
March 31, 2014
Dear Applicant –
The Conestoga High School Peer Mediation Team is a group of students who are dedicated to creating a safe and welcoming school environment for our students by providing new student orientations, conflict resolution education, mediation services, peer mentoring support and various school unity activities. They are a true support system for each other – a team in every sense of the word. They hold each other accountable and responsible for their share of work that produces a positive school climate for all.
During the application process, we look to find the candidates who truly wish to serve others in our school community. We look for students who take initiative and plan on making Peer Mediation a top priority in their Conestoga experience. We want students who are looking out for the best interests of their peers at all times. We look for students who are not afraid to speak up and who are proud of their association with this team, its beliefs, and its philosophy. We want students who will truly stand up for those in need – even when it may not be the popular thing to do. It’s easy to say you ‘could’ do all of these things, but the question is, when it comes time to make the choice each day… will you? When the choice is free period in the cafeteria or working one-on-one with a student who needs support – will you choose the student in need? When the choice is mediating a dispute or meeting a friend in the library, will you choose the mediation?
We are looking for students who are willing to both lead and follow, because a successful team must have communication that works both ways. We are looking for those who will serve to maintain the diversity of our team for the good of the entire school community. Keep in mind that the application is just the first step in a long process through which we will become better acquainted with you and the qualities you would bring to the team. While we do not seek perfect people, we do seek those who are willing to go the extra mile for the benefit of the school community at large and do the little things that serve the needs of each individual during every moment of the day.
We wish you the best of luck in your application process and look forward to meeting you!
Dalia Al-Bataineh, Mark Frederick & Sam Zawacki
Peer Mediation Team Presidents
STEP 1: READ AND REVIEW: Please be careful to read the entire application and to pay particular attention to due dates. Late applications do not send the message that you will be a good candidate for the team as promptness is one of the standards for mediators.
STEP 2: TEACHER RECOMMENDATIONS: We recommend that you distribute the teacher recommendation forms first to allow teachers the maximum amount of time to complete your recommendation and return it as instructed by the due date. The recommendations are located at the back of this application packet. Please note that there are recommendations for one special areas teacher, one major subject teacher and one non-teaching staff member (counselor, administrator, administrative assistant, aide, cafeteria, custodian). Please be sure to give the correct recommendation to each teacher. When approaching a teacher, we recommend that you follow standard procedures for securing a recommendation:
1Approach the teacher in person, explain what you are trying to accomplish and ask if they are willing to complete your recommendation form.
2If the teacher does not wish to complete the form, thank them for their time and select another. If your teacher does agree, give them the recommendation form with an envelope.
3Finally, remind the teacher of the recommendation due date (April 11) and that is to be turned in to the Main Office Peer Mediation Application Mailbox.
STEP 3: STUDENT APPLICATION: Complete the three 2-sided pages (pp. 5-10) that comprise the New Members Application Form 2014-15.
STEP 4: PARENT APPROVAL: Give your parent/guardian the Parent Letter which requires a signature from both of you as well as an RSVP from your parent/guardian. Please be sure they review the team contract and the team brochure for greater understanding of what will be expected of you and how they will have to support your efforts should you join the team. (Parent Content pp. 11-14)
STEP 5: TURN IN APPLICATION: Return your student application (pp. 5-10) and parent approval/RSVP form (p. 11) to the Peer Mediation Application Box in the Main Office by 2:30pm on or before FRIDAY, April 11th. Please note that each application will be stamped with the date of receipt.
The Peer Mediation Team Executive Presidents
Dalia Al-Bataineh, Mark Frederick & Sam Zawacki
The Application and Selection Process… What Can I Expect and What Are We Looking For?
The Peer Mediation Selection Processbegins with the distribution of applications. Once students have the application packet, they complete it and then attend a panel interview to be evaluated by the building teacher and staff. The administrative team reviews the list of applicants then final selections are made. In choosing the team, our goal for the selection process is to provide us with students from all walks of life - a group of individuals who, when combined, will serve to meet the needs of our diverse school community in interests, academics, culture, age and experience.
1 – SOLICITATION PROCESS: We will distribute applications to candidates from the student body from March 31 to April 9.Students may pick up an application from the Main Office, Room 118, or the Counseling Office. Applications are welcome from all 8th grade TEMS and VFMS students who have a true interest in helping our TESD Community with our safe schools and positive school climate initiatives.
2 –WRITTEN APPLICATION: Written Applications are due no later than Friday, April 11, 2014. Candidates should complete the application as directed. We recommend that candidates be honest in their responses. We are not looking for perfect candidates who attempt to give perfect answers. Honesty is a valuable trait that will be considered as we look for candidates with the most fitting qualities of a Peer Mediator. Remember that teacher recommendations are considered part of your written application and must be received for you application to be complete.
3 –INTERVIEWS: By Wednesday, April 23,you will be notified as to whether or not you have been accepted to move on to the interview stage. If you have been accepted to the interview stage, you should sign up for your interview in Room 118NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, April 25TH. The interview time slots fill up quickly. If you have after school activities, it is recommended that you discuss your interview time with your coach/advisor prior to interview sign ups so you know if they would rather you take an early or late interview time. You will have two interviews:
A. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS PANEL INTERVIEW:At this interview, you will meet the Peer Mediation Team Officers with the exception of the presidents. They will have you complete a questionnaire and then ask you the first interview questions. Both the timed questionnaire and the interview will demonstrate to us your ability to ‘think on your feet’ under pressure. This is a skill that all mediators must possess and is something yourteachers do at times in your classes. Imagine a teacher randomly calling onstudents for answers – that is likely what this will feel like for you. Again, we recommend that you try to stay calm and be honest with your answers.
B. ADVISORY BOARD INTERVIEW: At this interview, you will meet the Peer Mediation Team Presidents and the team’s Faculty Advisors. They will ask you questions about your written application as well as some other things that will help them to understand moreabout who you are and what you wish to accomplish by joining the team. We realize that sometimes talking to adults or people in authority may be difficult, but again, please remember that we are just trying to get to know you. Be yourself and answer honestly rather than tell us what you think we want to hear you say.
4 – STAFF & FACULTY REVIEW: All members of the staff and faculty are invited to evaluate the applicants using the form provided by the advisory board since the mission of the team is to provide a safe and positive school climate for the entire school community.
5 - ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW and FINAL SELECTION: All scores for each candidate are entered into a confidential database. Once entered, the administrators review the final candidate scores and confirm that the prospective team meets the requirements of the application process. Advisors check and double check scoring of applications, recommendations and interviews to be sure that the process has been conducted in a fair and correct manner (see below for more on scoring and selections). Once the administration gives their final approval, the advisors and presidents will begin the process of drafting letters to each candidate, regardless of their final status.
5 – LETTERS: All candidates will receive a status letter.
- New Trainees:The final list of summer trainees will receive an acceptance letter. At this time, veteran members are in their re-application process so until we know the number of returning members, we cannot give an exact number of how many trainees we will accept. The number of summer trainees is the mathematical equal of 100 members minus the number of returning veteran members. It is estimated that number will be twenty-four to thirty-six new trainees. The new trainees that receive acceptance letters are required to attend the MANDATORY SUMMER TRAINING PROGRAM IN ITS ENTIRETY ON AUGUST 7TH from 7:30AM TO 3:15PM. If they are unable to attend as described, an alternate will be selected.
- Alternates:Six candidates will receive letters that explain their status as alternates to the team. This also makes them alternates to the summer training program. If a selected trainee cannot attend, an alternate will receive a call from an officer offering them the position for training. We have used alternates each year for the last three years. The number of alternates invited varies. If an alternate cannot attend training, we move to the next alternate on the numbered selection list.
- Thank You Letters:The remaining candidates will receive letters of thanks from the team for their willingness and courage for committing to the selection process. Only a small portion of the school population will have the bravery to submit to this process. That bravery alone will be the reason the thank you letter will include an invitation to apply again as old members graduate, resign or are not renewed each year. Based on the application and interview, we will also suggest other organizations to many members that they may serve in a similar capacity to Peer Mediation. We know that working through the selection process itself will give the candidates an invaluable experience moving forward with their goals for the future.
Our selection process is long, but necessary in choosing a strong group to support our school community in a very special way. We look for candidates who have the time and motivation to devote to the school community at large. We seek a group composed of varying academic levels, social groups, ethnic groups, backgrounds and interests. Whether you work for the team or not, we hope that you will continue to work in your own way to bring unity and positive school climate to ConestogaHigh School.
Thank you for your application.
Please tell us about yourself…
Name: Age: Grade:HR:Gender:
Please answer the following questions by filling in the blank or circling response that best describes you. For the rating questions, circle the 5 for your highest response.
I am free to attend Monday night team meetingsYESNO
I am an athlete in more than one sports seasonYESNO
I am in more than one music programYESNO
I would consider myself an outgoing and energetic person12345
I enjoy being involved in a good variety of activities in our school community12345
I have commitments outside of Conestoga in the T/E community that I enjoy12345
I can attend after school team and/or special meetings12345
I am able to devote one free period per cycle to the Peer Mediation Team office12345
I enjoy Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)12345
My backpack, locker, bedroom are always kept neat and orderly12345
I enjoy public speaking12345
I am comfortable speaking to adult strangers 12345
I am comfortable talking to unfamiliar peers 12345
I love when my teachers assign group projects12345
ConestogaHigh School Peer Mediation Team
200 Irish Road, Berwyn, PA 19312
My Interests: (check all that apply)
- CHS Competitive Sports Teams
- CHS Football
- CHS Cross Country
- CHS Soccer
- CHS Field Hockey
- CHS Girls’ Tennis
- CHS Basketball
- CHS Wrestling
- CHS Swimming/Diving
- CHS Winter Track
- CHS Competition Cheerleading
- CHS Baseball
- CHS Softball
- CHS Lacrosse
- CHS Track
- CHS Boys’ Tennis
- CHS Ice Hockey Club
- CHS Rugby Club
- CHS Crew Club
- CHS Squash Club
- Other:
- CHS Music/Theatre Program
- Marching Band
- CHS Stage Crew
- Fall Drama
- Spring Musical
- Pit Orchestra
- Choir/Chorale/Camerata/Chanteuses
- Jazz Band/Ensemble
- Symphony Orchestra
- Concert Band
- Percussion Ensemble
- Wind Ensemble
- String Ensemble
- Cultural/Genre Hobbies
- Travel/Culture
- Museums
- Science Fiction
- Comic Books
- Antiques
- Foodie
- Pet Training/Pet Shows
- Other:
- Health-Related Hobbies
- Yoga
- Meditation
- BodyBuilding
- Marathons/Running
- Jumping Rope
- Martial Arts
- Fitness Counseling
- Other:
- CHS Co-Curricular Programs
- The Spoke, Editor
- The Spoke, Writer/Reporter
- The Pioneer, Yearbook Editor
- The Pioneer, Yearbook Staff
- Frame & Canvas, Magazine Staff
- Lit Mag, Literary Magazine Staff
- TETV News/Production Club
- Science Olympiad
- Chess Team
- Voices Speech & Debate Team
- Academic Competition Team
- Math Competition Team
- National History Competition Club
- Underwater Robotics Team
- Envirothon Team
- Student Council
- A.D.L. (Anti-Defamation League)
- Manifest
- Key Club
- Best Buddies
- Model U.N.
- National Honor Society
- National Art Honor Society
- Tri-M Honor Society
- Firefighter EMT’s
- Nature-Related Hobbies
- Recycling
- Organic Farming
- Composting
- Landscape Gardening
- Hydroponic Gardening
- Making birdfeeders/birdhouses
- Recycled Craft Making
- Making recycled paper
- Animal care
- Other:
- Observational Hobbies
- Birdwatching
- Geocaching
- Photography
- Cloud Watching
- Stargazing
- People Watching
- Herping (looking for reptiles)
- Amateur Meteorology
- Other:
- Community League Sports
- Fall Travel Club Sport
- Winter Travel Club Sport
- Spring Travel Club Sport
- Other:
- Recreational /Outdoor Adventure
- Kart Racing
- Scuba diving/Snorkeling
- Swimming (Ocean/Lake)
- Surfing
- Skateboarding
- Skiing/snowboarding
- Ice skating
- Rock climbing
- Bungee jumping
- Orienteering
- Spelunking (caving)
- Hiking
- Backpacking/Camping
- River rafting/Kayaking
- Boating/Sailing
- Hunting/Fishing/Archery
- CHS Sailing Club
- CHS Paddle Club
- CHS Sailing Club
- Other:
- Creative Hobbies
- Cooking/Baking
- Drawing/Painting
- Reading/Writing
- Composing Music
- Dancing/Choreography
- Sculpting/Ceramics
- Model-Building
- Interior Design
- Craft-Making
- Other:
- Computer/Tech Hobbies
- Computers/Games
- Video Gaming
- Social Nets/Blogging
- Keeping virtual pets
- Creating software
- Internet browsing
- Other:
- Indoor Hobbies
- Board/Table Games
- Watching TV/ Movies
- Bowling
- Billiards
- Ping Pong
- Pottery
- Collector (stamps, etc)
- Other:
ConestogaHigh School Peer Mediation Team
200 Irish Road, Berwyn, PA 19312
ConestogaHigh School Peer Mediation Team
200 Irish Road, Berwyn, PA 19312
Please answer the following questions by either filling in the blank with your answer or ranking your answer from 1 to 5.When answering, use 5 as your highest score.
First, tell us about your experience with peer mediation at your school.
I was very aware of the program and its purpose at the middle school.12345
Peer Mediators are visible and helpful members of my school.1234 5
I knew how to contact a mediator if I needed assistance.12345
Next, tell us about your experiences with school-wide events:
I love attending school events, such as dances, student-faculty games, and the ice cream social.1234 5
I remember 5th grade orientation (first three days of school) and found it to be very helpful1234 5
Mediators and Golden Eagles were easily available in the hallways the first three days of school1234 5
I joined clubs during my time at TE/VF12345
Rank yourself by circling the number that best describes your level of effort/participation:
I remember my elementary school STAR lessons.12345
I remember my middle school STAR lessons.12345
I remember conflicts that I had when I was in elementary school. 1234 5