School News – Friday 3rd June 2016

·  Saturday 4th June – Art Club

·  Saturday 4th June – Hog Roast

·  Tuesday 7th – Friday 10th June – Year 7 trip to Corrymeela

·  Tuesday 21st June @ 7pm – Year 7 Leavers Celebration (see info below)

·  Friday 24th June – No School Dinners (see info below)

Art Club

Art Club will be held in School Saturday 4th June from 11.00am – 12pm in the school hall. All children aged 3 – 5 years are welcome. Parent helpers are especially welcome to make it a success, so if you are able to help out it would be grateful appreciated.

Hog Roast – Saturday 4th June

Parents Annual Summer Social Hog Roast with vegetarian option will be held on Saturday 4th June 2016. Tickets £15 each- available soon.

Save the date and arrange your baby sitter now!

Woodwind Lessons – Monday 6th June

Mrs Rogan will be taking lessons on Monday 6th June – please ensure your child brings their instrument to school.

Friday 24th June – NO SCHOOL DINNERS

As the hall will be in use on Friday 24th, we will not be serving hot dinners. If you require a refund, please notify the office. Alternatively, you can take a dinner on another day in the month that suits you.

3 weeks of Tennis left!

Tennis ends on Friday 24th June. Sign-up sheets for September will be distributed during the summer holidays.

Fundamental Skills with Billy (football coach) starts Monday evening

We are delighted to announce that our football coach, Billy Brennan, will be offering Fundamental Games for all children aged 5 – 8 years, each Monday 9th May,

5.45 – 6.45pm in the school hall. The children are really enjoying the sessions but we could be doing with a few more!!

After Schools Football – Important Information

If you child attends after schools football on a Monday or Thursday afternoon, we would ask that they wear appropriate footwear – not school shoes.

As there is a lot of floor based activities, we would ask that girls bring a pair of shorts/leggings/skort to wear under their skirt.

End of Year Assembly Dates

End of Year Assembly / Year 5 – 7 / Thursday 16th June @ 9.30am
Year 1 & 2 / Friday 17 June @ 9.30am
Year 3 & 4 / Friday 17 June @ 11am

Sainsbury Vouchers

If anyone has any vouchers lurking in their handbags / pockets could they bring them in to school as the deadline to return them is looming!

Year 7 – Finishing Date

Year 7 will be finishing school on Thursday 30th June.

Year 7 Residential Trip to Corrymeela – 7th – 10th June

Year 7 will be heading to Corrymeela on 7th June. The cost is £165 and this can be paid weekly or in full by the end of June.

The warm weather is here: Sun Cream & Water Bottles

Please ensure you apply sun cream to your child before they come to school. If your child is competent in applying cream, you can send a bottle to school – please ensure your child’s name is clear on the bottle! Staff are unable to apply cream but will be in the room with the child if they need to apply cream during the day. Sun cream cannot be shared among children.

Also ensure your child comes to school with a water bottle (labelled), filled with cold water. Bottles can be refilled in class during the day.


If you need Mrs Hughes to sign passport forms and photos, please allow 48 hours before collecting from the office.

Year 7 Leaver’s Celebration – Tuesday 21st June @ 7pm

On Tuesday 21st June, we will be holding our annual Year 7 Leaver’s Celebration in the school hall, at 7pm. Catering will be provided by cooking extraordinaire, Fiona Maree (parent) who produced a fantastic spread last year. Cost is £5 per person or £20 for a family. A menu will be provided closer to the time. Please confirm numbers attending by Friday 17th June.

School Uniform Orders

Order forms for uniforms will be sent out towards the end of the month. If you need anything (new or second hand) in the meantime please contact Philly on 07789 581070 or

Lost Property

Please take a moment to check our lost property box located in the office. We have a large number of uniform items, coats, hats, water bottles and lunch boxes.

Missing Items

Year 1: grey pleated skirt, clearly labelled with a name, size 7 – 8 yrs

A pair of glasses – brown with dark brown stripes on the leg/frame

Filled Water Bottles & Trainers– The Daily Mile

As children are taking part in the Daily Mile, please ensure that your child brings a filled (labelled) water bottle to school each day, even if your child takes a school dinner.

As the warm weather is also approaching, it is important that your child has access to water after play. Children are able to fill their bottle up using the filter taps supplied by the Parents Council in each room.

Could all Year 1 children come to school wearing their trainers as they will be doing their Daily Mile first thing (weather permitting).

Behaviour focus of the week

Greeting adults Good Morning and Good Bye etc etc

Violin Lessons – Year 4 and up

Lessons for Year 4 up are 20 minutes at a cost of £8 per week (10 minute slots are not offered beyond Year 4 as students are working towards exams). Please advise the office immediately if you wish to continue/discontinue lessons in September.

Violin Lessons for Year 1 – 7

If anyone would like to start violin lessons in September, please contact the office for further details.

School Gates will close at 9am

Please note that all school gates (including internal gates) will close at 9am sharp. Parents will not be permitted access to classrooms after this time. Please ensure you report to the office if your child arrives after 9am.

Car Park – please be mindful of how you park

We are aware that the car park is congested each morning and afternoon. In the interest of child and adult safety, we would ask everyone to be mindful of their speed and how they park.


Please do not block sight lines by parking on the grass verge or on the footpath on the main road.

Over the past few days our staff on duty in the car park were very anxious at the speed in which parents were entering and crossing the car park. We would be grateful if everyone could take extra care to enter and leave the car park slowly as often children are small and therefore below the usual sight line when driving. It is important to remain the queue for Kiss and Go even if you are going to park your car as this means the traffic flow is maintained and predicable so that people crossing the car park can do so safely.

PE Kits

We would ask that all PE kits are brought back to school. Please ensure that your child has the correct kit and footwear otherwise they will not be allowed to participate in PE.

Lurgan Credit Union Savings Scheme

Anyone wishing to join the Lurgan Credit Union Savings Scheme, please contact the office for the relevant paperwork. Collections are made by the Credit Union each Wednesday.

OWLS – Year 6

OWLS for Year 6 takes place each Monday from 3.15 – 4.15pm.

SEN Tuition Available

Specialist Teacher for Dyslexia (BDA British Dyslexia Association) Approved Teacher status – available for tuition. Please contact between 7pm and 9pm 07712 722278.

Flute, Clarinet & Violin Lessons – spaces

There are a few slots available for the following:

Flute/Clarinet: Year 4 – 7 only

Violin: Year 2 – 7 only

Please contact the office if your child is interested.

Kiss and Go

Please ensure your child/children have their coats and bags ready when dropping off.

Kiss and Go will be available every morning from 8.40am for all children in Year 2 up – Kiss and Go children should go to Breakfast Club. Children must not be left in the playground or classroom before 8.50am – they must go to the hall. Supervision starts at 8.50am in the playground with staff. We would encourage all children to use this facility to help develop their independence.

Important Information

It is imperative that all children going home at 2pm have left the school grounds by 2.10pm, as the school is in educational use until 3pm. All children going home at 3pm should leave the grounds by 3.10pm as clubs are in operation.


We would like to stress the importance that the following food items are not brought into school.

Please avoid foods that contain any of these ingredients:

·  Kiwi Fruit

·  All nuts including peanuts (salted, unsalted, roasted, dry roasted) ground nuts, beer nuts, monkey nuts, mixed nuts, earth nuts, bombay mix

·  Peanut oil cold pressed, expressed, or expelled, arachis oil, groundnut oil

·  All peanut products eg peanut butter, nut spreads, chocolate spreads

·  Crushed ground peanut - in sauces or coating on food (cakes, buns, ice cream), satay sauce, peanut sauce.

After Schools Mobile Number - 07519 728612

A mobile number is now in use for parents collecting their children from after school clubs. Please feel free to use this number in the event that you are unable to gain access to the school or need to speak with a member of the after schools team.