Friday, 18th November 2016

Park Community School

200 Dorset Road, London SW19 3EF

T: 0208 542 3365

Follow us on Twitter @parkchapelst

Dear parents and carers,

Thanks to those of you who took the time to fill in the homework questionnaire this week; I will collate the results and get back to you next week with your ideas and feedback.

Don’t forget that next Friday the children need to bring in toiletries (beauty gifts e.g. bubble bath or soap and creams or body oils) for the Christmas tombola, and in return the children can wear their own clothes. The following week children need to bring in bottles.

New ballet class

Velia is kindly running a second ballet class for children in Year One and Reception. Classes are held every Tuesday from 3:15 until 4:10. Please contact the office if you would like your child to join up.

Library launch

Next Friday, the lovely PTFA team are opening and launching our fabulous new library with each class. In order to support the library stock, we were wondering whether parents would be willing to bring in a £5 book which can be left in the library. Please do so if you can.

Giving at Christmas

We would like to donate food to the local food bank this year, and from 1st December, we are asking children and staff to bring in a tin of food or dry food (e.g. pasta and rice) every day, so that we can encourage the children.

Meet the new Chair of Governors

Andrew Tucker, father of Hannah in Reception, is the newly appointed Chair of Governors. He has experience of being a Chair at another school where he was part of the team that moved the school from special measures to outstanding. Andrew is keen to work with parents to ensure your ideas and contributions are taken into account. Andrew would like you to come and meet with him at a coffee morning on Friday 2nd December at 9:30am. I appreciate this time may not be suitable for all people, so if you would like to email Andrew, you can on: Otherwise, he hopes to see lots of you on the 2nd.

Christmas Fair

Please sign up to help on a stall at the Christmas Fair on Saturday 3rd December between 1pm and 4pm. Even if you can’t commit to help for the whole time, and for just half an hour, that’s fine too. The list of stalls will be in the playground from Monday onwards.

Turners Christmas card competition

Any entries for the Turners card competition need to be handed in on Thursday 24th November. We receive £200 for entries, so please take part. Please see Kelly in the office if you would like more information. The form was sent out in book bags.

School Photos

School photos went out yesterday and you can either order online or, alternatively, if you wish to order via the office, then the deadline is next Friday.

Children in Need

Thanks for supporting Children in Need today. I will let you know how much we have raised next week. The children looked great dressed up today!

Facebook and Twitter

We will regularly be updating the school Facebook and twitter page from next week. Please sign up to our page so you can receive regular updates about the fun activities taking place at the school.

Christmas Cards

The last change to order your child’s Christmas cards will be after school on Monday from 3pm. Please bring in cash to pay for these.

Talent Time

Talent Time has now moved to 2pm until 2:45 every Friday, so if you’d like to help out please come along to the office.

Stars of the week

Reception –Olivia and Caleb, Year One –RaniaandJulija, Year Two – Rhys. Miss Street’s manners merit went to Athol!