Week 3

7th Grade

Monday, 2/12

Standards 8

1. What is a refrain?

Winter was approaching, and we still could not afford to pay our electric bill. The days were getting shorter and colder. I had no choice but to look for a part time job to help Mom and Dad.

2. The author uses the underlined words to create a

feeling of ______.

a. happiness

b. relief

c. sadness

d. discouragement

I had been working on my essay for two hours. Mr. Meanie had only written the assignment on the chalkboard today, and I was a long way from being finished.

“Oh, no!” I cried as I hit the wrong key on my typewriter. I was out of whiteout and I sure did not want to start over from the beginning!

3. We are given hints in this passage that can be used to infer when the action takes place. Underline these hints. When do you think the action takes place?

a. present day

b. thousands of years ago

c. at least twenty years ago

d. in the future

Tuesday, 2/13

Standards 9

Snowboarding is becoming an increasingly popular winter sport. In the 1960s, combining the words "snow" and "surf", the new invention became the Snurfer. “Snurfers”, two skies tied together, were sold to thousands. Through the years, the board and the sport have evolved. Through the 1980s and 1990s, snowboarding competitions were on the rise. Ski resorts benefited greatly from these snowboarding fanatics. Some of these ski resorts banned snowboarding because they were fearful of the dangers that this new sport could hold. Today, however, snowboarding is one of the fastest growing sports in America. It really is a great winter activity! It continues to become even more popular each year.

1. What is the main idea of this passage?

a. Snowboarding is a dangerous sport, and not many people are willing to take the risks it involves.

b. Some ski resorts banned snowboarding because of the potential dangers it poses.

c. Snowboarding began with the “snurfer” and thousands of these were sold in the 1960s.

d. The history of snowboarding dates back to the 1960s, and the sport is becoming increasingly popular today.

2. What would be the heading of this passage in an encyclopedia?

a. History c. Winter Sports

b. Snurfer d. Snowboarding

3. A euphemism is a word or phrase that is used in place of another word that might seem too direct or blunt. For example, “laid to rest” is a euphemism for buried. List one other euphemism that has something to do with death.
