“Spiritual Leadership is Moving People on to God’s agenda”
Henry & Richard Blackaby—Spiritual Leadership
The process of identifying a Spiritual Ministry Leader is very different than that of electing a president and/or a vice president of a group. The charge of the ministry is to identify, in concert with the Holy Spirit, a person who has a calling to lead that particular ministry. The calling/anointing is what gives a person the strength and stamina, along with a passion, to move the people of the ministry and others on to God’s agenda. In the book, Spiritual Leadership, Henry and Richard Blackaby elaborate on distinctive elements of leadership qualities that every ministry member must consider when praying to identify a Spiritual Ministry Leader. They are:
1.The Spiritual Ministry Leader’s task is to move people from where they are to where God wants them to be.
2.Spiritual Ministry Leaders depend on the Holy Spirit.
3.Spiritual Ministry Leaders are accountable to God.
4.Spiritual Ministry Leaders can influence all people, not just God’s people
5.Spiritual Ministry Leaders work from God’s agenda
The basic and most compelling model for leadership was that of Jesus Christ. Jesus sought His Father’s will throughout every step of His ministry. His relationship with His Father allowed Him to be used as a vessel to accomplish great things. It was through His relationship with the Father that He avoided being sidetracked from His mission and falling into the temptations of Satan. Jesus was obedient to His Father throughout His ministry and ultimately unto death.
Metropolitan‘s process for identifying its Spiritual Ministry Leaders is fivefold:
1.Ministry Leaders should teach members of the Ministry “How to Identify Godly Leaders”, using the insights discussed in pages 20-30 of the Spiritual Leadership book and the criteria outlined in this manual
2.Ministries should fast and pray throughout the month of October, readying the ministry to be receptive to God’s will.
3.Conduct a special meeting to select Ministry Leaders during the Church Wide Selection Ministry Leaders timeframe.
4.Submit names of Ministry Leaders to the Church office and your Ministry Deacon.
5.Attend Special Church Conference to Ratify Ministry Leaders and Leadership Convocation that is to be held in the first 3 months of the following year.
Using the spiritual elements discussed in pages 20-30 of the our Spiritual Leadership book and other criteria listed in the following pages of this manual each ministry must engage in prayerful, solemn and earnest dialogue with God; to understand His will for their ministry and identify the leader that God would place at the head of the ministry. [If this is not done correctly and in line with God’s will, the ministry will not be able to function with God’s glory and anointing. It will not grow, nor will it prosper. The fruit of a ministry that selects its ministry leader through tradition and/or popularity will surely result in strife and discord.]
Dates for accomplishing this identification will be given during the October Spiritual Leadership Institute.
- The Biblical Profile of a Godly Leader
Above Reproach (1 Timothy 3:2) –Leaders are to be unblame-able, having nothing in their lives for which they can be rebuked.
Devoted to their Wives or Husbands (1 Timothy3:2) - They are to be one-woman men or one man women.
Temperate (1 Timothy 3:2) – They are to be spiritually stable, having a clear, biblical perspective on life.
Prudent (1 Timothy3:2) – Sometimes that word is translated "sober-minded. " It means they know their priorities.
Respectable (1 Timothy 3:2) - Leaders are to have such well-ordered lives that they are honored for it.
Hospitable (1 Timothy 3:2) - They are to love strangers, opening their homes to those in need.
Able to Teach (1 Timothy 3:2) – That phrase is translated from the single Greek word, didakikos. It is never used to speak of the gift of teaching or the office of a teacher. This does not mean that a leader must be a great Bible teacher. However, it does mean that a ministry leader must be teachable as well as able to communicate biblical truth to others. The word conveys not so much the dynamics of his teaching as his sensitivity to other people. He teaches with a meek and gentle spirit.
Self-controlled (Titus 1:8) – Leaders are not to be addicted to alcohol or drugs of any kind. They need to be in control of mind and body.
Not Self-willed (Titus 1:7) - They should not be self-centered. A church can 't have people in leadership who are concerned only about themselves. The most important thing about church leaders is that they be concerned about the people they are shepherding.
Not Quick Tempered (Titus 1:7) – Those in leadership position cannot have a volatile temperament; they must be patient.
Not Pugnacious (Titus 1:7) – This literally means "not a fighter." A church doesn't want someone in leadership who solves problems with his fists.
Not Contentious (1 Timothy3:3) – This attitude corresponds to the previous physical reaction. A contentious person likes to compete and debate.
Gentle (1 Timothy 3:3).
Not Materialistic (1 Timothy3:3) – Church leaders should be free from the love of money (but that is not to say that they must be free from money itself).
Managing Their Households Well (1 Timothy 3:4) – Church leaders are required to keep their children under control with dignity. Many people keep their children under control, but not many do it with dignity.
Having aGood Reputation, Among Unbelievers (1 Timothy 3:7) - What does the world think of the church leaders? As they interact with the unsaved world, their integrity should be above reproach.
Loving What Is Good (Titus 1:8).
Just (Titus 1:8) – Church leaders are to be fair.
Devout (Titus 1:8) – They are to be holy in their daily lives.
Not New Converts (1 Timothy 3:6) – They are to be spiritually mature.
II. Qualifications of Ministry Leaders
Ministry Leader/Assistant Ministry Leader
Definition:One called by God to lead by serving others and not by having others to serve them. (Mark 10:41-45). The goal of every Ministry Leader should be to be more like Jesus. If Christ came to serve, then we must in striving to be like Him, also serve.
1. The number one criteria for a Ministry Leader is to be regenerated and born again. (John 3:3). Before one can serve in the Kingdom, they must first enter into the Kingdom. A change of a person 's life style, attitude, behavior, and character is a reflection of this Spiritual Transformation.
Must be called to serve in that particular ministerial office (Exodus 3; Jeremiah 1:4-10; Isaiah 6:1-9). Not everyone is called to be a Ministry Leader. Often times a person can be called to be a Ministry Leader but not necessarily over the leadership position they occupy. One's dedication and commitment to serve the ministry and grow it is normally manifested in a genuine calling.
Must be continuously filled with Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4; 4:31). This act is manifested by one's effectiveness and boldness to do what pleases God and not what is expedient in the eyes of men. Summarized- Must grow the ministry and avoid clicks. Being filled with the Holy Spirit is also key for Christian Leadership.
Proof of being filled by the Holy Spirit as noted in "Leader In The Making" by Paul N. Benware and Brian Harris are:
A spirit of joy and praise (Eph. 5.19-20).
Regular attendance in worship service.
An attitude of submission (Eph. 5:21).
Willingness to be trained and regular attendance of the Leadership Institutes.
Expression of the fruit of the Holy Spirit
(Gal. 5:22-23)
A Godly lifestyle based on the Word of God
(1 Peter 1:16; 1 Thes. 4:3), frequent attendance in Bible Study and Church School.
Spiritual gifts recognized and put to work
(Eph. 4.7-16), leading by serving.
A burden to see unbelievers saved (Matt.28:19-20) -active witnessing.
A consistent devotional life (Ps. 119:10-11; Rom.15:4; Acts 10:2). An example to others through Holy and Righteous Living.
A desire to obey Christ at any cost
(1 Sam. 15:22; Acts 5:29).
Must be a good steward of Time, Treasure, Talent. Must trust God implicitly (Malachi 3:8; Luke 6:38). Those called to lead must also learn to trust. While there are many ways to reflect our trust, the acid test of a leaders trust in God is manifested in his/hers willingness to tithe. Leaders must lead by example, and those who do not tithe serve as a poor example for those to whom they minister. If they do not tithe, it implies that they cannot trust He whom they claim called them.
Committed to a constant study of God's Word (Acts2:42). One's spiritual growth is determined by their faithfulness to the Word
Must Love God and people.
Must have the capacity to Organize, Deputize and Supervise
Should have good verbal and writing skills (reads well, listens well and writes well).
Must be a good record keeper.
Captures key action items and coordinates with the Ministry Leader in tracking implementation in future Meetings.
Provide copies of ministry minutes to the Pastor's Administrative Assistant after each meeting.
Maintains a file of all ministry meetings including a roster of members in the ministry at the beginning of year end, and percent of increase or decrease during the year.
III. Roles and Responsibility of Ministry Leaders
The Ministry Leader is responsible for seeking the will of God in alignment with God’s vision for the church as He has given it to the Pastor.
The Ministry Leader is responsible for teaching Ministry members the biblical basis and the purpose for the ministry in alignment with God’s overall vision for the church ministry.
The Ministry Leader should establish biblical standards for ministry involvement.
The Ministry Leader should cultivate fellowship among ministry members and other ministry leaders.
The Ministry Leader should conduct effective ministry meetings with a written agenda.
The Ministry Leader must grow the ministry through prayer, getting things done, making the work exciting, and that which has purpose and meaning.
The Ministry Leader should speak well of the church and the work of Christ.
The Ministry Leader must cultivate peace and good working relationships among members of the ministry by involving them in the planning and execution of the work.
The Ministry Leader should establish dates and times that the ministry will meet and hold persons accountable for attending.
IV. Expectations of Ministry Leaders (Full Cabinet)
Ministry Leaders are expected to tithe.
Ministry Leaders are expected to attend Leadership Institute, once a month, on first Saturday of the month (unless otherwise designated) from 9AM-10:30AM
Ministry Leaders are expected to teach ministry members and attend Family Bible Study and/or Sunday Family school
Ministry Leaders are expected to grow their ministry by reaching out to others who have a calling to operate within their particular ministry
Ministry Leaders should not require significant maintenance and supervision.
Ministry Leaders are expected to focus on those ministerial services appropriate to their mission statement.
Ministry Leaders are expected to work with other Ministry Leaders to accomplish church-wide goals and objectives set by the under-shepherd and church leadership.
Ministry Leaders are expected to support other ministries.
Revised 10/15
Metropolitan Baptist Church Proprietary