I have the following exercise to complete...
1. Write a visual basic Do clause that processes the loop instructions as long as the value in the intQuantity variable is greater than the number 0. Use the while keyword.

Dim intQuantity AsInteger


LoopWhile intQuantity > 0

2. Rewrite the Do clause from Exercise 1 using the Until keyword.

Dim intQuantity AsInteger

DoUntil intQuantity <= 0


3. Write a visual basic Do clause that stops the loop when the value in the intInStock variable is less than or equal to the value in the intReorder variable. Use the Until keyword.

Dim intInStock AsInteger

Dim intReorder AsInteger

DoUntil intInStock <= intReorder


4. Rewrite the Do clause from Exercise 3 using the While keyword

Dim intInStock AsInteger

Dim intReorder AsInteger

While intInStock > intReorder


5. What will the following code display in message boxes?
Dim IntX As Integer
Do While intX 5

Code seems truncated

7. Write the visual basic code for a pretest loop that uses an Integer variable named intEvenNum to display the even integers from 2 through 10 in the lblNumbers control. Use the For…Next statement. Display each number on a separate line in the control.

Dim intEvenNum AsInteger

lblNumbers.Text = ""

For intEvenNum = 2 To 10 Step 2

lblNumbers.Text = lblNumbers.Text & vbCrLf & intEvenNum

Next intEvenNum

8. Rewrite the pretest loop from Exercise 15 using the Do…Loop statement.

Dim intEvenNum AsInteger = 2

lblNumbers.Text = ""


lblNumbers.Text = lblNumbers.Text & vbCrLf & intEvenNum

intEvenNum = intEvenNum + 2

LoopWhile intEvenNum <= 10

9. An instruction Is missing from the following code. What is the missing instruction and where does it belong in the code?
Dim intNumber As Integer = 1
Do While intNumber < 5
MessageBox.Show(intNumber.To String)

Answer:Following statement is missing: intNumber = intNumber + 1

It should come before loop ends to ensure definite loop

Dim intNumber AsInteger = 1

DoWhile intNumber < 5


intNumber = intNumber + 1


10. An instruction is missing from the following code. What is the missing instruction and where does it belong in the code?
Do intNumber A s Integer = 10
Loop Until intNumber = 0

Answer:Following statement is missing: intNumber = intNumber – 1It should come before loop ends to ensure definite loop

Dim intNumber AsInteger = 10



intNumber = intNumber - 1

LoopUntil intNumber = 0

11. What will the following code display?
Dim intTotal As Integer
Do While intTotal <= 5
intTotal = intTotal + 2

It would display 3 message boxes in a row. First would display 0, second would display 2 and third would display 4.