Identity cards for authorised persons accredited in the Slovak Republic are issued by the Diplomatic Protocol of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic.

Types of identity cards:

1.Type "D" – (red) identity cards issued for diplomats and their family members.

2.Type "ATP" – (blue) identity cards issued for administrative and technical staff and their family members.

3.Type "SP" – (green) identity cards issued for service staff and their family members and for private staff .

4.Type " MO" – (violet) identity cards issued for employees of international organisations and their family members.

5.Type "HK" – (grey) identity cards issued for honorary consular officers.

The front side of the identity card contains:

(a)name, type, number and validity of the identity card,

(b)first name, surname, date of birth, citizenship, sex and position of the identity card holder,

(c)bar code readable by a machine ( similar to citizenship cards and passports used by police authorities for identification purposes ).

The reverse side of the identity card contains:

(a)explanatory text,

(b)address of the identity card holder,

(c)date of issue,

(d)signature of the card holder,

(e)signature of the director of the diplomatic protocol,

(f)stamp of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic.

The size of its printed form is 99 x 68 mm and it is printed on white security paper with a precisely located multitone watermark as well as an incorporated protective plastic strip and protective fibres. The card is protected by protective thermoplastic foil of 105 x 74 mm, by hot-process lamination.

The following protective elements are incorporated in the card:


(b)plastic strip,

(c)protective fibres,

(d)protective under-prints,

(e)protection in infra-red sphere,

(f)optically variable element,



41994 D 0028: Decision of the Executive Committee of 22December1994 on the certificate provided for in Article 75 to carry narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (SCH/Com-ex (94) 28 rev.) (OJL239, 22.9.2000, p.463).

In AnnexII, the following is inserted between the entries for Belgium and Germany:


Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic

Palackého náměstí 4

128 01 Praha 1

Tel:+420 2 2497 2457

Fax: +420 2 2491 5430"

and, between the entries for Germany and Greece:


Ministry of Social Affairs

Gonsiori 29

Tallinn 15027

Tel: +372 626 9700

Fax: +372 699 2209"

and, between the entries for Italy and Luxembourg:


Ministry of Health

Pharmaceutical Services

Larnaca Avenue 7

Nicosia 1475

Tel: +357 22 407107

Fax: +357 22 305 255


Ministry of Welfare

Pharmacy Department

Skolas str. 21

Riga LV-1331

Tel: +371 7021608

Fax: +371 7276445


Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania

Vilniaus St. 33

LT - 2001 Vilnius

Tel: +370-2-661400

Fax: +370-2-661402"

and, between the entries for Luxembourg and the Netherlands:


(Ministry of Health and Social and Family Affairs

Department for Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices

Department for Narcotic Drugs)

Egészségügyi, Szociális és Családügyi Minisztérium

Gyógyszerészeti és Orvostechnikai Főosztály

Kábítószer Osztály

Arany János utca 6-8

H-1051 Budapest

Tel.: +361 312 3216

Fax: +361 311 7255



Taqsima għall-Kontroll ta' Sustanzi Narkotiċi

Diviżjoni tas-Saħħa

15 Triq il-Merkanti



Tel: +356-21 25 55 42

Fax: +356-21 25 55 41"

and, between the entries for Austria and Portugal:


Główny Inspektor Farmaceutyczny

ul. Długa 38/40

00-238 Warszawa

Tel: +48 22 831 21 31

Fax: +48 22 831 02 44"

and, after the entry for Portugal:


Office for Drugs of the Republic of Slovenia

Trubarjeva 3

1000 Ljubljana,

Tel:+386 1 244 12 08

Fax: +386 1 244 12 72


Ministerstvo zdravotníctva Slovenskej republiky (Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic)

Sekcia zdravotnej starostlivosti (Section of Health Care)

Odbor organizácie, riadenia a licencií (Organisation, Management and Licensing)

Limbová 2

833 07 Bratislava

Tel: + 421 2 5937 3384 (contact person)

+ 421 2 5937 3171 (secretariat)

Fax: + 421 2 5937 3400".

AA2003/ACT/Annex II/en 1