Index of posters

Number / Session / Title / Authors
P1 / Algorithms for Bioinformatics / A GPU-based High Performance Computing Infrastructure for specialized NGS analyses / Manconi A, Moscatelli M, Gnocchi M, Armano G, Milanesi L
P2 / Algorithms for Bioinformatics / Algebra of biodiversity: revising PhyloH as tool to represent change in communities with
a special focus on HTC data / Vicario S, Mosca N, Renò V, Bruno A, Sandionigi A, Casiraghi M
P3 / Algorithms for Bioinformatics / Biclustering of gene expression data with GRASP approximate algorithm / Ferone D, Facchiano A, Marabotti A, Festa P
P4 / Algorithms for Bioinformatics / Integrating high-troughput data and structure prediction to identify RNA structure motifs / Pietrosanto M, Adinolfi M, Mattei E, Casula R, Ausiello G, Palmeri A, Ferrè F, Helmer-Citterich M
P5 / Algorithms for Bioinformatics / Deciphering regulatory modules in secretory pathways using perturbation data: an integrated approach / Piccirillo M, Tripathi KP,Guarracino MR
P6 / Algorithms for Bioinformatics / A cellular automata to simulate the growth and death of a cell culture / Guerrisi G, Giordano D, Marabotti A, Raiconi G, Tagliaferri R
P7 / Big Data Management, Modeling and Computing / Standardisation in Life Sciences – with CHARME towards a unified standardisation European strategy / D’Elia D, Regierer B, Hollmann S
P8 / Big Data Management, Modeling and Computing / “DS-omiX”: a new tool for mixOmics approach / Petricone D, Rinaldi S, Cotugno N, Di Matteo G, Rossi P, Cancrini C, Palma P
P9 / Big Data Management, Modeling and Computing / BioPAxCOMP: an efficient system for integrating, compressing, and querying BioPAX / Agapito G, Greco A, Cannataro M
P10 / Big Data Management, Modeling and Computing / Modeling biological systems considering the uncertainty associated with model parameters / Beccuti M, Totis N, Follia L, Calogero R, Cordero F, Balbo G
P11 / Big Data Management, Modeling and Computing / Cloud Computing in Bioinformatics: current solutions and challenges / Calabrese B, Cannataro M
P12 / Big Data Management, Modeling and Computing / Cloud computing: democratizing Next Generation Sequence (NGS) data analysis / Cordero F, Beccuti M, Calogero RA
P13 / Big Data Management, Modeling and Computing / Identification of single nucleotide variants in RNA tumor samples using ACCESS exome capturing protocol / Panero R, Arigoni M, Riccardo F, Olivero M, Cordero F, Beccuti M, Voena C, Peola S, Weisz A, Chiarle R, Calogero RA
P14 / Big Data Management, Modeling and Computing / GeMoNe: The Genomic Data Portal for Myeloid Neoplasms / Limongelli I, Riva A, Della Porta MG, Cazzola M, Bellazzi R
P15 / Big Data Management, Modeling and Computing / Cloud-based management and genome-wide processing of numerous and heterogeneous genomic feature datasets through GMQL (publicly available on CINECA cloud) / Kaitoua A, Canakoglu A, Pinoli P, Ceri S, Masseroli M
P16 / Big Data Management, Modeling and Computing / GenomeCruzer: a tool for integrative 3D-visualization and analysis of multidimensional oncogenomic data / Isella C, Bertotti C, Corsi R, Vezzadini L, Medico E
P17 / Big Data Management, Modeling and Computing / Using Ontologies and Semantic Similarity Measures for Prioritization of Gene Regulatory Networks / Milano M, Guzzi PH, Cannataro M
P18 / Big Data Management, Modeling and Computing / RNA-based identification of actionable oncogenic drivers in colorectal cancer / Bellomo SE, Acquaviva A, Petti C, Picco G, Isella C, Medico E
P19 / Big Data Management, Modeling and Computing / A user friendly platform for hunting causative variants of genetic diseases / Bertoldi L, Forcato C, Vitulo N, Birolo G, Schiavon R, Feltrin E, De Pascale F, Zampieri G, Vezzi A, Valle G
P20 / Big Data Management, Modeling and Computing / Database of human non-coding RNAs interactions / Bonnici V, De Caro G, Liuni S, D’Elia D, Bombieri N, Giugno R, Licciulli F
P21 / Big Data Management, Modeling and Computing / Big Data for Disease Prevention and Precision Medicine / Moscatelli M, Gnocchi M, Manconi M, Milanesi L
P22 / Big Data Management, Modeling and Computing / Data integration in drug-target interaction prediction and drug repositioning / Parisi D, Vanderhoydonck B, Vriend G, Moreau Y
P23 / Big Data Management, Modeling and Computing / Providing bioinformatic workflow environments through the INDIGO-DataCloud e-infrastructure. / Tangaro MA, Pesole G, Zambelli F
P24 / Big Data Management, Modeling and Computing / ELIXIR-ITA: a growing support to national and international research in life sciences / Via A, Zambelli F, Carnevali D, Castrignanò T, Cattani A, Cuccuru G, Della Vedova G, Donvito G, Facchiano A, Marco Fondi, Galeazzi F, Licata L, Marabotti A, Milanesi L, Picardi E, Profiti G, Tomassini S,Tosatto S, Pesole G
P25 / Big Data Management, Modeling and Computing / Efficient Integration of Heterogeneous Kernels for Disease Gene Prioritization / Zampieri G, Tran D, Donini M, Navarin N, Aiolli F, Sperduti A, Valle G
P26 / Biological Databases / The BioSharing Registry: mapping the landscape of standards and databases resources in the life sciences / McQuilton P, Gonzalez-Beltran A, Izzo M, Lister AL, Maguire E, Rocca-Serra P, Thurston M, Sansone SA
P27 / Biological Databases / Discover and explore Nature’s Scientific Data datasets with the ISA-explorer tool / Gonzalez-Beltran A, Maguire E, Khodiyar V, Rocca-Serra P, Johnson D, Izzo M, Hufton A, Sansone SA
P28 / Biological Databases / UCbase Version 3.0: "The first database of Ultraconserved sequences". / Taccioli C
P29 / Biological Databases / Diet analysis by next-generation sequencing of the critically endangered Italian hare (Lepus corsicanus) / Buglione M, Trapanese M, Maselli V, Aiese Cigliano R, Sanseverino W, Marchese G, Ravo M and Fulgione D
P30 / Biological Databases / MitImpact 2.0, a database of pre-computed pathogenicity predictions for mitochondrial missense mutations / Castellana S, Fusilli C, Biagini T, Capocefalo D, Vescovi AL, Mazza T
P31 / Biological Databases / BioGraphDB: a graph database based on integration of publicly available bioinformatics resources / Fiannaca A, La Rosa M, La Paglia L, Messina A, Rizzo R, Urso A
P32 / Biological Databases / Recent developments of the Cell Line Integrated Molecular Authentication Database / Romano P, Visconti P, Parodi B
P33 / Clinical bioinformatics: from computational models to clinical answers / Towards an integrated interactive database for the search of stratification biomarkes in Alkaptonuria / Cicaloni V, Rossi A, Zazzeri M, Zugarini A, Santucci A, Bernini A, Spiga O
P34 / Clinical bioinformatics: from computational models to clinical answers / Detection of kinase gene fusion events: a therapeutic opportunity in cancer treatment / Bosotti R, Ardini E, Galvani A, Isacchi A
P35 / Clinical bioinformatics: from computational models to clinical answers / A framework to identify new biomarkers of response to chemotherapy in patients with high-risk neuroblastoma / Cangelosi D, Morini M, Luksch R, Sementa AR, Conte M, Garaventa A, Luigi Varesio
P36 / Clinical bioinformatics: from computational models to clinical answers / Autism and intestinal permeability: bioinformatics selection of candidate genes target / Chiappori F, Gnocchi M, Milanesi L, Mezzelani A
P37 / Comparative Genomics / A dominant role of mitotic recombination in shaping interspecies genome introgression / D’Angiolo M, De Chiara M, Yue J, Llored A, Irizar A, Lutazi A, Barrè B, Marangoni R, Nicolas A, Gianni Liti
P38 / Comparative Genomics / OrthoDB: genome annotation and interpretation through orthology / Kriventseva EV, Tegenfeldt F, Kuznetsov D, Ioannidis P, Manni M, Simão FA, Waterhouse RM, Zdobnov EM
P39 / Epigenetics / A computational approach for functional classification of the epigenome / Gandolfi F, Tramontano A
P40 / Epigenetics / ampliMethProfiler: a pipeline for the analysis of CpG methylation profiles of amplicons from targeted bisulfite deep sequencing / Scala G, Affinito O, Palumbo D, Florio E, Monticelli A, Miele G, Cocozza S
P41 / Genomics / Strategies to reduce genome complexity in vegetable crops. / Terracciano I, Taranto F, Caiazzo R, Cantarella C, Tripodi P, D’Agostino N.
P42 / Genomics / Reverse engineering methods to support the identification of long non coding RNA functions / Noviello TMR, Ventola GM, D’Aniello S, Spagnuolo A, Ceccarelli M, Cerulo L
P43 / Genomics / A multi-omics approach to characterize and identify candidate miRNA targets / Sangiovanni M, Granata I, Guarracino MR
P44 / Genomics of Disease / Phylogenetic characterization of an Orthopoxvirus isolate from a Macaca tonkeana colony / Gruber CEM, Giombini E, Selleri M, Castilletti C, Carletti F, Lapa D, Puro V, Di Caro A, Desideri A, De Marco L, Manna G, Zini M, Lorenzetti R, Cardeti G, Autorino GL, Capobianchi MR
P45 / Genomics of Disease / Unraveling the long non coding RNAs regulation in acute myeloid leukemia / Percio S, Pattini L
P46 / Genomics of Disease / Exome and deep sequencing of clinically aggressive neuroblastoma reveal pathway-level implications in somatically mutated genes involved in cancer progression / Lasorsa VA, Formicola D, Pignataro P, Cimmino F, Calabrese FM, Mora J, Esposito MR, Pantile M, Zanon C, De Mariano M, Longo L, Hogarty MD, de Torres C, Tonini GP, Iolascon A, Capasso M
P47 / Next Generation Sequencing / JRC GMO-Scanner: a fast-screening tool of NGS reads from whole genome sequencing of GMOs / Petrillo M, Angers-Loustau A, Henriksson P, Patak A
P48 / Next Generation Sequencing / The Integrated Variant Calling System: IVaCS / Castrignanò T, Chiara M, Chillemi G, D'Antonio M, Pesole G
P49 / Next Generation Sequencing / HPC bioinformatics resources for Elixir scientific community / Castrignanò T, D'Antonio M, D'Onorio De Meo P, Flati T, Chillemi G
P50 / Next Generation Sequencing / Computational analysis for the quantitative profiling of initiating ribosomes in primary human CD4+ TH1 cells / Alfieri R, Ricciardi S, Manfrini N, Gruarin P, Pagani M, Ingolia NT, Biffo S
P51 / Next Generation Sequencing / A Tool for the Comparison of Transcript Differential Expression Analysis Pipelines / Beretta S, Pirola Y, Ranzani V, Rossetti G, Bonnal R, Rizzi R, Della Vedova G, Pagani M, Bonizzoni P
P52 / Next Generation Sequencing / MetaShot: a complete pipeline for the taxonomic classification of the human microbiome / Fosso B, Santamaria M, Lovero D, Corrado G, Vizza E, Passaro N, Crescenzi M, Pesole G
P53 / Next Generation Sequencing / RNAseq data analysis of cell cycle S phase / Giacò L, Cittaro D, Luzi L, Pelicci PG, Dellino GI
P54 / Next Generation Sequencing / Optimization of a pipeline for small RNA-seq data analysis / Panero R, Rinaldi A, Memoli D, Alexandrova E, Ravo M, Weisz A, Giurato G
P55 / Next Generation Sequencing / A-GAME: A Galaxy suite for Applied Metagenomics / Chiara M, Placido A, Picardi E, Ceci L, Horner DS, Pesole G
P56 / Next Generation Sequencing / IntegrHO, a novel tool to analyse and integrate NGS data / Righelli D, Franzese M, Angelini C
P57 / Next Generation Sequencing / Small noncoding RNA expression analysis suggests involvement of PIWI-interacting RNAs in human hepatocarcinogenesis / Rinaldi A, Giurato G, Coviello E, Sellitto A, Di Tommaso L, Roncalli M, Weisz A, Rizzo F
P58 / Next Generation Sequencing / Characterization of functional role of the Estrogen Receptor Beta - Argonaute 2 complex in breast cancer cells / Giurato G, Bruno G, Nassa G, Ricciardi L, Saggese P, Salvati A, Weisz A, Tarallo R
P59 / Next Generation Sequencing / Integration of RRBS, smallRNA-Seq and RNA-Seq data for biological interpretation / Memoli D, Giurato G, Nassa G, Salvati A, Rizzo F, Weisz A
P60 / Protein structure and function / Structural states of a RNA aptamer, molecular dynamics simulation study / Autiero I, Vitagliano L, Improta R, Ruvo M
P61 / Protein structure and function / Microbial Transglutaminases investigations for selecting putative forms of industrial interest. / Giordano D, Facchiano A
P62 / Protein structure and function / Identication of “on-off residues” in rat Cav1.2 a1C subunit channel using in silico analysis and docking simulation / Trezza A, Bernini A, Spiga O
P63 / Protein structure and function / Ligand docking to decipher functional specificity of paralogous enzymes / Cammisa M, Viscido G, Cimmaruta C, Citro V, Monza E, Guallar V, Andreotti G
P64 / Protein structure and function / Detecting of structural features characterizing intrinsically disordered protein domains / Guariniello S, Colonna G, Ciliberto G, Costantini S
P65 / Protein structure and function / Conformational Factors Modulating UV-induced DNA Damage: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Studies / Esposito L, Improta R
P66 / Protein structure and function / A computational study to identify potential inhibitors for human chymase from natural and/or biogenic sources / Dubey A, Marabotti A, Ramteke PW, Facchiano A
P67 / Protein structure and function / Analysis of the interactions of a novel cephalosporin derivative with their potential targets penicillin-binding proteins from different sources using a covalent docking approach / Verdino A, De Rosa M, Soriente A, Marabotti A
P68 / Protein structure and function / Investigating the opening mechanism of topoisomerase I B in complex with DNA investigated by means of metadynamics / Morozzo della Rocca B, Coletta A, Iacovelli F, Desideri A
P69 / Protein structure and function / NMR structure ensembles of protein-protein complexes: analysis of the interface variability and selection of a representative conformer / Calvanese L, D'Auria G, Vangone A, Falcigno L, Oliva R
P70 / Protein structure and function / A preliminary clustering step in a consensus approach for the scoring of protein-protein docking models enhances the chance to have a correct solution within the top ten ranked positions / Chermak E, De Donato R, Lensink M, Petta A, Serra L, Scarano V, Cavallo L, Oliva R